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How To Create A Good Landing Page?

DimNiko | How To Create A Good Landing Page?

Read More: How Does Your Landing Page Affect Your Campaigns Performance?

Today I’m gonna share with you some of the main key points you need to bear in mind in order to create a good landing page:

Good offer

Your offer is the most important part and when working on it, remember to stack value. It’s also crucial to have a killer headline together with the offer. A headline is where everything begins — interest, attention, and understanding. It’s what compels a visitor to stay and learn more about what you’re offering, or not.


Once you have decided which offer you’re gonna use, you must add urgency. Urgency is the reason why people buy now and is critical to converting cold traffic. You can do this by adding a stock counter or countdown timer below your CTA. When crafting the button’s copy, use words that drive and inspire your visitors to take a specific action. To create a sense of urgency, it is recommended to employ strong command verbs and words that provoke emotion and a reason for audiences to take advantage of the action.


If you are working on the product page, it is crucial to demonstrate to your potential customers exactly how your product works. From a conversion perspective, this is to let the customer know exactly what they’re buying. 

You also need to showcase the product’s benefits and the potential customers why your product is so good and why they need to buy it. Why do they need your product? What makes it great? Does it solve a problem? How will it help them?


Video reviews, product testimonials, etc, are a huge conversion leverage point. Incentivize user reviews by offering a discount or freebie post-purchase. You can also use all of this UGC for your ads.

Trust Signals

A powerful tool implemented by effective landing pages is trust badges. Trust badges often refer to the logos of well-known brands you’ve worked within the past, certain endorsements and recognitions you’ve received, groups and coalitions you are a member of, etc. They serve as endorsements of your trustworthiness and skill.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your customer should have no questions left to ask once they go through your landing page/sales page. Someone will not buy if they are unsure about something so we want to give them 100% certainty in the product so include a FAQ section that answers all the little detailed questions customers may have.

Contact Us

Adding the phone number and the address will build a little more trust as they know they can call a number for support if needed and that the business has a physical location.

Another great assets are to add the Instagram feed to show more social proof of customers using your products and social media icons linked to the accounts so that the customers can easily share your page or product with their friends.

Keep your Landing Page Simple

Be sure to maintain a clean page with obvious, natural navigation. A good landing page provides all the necessary information needed to encourage visitors to convert, but nothing extra. Too much info can overwhelm visitors, so keep it simple and provide only the essential information that will guide visitors down the funnel.

A/B test to maximize conversion opportunities

Now that your landing page has all the essential elements, it’s time to A/B test the copy, visuals, design, and CTA. Review the performance metrics for each page to know what you can adjust to reach your optimal conversion rate. Don’t forget, though, to only test one landing page element at a time to see which made the difference.

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Marketing Circle: Is Your Business In?

Everything is marketing, and marketing is for every business. We are all a part of a marketing circle consciously or unconsciously. Marketing never stops, it keeps going up and down, creating a circle of opportunities – including both failures and successes. This routine keeps speeding up and slowing down, rotating for every kind of business. 

Read More: Marketing Expenses That Are Worth It

Do you have a marketing plan for your brand? Where does it stand in the marketing circle

Let’s break down the marketing circle in 3 main phases: 

Phase 1: “New Moon”

This is the stage when you launch your brand/project/business and kick off with primary marketing activities, which vary from brand to brand, but mainly cover awareness campaigns. 

We have implemented a dedicated awareness campaign for one of our clients, by launching a set of ads which highlighted their brand story, the benefits and the value of their products. Awareness campaigns also include google ads and SEO to ensure you are at the right place in the matrix of eCommerce. 

Phase 2: “Half Moon”

This is when you have already established your brand, executed some marketing activities, that already bring results your way – engagement and conversion. 

This is the boiling point when we test both prospecting and retargeting campaigns, mixed with email marketing strategies, and social media boosts and activities. Having them corporated all together is the key. Nowadays, all your channels are working in favor of one another. 

Phase 3: “Full Moon”

When your marketing works to the full potential of your business, and you are on the peak reaping the fruits of your efforts. 

Being at this stage, doesn’t mean you settle. You take a breath, do the analyses, check the reports and keep the retargeting activities rolling, which include advertising campaigns, newsletters, and a consistent social media presence. This is also the stage where you can involve influencer marketing and create even more hype about your brand. 

After all these phases, it turns out that you have completed a marketing circle; you have strategically moved from A to Z. But what happens after? 

This may sound strange to you, but the after is the start. The ending is the beginning. You are basically starting over again. You are in the phase of New Moon, again – this time growing your audience, broadening the horizon. You may even implement the same marketing strategies, just with a twist based on the new audience you want to attract. To generate more leads, include contests, quizzes and giveaways in your marketing circle. This is a great way to entertain and engage your audience. 

For the 2nd circle of the 2nd phase, you can create lookalike campaigns that worked well before. And when you reach the 3rd phase, you will again reap the fruits of your efforts. 

You may call this deja vu, we call this marketing circle. There are 2 things that will help you keep this circle going; the 1st one is called consistency, and the 2nd is people – your team, or other professionals, because the human factor is the primary source of any success. 

And if you have reached here, here is a note for you: keep up the work and let the good times roll! 

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What To Ask A Potential Client On A Qualifying Call

DimNiko | What To Ask To A Potential Client On A Qualifying Call

Today I’ve decided to discuss a topic that is a bit outside of the regular topics I usually talk about, but I thought that it could be interesting for anybody who’s considering hiring an agency to run their advertising.

Here at DimNiko, we have a qualifying form that our potential clients must fill out before hopping on a call with us, so we can understand their current performance and strategy and have a better picture of their marketing before jumping on a call with them.

Read More: How To Lower CPA Strategically In Your Account

However, there are certain questions that must be discussed with any potential client in that first call, here are some:

  • What are their main KPIs. This is obvious, right? Well, let me tell you, not every business owner is aware of their own KPIs. Some clients might not know their client’s lifetime, and many other important metrics that will help them make a decision on their target goals.
  • Who’s their target audience. If you have a business you should be well aware of your target persona, what do they like, how they behave, demographics, interests.. The better you know your target audience, the better will be your conversion rate, as you can adjust your advertising based on it.
  • What is your main business goal. The situation in which some companies come to us can differ very much from each other. Some clients are in a great position to start scaling and that’s what they need help with. Others are at a point where they need help to make the campaigns profitable, or they need help with the content.. It is important to be well aware of what your target is when you hire an agency.
  • What is the main obstacle when it comes to reaching that target. If you have a clear picture of what your goal or target is, you should also be able to understand what is stopping you from getting there. If you know this, it will be much easier to fix it and get closer to your goals.

If you have taken on the decision of hiring an agency to run your advertising, it is extremely important to be well aware of where your business is standing at the exact moment, what your current performance is, what are your goals, how do you want to get there and what do you need help with. 

This will make the process so much smoother and faster, and with some professional help, you will be able to reach your goals sooner. 

If you have any questions about any of the above or if you’re interested in working with us to grow your eCommerce brand, find out if we’re the right fit for you!

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Will Social Media Networks Remain Competitive This 2022?

DimNiko Will Social Media Networks Remain Competitive This 2022?

How essential smaller social media networks like TikTok are to remain highly competitive 2022 and how it can complement your Facebook ad performance. 

One thing all media buyers can agree on is that especially with Facebook and Google, we’ve seen a steady and consistent rise in the costs associated with running ads on these big networks. 

Don’t get me wrong, Facebook and Google are essential for acquiring new customers and staying relevant. These platforms have matured to a level that will take years for platforms such as TikTok and Pinterest to reach. But this is why we see a lot of opportunity with these platforms as well. 

Read More: Where to Get Ideas for Your Ad Creatives

So in this piece, I’m going to give you 3 reasons and tips on how to decrease your overall CPM on your Facebook Ads and how you can use platforms such as TikTok to complement these changes. And why these 3 different topics can get you highly competitive for 2022. 

Facebook Ads Timing & Relevance 

Let’s start with some of the essential changes you need to make in order to increase your performance on Facebook. 

Facebook Ads Manager provides you with metrics such as your Quality ranking and Ad Relevance score. When you provide your customers with quality and engaging content on your ads, Facebook will reward you with lower ad costs as it takes a lot less to create engagement on your ads. There are some cases where a conversation can be started on your ad, responding to negative comments, etc. 

How do you do this?

The number one thing to do first, is to test the new ads you are rolling out and understand what type of content really drives engagement on your ads alone. Be it the creative or the copy and test with both until you begin to see strong results. Don’t be afraid to go completely outside of the box as this is basically what you will need to do on TikTok as well and we’ll get to that.

This is also where timing comes into play. The timing is not only just the time of day/week that you are pushing your ads. But the whole mindset and reason why your potential customers should be buying at the exact time they are seeing your ads. Using weight loss supplements as an example; it’s the start of the year, everyone is on holiday and new year’s resolutions are on most people’s minds. 

Here you can create somewhat controversial ads about letting loose and indulging in the holiday spirit and packing on a few extra pounds to create a conversation in the comments by asking a question right before or after your CTA. This has the potential to drive some negative comments, funny reactions, or just a conversation, in general, depending obviously on how well you execute the creatives, and how well you place and target your audiences. This leads me to…

TikTok Audiences vs Facebook Audiences

Here’s where we get into the importance of using both platforms. It is important to understand that TikTok and Facebook are two completely different types of platforms and that people use them for different reasons. You can use this to your advantage by understanding how to use Tiktok. I’m personally not someone that typically uses TikTok but for these exact reasons, I started using it. 

I would rather categorize TikTok more as an entertainment platform, people want to be entertained and if they aren’t, you will see little to zero engagement on both the social media site and advertising side. TikTok has a beautiful algorithm that can work really well if you know how to manipulate it. 

To some it up as short as possible, your content gets shown to a small number of people within a certain circle once you post, if it does well it starts to expand your content to a wider circle of people incrementally to the point where, if it does well, can go super-viral at a rapid rate. You can technically show off your product to millions of people without it costing a cent. 

The same applies to your ads with TikTok. The type of content and the quality and relevance of your ads have a direct impact on your performance, way more than Facebook ads do. This is why you need to understand the type of audiences you are showing your ads to, beyond just the segmented interest targeting. 

The number one “motto” for TikTok ads is: “Don’t make ads, make Tik Toks”. It’s super important that the ads that you are pushing on TikTok are actual Tiktoks. It might sound like a daunting task to undertake, but the payoff can be priceless. The audience base on TikTok is there to look at TikTok and as soon as they smell an ad they will swipe and move on to the next one without thinking twice.  

Using TikTok to compliment your Facebook ads and vise versa

You might be wondering what your Facebook Relevance score has to do with your TikTok ads. 

Since TikTok is cheap to run, the sheer amount of traffic you get in from the platform can actually start cluttering your retargeting audiences which caused a bit of a problem initially. Since TikTok has a much younger audience base, a lot of them still use Instagram for their social media needs which is where all that traffic started diverting to. 

We started seeing a decline in the frequency with our retargeting campaign but also a drop in our click-through rate, engagement, and conversion rate which is why we started investigating the correlation between the two platforms, as this campaign performed well for about a year. 

As we were getting more and more traffic from TikTok, this is where we decided to start implementing creative changes in order to start getting better results. Our Instagram placements started delivering a lot more ads to the platform, and our demographic started balancing out towards a younger audience, mainly on Instagram. 

We started running Instagram and Facebook placements in separate campaigns or separate ad sets within the same campaigns and adjusted budgets accordingly. Essentially running and pushing our TikToks on Instagram and running these ads through mainly stories and reels. Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube basically stole the idea from TikTok by introducing stories, reels, and shorts. 

I believe platforms like TikTok have a ton of potential to run ads, even stand-alone. But the need to diversify your traffic is essential to stay ahead of the game in 2022. And if you are an older veteran of Facebook ads, you know what type of potential lies within these smaller social media platforms. 

It is important to understand and study how your audience and traffic are behaving across all the platforms and your website. The method we implemented above might be as simple as we experienced with this specific brand, and there is still a lot of testing that needs to be done, but from what we can see we are moving in the right direction. 

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Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns – Latest addition to Google Ads

DimNiko | Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns - Latest addition to Google Ads

In November of 2021, Google announced that Performance Max Campaigns would be coming out of beta. It will be rolling out to advertiser accounts worldwide. If you haven’t heard of Performance Max, you’re not alone. I don’t think many people have heard about them. So in this article, I want to overview what performance max campaigns are and how they work.

First, I want to talk about what performance max campaigns are?

A Performance Max campaign allows businesses to buy and optimize ads across YouTube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Google Maps.

Read More: Facebook Ad and Google Ads Work Better Together!

Businesses utilizing this campaign can promote themselves across all Google Ads inventory, leading to more customers and conversions.

Performance Max helps you achieve your goals in four main ways:

  • Increasing conversions and value: Capitalize on conversion opportunities in real-time with automated bid adjustments.
  • Finding new customers: Google’s real-time understanding of user intent, behavior, and context can help you target new audience segments with more relevant ads.
  • Gaining richer insights: The Insights page now includes data on Performance Max campaigns.
  • Working together with automation: Drive better results by providing high-quality creative assets and information about which audiences are likely to convert.

As we can see in this picture above, that shows a couple of people engaging with several different things and different icons. I think the best layout for us advertisers is probably down here. I’ll make this is a little bit bigger so you guys can see it better but. Performance max campaigns are a single campaign type that lets you reach your customers across all of these six different platforms that you see right here:

  1. Youtube
  2. Display
  3. Search
  4. Discover
  5. Gmail
  6. Maps

To reach people across all these different networks, you would have to create at least:

  • One video campaign
  • One display campaign
  • One search campaign
  • Discover campaign

To get in all these different placements performances, max rolls all of those into one so that you can reach people across all the networks without having to create all of those other campaigns.

To create a Performance max campaign, we suggest making the following :

  1. Images, at least 5 are needed with Square and Landscape versions
  2. Brand Logo, 2 versions (Square & Landscape)
  3. Video Creatives, Youtube Video URL on your Youtube Channel.
  4. Headlines, 5 variations with up to 30 characters.
  5. Long Headlines, 5 variations up to 90 characters.
  6. Descriptions, 1 with up to 60 characters and 4 variations up to 90 characters.

We will share with you now an example of a performance max campaign that we made in Dec,  

As you can see, this is the result of a campaign for only two weeks, which ended up with 3.17 ROAS. There are big chances to improve and optimize in the following weeks, but as starting campaigns, this result of ROAS is fantastic.

If you want us to run your campaigns for the best ROAS, book a call with us here 


Let’s see if we’re the right fit.

Let us know what works best for you at this point.

Have a wonderful day,


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Dabbling in Lead Generation as an eCommerce Agency

DimNiko | Lead Gen

Running Ads for financial companies is challenging; it requires a different approach, extra accuracy and a limited vocabulary. 

We faced this challenge when we started working for a car loan company. When we were considering their content, we knew right from the start that the eCom perspective of content marketing was not that applicable here. If you are running a financial company and feel concerned about your company’s growth, please make sure to have all your eyes on this case study. 

First things first, we “absorbed” the information we got from the company; who they are, what they offer, what are their values, what makes them stand out from the competitors etc. 

We have also made the competitor analyses to stay aligned with the game. 


We have dedicated the first round of creatives to show who they are, their services, the benefits of their services and attention here, please! What their customers have to say about them. 

The testimonials we got from the customers were essential; most of them were extremely happy with their services. We already know we will win in the retargeting, because if your customers are happy about your service, they will come back to you. At the end of the day, you want to have returning customers, simply because you can always bet on loyalty. 


We continued building trust among the customers, we’ve added more creatives with reviews. As we have mentioned above, a financial service is not like selling an ice-cream, when a few delicious visuals can make up 50% of the work. Here we wanted people, especially the ones on the prospecting level, to gain trust and confidence on the car loans offered by our client.  


We started getting into more details, like opening the windows to get the light in. We targeted best selling cars and their offers so that the interested customers get a tangible feeling of the offered services. People like to see what’s exactly in the box, no matter how beautiful the box is, you are still going to tear the paper and see what’s inside. And here is no exception. 


We continued the same strategy, plus added the curiosity factor – problems versus solutions. This is an everlasting formula, when you relate to a problem a consumer might have experienced, and after you offer your solution in the form of a service or product. Yes, this formula has been used many times, but it’s still working. This way, we were able to build up the growth strategy for the client. 


When we overall could show the brand from different perspectives, we have decided to move on with seasonal themes; holidays are amazing opportunities to get the attention of the consumers and freshen up the content with some entertaining word play. Remember staying aligned with the game? Yes, this is no exception. 


This period was ahead of the new year, so our main focus was getting a new car for the new year. Because every 5th person on this planet will tell you about the “New Year, New Me”, and since getting a new you is a hell of work, better get a new car and get some new feelings inside of it. Also, please, note that during these months we never stopped the best performing ads and kept running them for months, because they were and are working! 

After a successful and steady 6 months, and with the start of the New Year, we’ve made an evaluating brainstorming session with the team and decided to get back to basics. We decided to target all the best performing visuals and copies. We’ve made up lookalike creatives and push them again from a different perspective and wording. Almost like when fashion designers pick a style that was trending back in the days and twist it with a new texture or modeling. 

We call this a marketing circle, when you keep the wheel going and keep getting to the same points, but already with a different baggage, experience and value. This strategy worked for our client, but it’s no guarantee that it will work out for the other. Still, you can implement it, or ask the professionals to get a customized strategy for your business. 

If you’re a lead generation / service based business looking for an agency who specializes in online advertising. DimNiko Agency is always happy ot help your company strive.

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Metaverse in eCommerce. What to expect?

DimNiko | Metaverse in eCommerce. What to expect?

While the plot of the Metaverse is written and still in the process of production, we’ve already seen some episodes of this virtual movie. The question is how is it going to impact the tangible world of eCommerce? Let’s break it down! 

Okay, don’t hold your breath; if you can sell in real life, you can do it virtually as well. The transition takes time, work, and patience.  

Read More: Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

It’s been said that the Metaverse will “be a fully functioning economy”. It’s a fascinating prospect for anyone already engaged in eCommerce, as more than meaning another channel in which to sell physical products (and we all know how important it is to be omnichannel), it could also mean selling new products in the metaverse. You’ve bought a Ferrari, why not also buy a Ferrari NFT for your avatar to drive in the metaverse?

This is why some brands have taken the step of building something entirely new; integrated, dynamic digital stores which bring together the best parts of online and offline.

Virtual shopping has transformed eCommerce from static product catalogs into real-time experiences that enable consumers to ‘walk’ around a store, enjoying 3D-rendered store displays powered by AR and VR technology. 

Conclusion: Keep an eye on the meta world to know how to adjust your sails whenever your time comes. 

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Building A Community Has To Be Your Number One Priority For 2022

DimNiko | Built Community Has To Be Your Number One Priority For 2022

If you want to scale your brand this year, your priority should be to build a long-term and faithful community.

When you build a community, you are making sense of belonging. It is a place where your followers/customers feel part of a group representing them as a brand.

We have to understand that consumers buy the product by itself. They also buy the brand’s values that repel them and make them feel proud to be part of.

Read More: Engage Your Customers – Don’t Let Them Go

Generating trust, closeness, and valuable content are some of the keys to growing a community.

Six ways to build community:

  1. Organize webinars or live videos on social media

Creating webinars or live videos through social media is the most direct way to connect with the audience. It’s the perfect opportunity to show the insides of the company and who is behind the brand. Also is a great chance to know about your audience and what they demand.

  1. Build powerful social networks

There is no more room for empty content. Social networks need to be taken as daily work for any eCommerce. Showing the brand’s natural and honest face should be a priority.

  1. Provide the best possible service

Offer all the tools to the consumer to feel comfortable and safe when buying.

  1. Strong Email Marketing

Email can be an effective way to communicate, especially when you have an existing relationship with the recipient. The content you send via email to your customers needs to be relevant and precise.

  1. Create a blog with valuable content

Even if you have an eCommerce store, you can create a blog within the website. Write about different topics related to the product.

  1. Create conversion campaigns through Facebook Ads

A well-defined funnel and a well-implemented strategy generate sales. They keep customers by providing good service.

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Online Marketing Trends We Need To Be Aware Of In 2022

DimNiko | Online Marketing Trends We Need To Be Aware Of In 2022

Online marketers felt the effect of the changes implemented by different platforms due to the policy restrictions introduced by Apple’s iOS14 update.

So let’s discuss how we need to adapt to these changes and what to be aware of in 2022.

It is a must to understand that we should forget about built-up tracking.

Read More: Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

1. We can be using UTM parameters and more known tracking software, but none of them will have 100% accuracy.

And that’s not the only reason why tracking is getting so difficult nowadays. The actual reasons are the consumers.

They are getting used to ads popping up in their feed. They can understand when and why they’re seeing this ad. They even understand the meaning of the word retargeting.

Market sophistication is a significant trend we need to consider in 2022. 

2. How to cope with it? The answer is straightforward – Creatives!

Your content needs to grab attention! It needs to be stylish, fresh, and interesting.

We are already working in an era of AIs, and the strength of the algorithms is only developing and improving. So the primary focus should be your creativity. 

3. Another significant trend we need to follow is building brand awareness.

Users can now differentiate an online store created a day ago from a store that represents a well-established brand.

Since tracking isn’t accurate anymore, we need to be looking at online marketing as a whole. All the efforts that we apply to different platforms should be calculated together. 

As the market sophistication is very high, we need to be looking for more and more marketing approaches. 

And it is a must to understand that users don’t convert from seeing an ad on one platform anymore.

The best user experience would be seeing an ad for your product on Facebook, followed by a different kind of ad in Tik Tok. Retarget it by another type of ad on YouTube. Follow it by another retargeting ad on Pinterest. These efforts will make the user Google your brand and be exposed to a Search Google ad. 

And believe it or not but this is how 2022 will look like.