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Online Marketing Trends We Need To Be Aware Of In 2022

DimNiko | Online Marketing Trends We Need To Be Aware Of In 2022

Online marketers felt the effect of the changes implemented by different platforms due to the policy restrictions introduced by Apple’s iOS14 update.

So let’s discuss how we need to adapt to these changes and what to be aware of in 2022.

It is a must to understand that we should forget about built-up tracking.

Read More: Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

1. We can be using UTM parameters and more known tracking software, but none of them will have 100% accuracy.

And that’s not the only reason why tracking is getting so difficult nowadays. The actual reasons are the consumers.

They are getting used to ads popping up in their feed. They can understand when and why they’re seeing this ad. They even understand the meaning of the word retargeting.

Market sophistication is a significant trend we need to consider in 2022. 

2. How to cope with it? The answer is straightforward – Creatives!

Your content needs to grab attention! It needs to be stylish, fresh, and interesting.

We are already working in an era of AIs, and the strength of the algorithms is only developing and improving. So the primary focus should be your creativity. 

3. Another significant trend we need to follow is building brand awareness.

Users can now differentiate an online store created a day ago from a store that represents a well-established brand.

Since tracking isn’t accurate anymore, we need to be looking at online marketing as a whole. All the efforts that we apply to different platforms should be calculated together. 

As the market sophistication is very high, we need to be looking for more and more marketing approaches. 

And it is a must to understand that users don’t convert from seeing an ad on one platform anymore.

The best user experience would be seeing an ad for your product on Facebook, followed by a different kind of ad in Tik Tok. Retarget it by another type of ad on YouTube. Follow it by another retargeting ad on Pinterest. These efforts will make the user Google your brand and be exposed to a Search Google ad. 

And believe it or not but this is how 2022 will look like. 

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Increase MOF Audience For Better Retargeting During BFCM

DimNiko | Increase MOF Audience For Better Retargeting During BFCM

As we all know the key to having a profitable Black Friday weekend is building up valuable audiences in advance!

There are many different ways to do this. We’ve discussed some in previous posts and podcasts, but today, I’m going to talk about another smart approach. 

Let’s say we’re selling books. Different genres, different authors, different languages. 

Read More: Are You Utilizing the Full Extent of Catalog Display and Retargeting Options Post iOS14?

Buying a book is a very intentional purchase. People are usually looking for a specific title or casually browsing (think wandering around a bookstore) trying to find something to spark their interest. And, of course, they’re great presents to consider for the holidays. 

The question is: how to engage with the audience and make them warm for future purchases. 

Currently, we’re facing these exact issues with one of our clients. 

The strategy we’ve found to work best is this:

We started to create different types of posts that raise questions to spark interest in their audience. 

For example: Who’s your favorite author? What’s your favorite genre? How many books have you read this year? What was the last book you’ve read? And so on…

In order to get more engagement on these posts, we added them to a campaign optimized for page post engagement.

The audience is very broad since everybody might be reading books so no specific demographics are needed.

By running this campaign we initiate discussions. 

People might be even talking to each other if they find other fans of their favorite author or genre. They might be exchanging titles of their favorite books with each other. 

We’re trying to initiate a small book club in our comments. 

It’s important to understand that this campaign is not optimized for conversions, so most likely you won’t be getting any purchases. But it’s definitely not a reason to switch it off.

The purpose of this campaign is to build the right audience for retargeting.

These people are definitely interested in books if they’re taking the time to answer the questions. They might not be ready to purchase right now because they don’t need a new book, but they might return to your store when you show them a nice offer. 

And you’re going to show them a nice offer on the Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend by retargeting this audience in your Middle of Funnel Campaign – which is based on the Facebook or Instagram engagers.

This audience might also be a very good core audience for building lookalikes. This is even better than targeting specific interests because we know that these people already have books as their interests.


It’s very important to constantly monitor the comments under the posts in order to understand the intentions of the users. Let’s say your question is «How many books have you read this year?» And all the answers are: «None», «Hate books», «Never opened one», «This year was awful enough, books would’ve made it worse» and so on. 

Obviously, this is not the perfect audience to retarget, the engagement might be high but these people will never change their mind and won’t purchase a book even if you show them the best sale ever.

In this case, I would recommend deleting this post from the campaign and focusing on those which have more relevant answers.

This tactic might obviously work for absolutely different products. The key is finding the correct questions or topics that can initiate the correct discussions.

In other words good luck in building up your audiences before BFCM and Christmas!

If you’d like to know more about the tactics we’re using in the agency in order to acquire new users.

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Single Product Advertising vs Multiple Product Advertising

DimNiko Agency | Single Product Advertising vs Multiple Product Advertising

Today I’d like to discuss the pros and cons of single and multi-product advertising.

This post is obviously highly recommended for business owners who have multiple products in their shops but can also help entrepreneurs who are looking forward to expanding their product line.

We have several clients with multiple products in the shop and I am going to share the best strategies we’ve developed from them.

Read More: How Often Should I Change My Product Offers?

Whenever we start working with multiple product brands, we analyze the backend data in order to understand the best-performing product.

Afterward, we go through the ad account and search for the campaigns sending traffic to this product.

Only after confirming the best performing product with the client (sometimes clients have different perspectives on this question) do we analyze the strategy the client has been using for advertising this product and put together ideas for our strategy.

So why do we usually start with 1 product?

This is the most efficient way to build a sustainable base in the ad account.

Why? Because you have an opportunity to clearly test your media buying strategies since you know that the product shouldn’t be an issue since it proved to be the best performing.

You can obviously use catalog sales for the retargeting traffic but start pushing prospecting traffic just for this top product.

Another advantage of this type of testing is very accurate and conservative budget testing.

Since you’re not spreading the budget across all the multiple products, your testing budget can be quite conservative. 

So this is the best moment for testing audiences (interests, lookalikes), different GEOs, budget, bid, and other types of campaign settings.

While you’re looking for the winning combinations, you should also be testing different types of creatives and creative angles.

As I said, all of these tests will help you depict a clear winning strategy. In the end, you will know which audiences work best for the business and which type of creatives resonate with your audience.

Once you have stable campaigns which bring enough revenue for you to start scaling them, you can proceed with product testing.

Use the findings that you got from the previous tests and start going through the products.

Test 1 product at a time. If the campaigns are not performing well, the main conclusion will be that this specific product is not worth advertising.

After several rounds of testing, you will define a list of best-performing products and will be able to advertise them successfully and profitably.

Another tip you can use after you have this list is creating bundles based on the best-selling products – this will increase your average order value and will help you continue scaling your campaigns.

You can also use upsells for promoting the top products and again increasing the AOV.

We find these procedures much more effective than testing multiple products at a time. The main reason is that you’ll never know whether the product is not performing or your media buying strategies don’t apply to this account and this brand.

So my main piece of advice will be – ALWAYS TEST SMARTLY =)

If you want to know more about our smart testing,

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3 Ways to Increase Your Average Order Value with NO Additional Backend Costs

DimNiko Marketing | 3 Ways To Increase Your Average Order Value With No Additional Backend Costs


Today, I’m going to discuss how we help our clients increase the average order value without increasing the actual product cost. 

And, no, I’m not talking about bundles or traditional cross / up-selling. 

To start, let’s discuss the client:

This brand works within the baby niche selling products that help parents / grandparents cure their infants easily. 

It’s quite popular in Australia and the products are displayed in many local pharmacies across the country. 

Read More: A Simple But Powerful Strategy to Make Your Products More Profitable


We started with them 3 months ago. 

And, after a massive testing process, we understood the main issue with the ad account was not the actual campaign setup or creatives – it’s the average order value. 

Most of the campaigns were profitable throughout the testing periods, but not profitable enough to hit the desirable KPIs. 

Meaning, we needed to make changes to the offers on the website with a little disclaimer. 

The change worked! And, we managed to increase the AOV bringing in a higher ROAS on our campaigns across the board. 


Firstly, we suggested the client change the Free Shipping Offer… 

Now before you jump the gun, let me explain. 

The main product we’re focusing on costs $79.96, but the free shipping started for orders over $200. 

Obviously, this did not encourage people to order more products. 

Ideally, we would decrease the minimum order for free shipping to $100. 

This would mean the customer needs to purchase only $21 more in order to receive free shipping. 

The client didn’t want to go that low because of internal shipping and packaging costs, so we agreed to move it to $150. 

This encourages customers to buy 2 products and get free shipping. And, as previously mentioned – it worked! 

We are seeing massive increases in the amount of customers purchasing 2 products instead of 1. 


Our client was giving away 1 cheap product with each order. 

This offer was called a V.I.P. offer but didn’t actually make much sense. Because the giveaway product was of good quality and it was a pity just to give it away for free with each order.

So we suggested making it an actual V.I.P. offer and give it away to those customers who spent over $90 on the website.

Why $90? The logic behind this number is the same as with the Free Shipping offer. 

The customer has to spend just $11 more and gets a free gift. 

Who can say no to this combination? As we see now – most of the customers can’t, so again IT WORKED.


Since the product is electronic, it comes with a 1-year guarantee. Based on historical data, there were just a few cases of the product return so almost nobody actually used the guarantee.

Our suggestion was to add an extended guarantee for the second year for $9.99. 

If the product is safe and doesn’t break often, this extended guarantee doesn’t cost the business anything but increases the AOV by almost $10 and gives more reassurance to the customers that the brand is responsible for their products.

And once again based on the current results we can see that this suggestion WORKED as well. There is a big percentage of customers who are choosing a 2-year guarantee instead of 1.

If you’re looking for new ways to switch up your offer and boost your AOV, try out the methods above and let us know if you saw an increase in your results! 

Or if you want to hear a bit more about how we can help you just like this client… 

Book a call to discuss how we can work together 

Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

EPOCH Facebook Community

A Facebook community for top-level marketers to discuss and share hyper-advanced online marketing strategies. Network and learn from the best in the industry.

Daily Scale Newsletter

The Daily Scale newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox discussing top insights and strategies our agency uses every single day on our 7 figure DTC brands. 


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How Often Should I Change My Product Offers?

DimNiko Marketing | Changing Product Offers

Hello there! Maryana from DimNiko here.

Last month we hosted a couple of Clubhouse events discussing our experience, tips, and tricks working with our clients. 

Follow @dim.niko on Clubhouse to be the first to know when we’re scheduling a new event.

Read more: How to “Create” a Problem Solving Angle When Your Product Doesn’t Solve a Problem?

There were a couple of questions asked from the audience, I decided to write a post with more detailed answers. 

If these questions are interesting for some, it could also be for others.

So let’s start with the question in the title.

How Often Should I Be Changing My Offer?

In DimNiko, we usually recommend our clients to change an offer once in 2-3 months. 

Every 2-3 months, our media buyers analyze the current offers and come up with suggestions on what can be changed. 

We’ve recently seen huge success when one of our clients implemented our advice. 

We suggested the client change from $52 to $49.99 and it made a huge difference in sales. 

We split tested the price which gave 50% traffic to the current offer and 50% to the new one. We saw results on the second day and the new offer was already knocking it out of the water. 

It is a simple psychological rule of offline marketing, but the magic .99 pricing point works great with online marketing as well. 

The psychology of the customers isn’t changing much when they step out of offline marketing and enter the online world. 

So there are a lot of tricks we can adapt.

We don’t even need to change the offer, rather name it differently or present it under a new sauce.

Here is a scenario, an ad were running with the same headline for 1 month that says “Special March offer”. 

We changed it to “Special April offer” to show the customers the offer is up to date and always changing… even if it’s not. 

Of course, we recommend updating the website and ads for Holiday related offers as well. 

Additional discounts are welcome, but if your business can’t afford it, it doesn’t need to be an actual sale discount.

You can just update the videos with Holiday elements and present them as a Holiday offer. 

The next question we had from Clubhouse was:

What Kind Of Creatives Are We Using For Our Clients In The Beauty Sphere?

Even though the question was very specific we can broaden it to many e-commerce spheres. 

Most of our successful creatives are based on bringing additional value to the customers. 

It could be one of the following:

  • “How to” tutorials
  • User-generated content showing the exact results the product can produce
  • User experience
  • Technical guide for purchasing the products

Of course, we’re constantly testing images VS videos, short videos VS long videos, different formats, and catalogs VS instant experience.

The results differ from client to client but the main rules we usually follow are:

  1. Showing the brand in the first 3 seconds makes your brand recognizable which helps build your community. It can also improve the performance of the retargeting and retention campaigns.
  2. Using more space of Facebook’s inventory (which means creating more square videos and even 3×4). And we also recommend uploading specific content per ad placement. 
  3. User-Generated Content is key! You can add testimonials to your content or actual customer reviews – all this increases the click-through and conversion rates. 

And the last but not the least was the following question:

Is It Important To Build Up A Community And How Does It Influence Paid Advertising?

Let’s take our client in the beauty industry as an example. He has a huge community on Facebook with thousands of followers.

A lot of attention is given to their social media. They initiate different contests, give valuable information, and of course promotions!

So our goal with paid advertising is to bring in first-time customers. During some low seasons, customers were acquired at a breakeven point. The client is unprofitable on the front end but then these customers enter the community.

The quality of information made the customer feels they belong. This makes them returning customer with no additional costs on the backend. 

When they launch promotions in the group, a big part of the sales are coming from returning customers. It helps a lot in increasing the average order value and it pays for the unprofitability of acquiring new customers.

Creating a community is a very valuable addition to paid advertising. And we highly recommend our clients to work on building brand awareness and customer loyalty.

If you want to know answers to other question we face in our daily work,

Book a call here:


Maryana from DimNiko

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Best Practices: Introducing New Ads to Your Campaigns

DimNiko | Tips From a FB Rep

Is it better to add new ads to existing campaigns? But then the campaign goes back to the learning phase.

Is it better to create a new campaign for testing creatives? But then the best performing audiences can overlap and it will be difficult to scale.

I think all of you have these questions and answers in mind when thinking about introducing new ads to a stable campaign structure.

I recently had a very interesting discussion with a Facebook representative on this matter and would like to share my findings with you.

Of course I won’t give you a strict guideline of testing new creatives because every account differs but I will share with you the information I got from Facebook which helps me understand the algorithm a bit better. 

There will also be a very interesting tip on how to restart a learning for a specific video – so stay tuned!

How to Add a New Creative Into An Existing Campaign

Let’s say we have 1 top performing prospecting campaign with 5 different ads inside. Each ad has the same video and 5 different copies.

But at some point we see that the CTR starts to die and we want to refresh the ads with new videos. We don’t want to turn all of the old ads off since we don’t know the results of the new videos.

But if we just create new ads in the same campaign there’s a big chance that the new ads won’t start spending since the old ads have more engagement and the algorithm already learnt a lot about the ad.

So why does this happen?

Whenever you add a new video, Facebook identifies it is a specific creative. So, for example, if you’re using this video in different ads and even different campaigns, the algorithm consolidates all the learning around this video together.

And when you add an absolutely new video, Facebook doesn’t know anything about it so it prefers to spend the budget on the familiar video already.

So the first tip I got from the Facebook representative was to create a small testing campaign with the new video. This way the algorithm will start the learning process and gather more information about this specific new video.

After several days you will be able to introduce this new video to the existing campaign. And since Facebook will already be familiar with this video, it will start separating the traffic between the videos.

Read More: 5 Best Practices for Ecommerce Facebook Ad Creatives

How to Split Test an Old Creative Vs. New Creative

Let’s imagine another situation. You’ve been running the same campaign for weeks but now you would like to create a new campaign with different targeting (let’s say targeting another GEO) and you would like to introduce the old video together with the new video in the campaign.

Whenever you upload both of them, though they are new ads, still the algorithm starts sending much more traffic to the old video.

How can we avoid this? This tip really helped me a lot.

You need to change the thumbnail of the old video! 

Whenever you change the thumbnail, Facebook starts looking at this video as an absolutely new video.

Read More: What Creative Works Best In In-stream Video Ad Placement?

So if you want to create an A/B test with an old and a new video from scratch, just change the thumbnail of the old video and both of them will have the same chances to compete.

I found this information really interesting and helpful. 

To sum up when you’re planning a creative testing, think carefully whether in this specific test you want the Facebook algorithm to work based on the previous knowledge or not. Now you also know how to trick it and start the learning from scratch. 

If you want to know about other strategies we’re using while testing

Book a call below:


Maryana from DimNiko

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Case Study: Why You Need to Be On the Same Page As Your Client

DimNiko | Strategy

We recently started working with a new client from the Fitness niche. He is the face of the brand and is selling online courses to a very specific audience: 30-50 years old men with children, interested in motorcycles and cars, from the working class, who are looking for a way to make their lives healthier and their bodies better looking.

Our Original Strategy

The client has spent a lot of time structuring the funnel flow and right now it looks ideal to him. He is driving the future customers into a survey where they answer all the main questions about their lifestyle but the main dealbreaker is the question: “How much money are you willing to spend on your fitness program each month?”

And based on the amount the client either sends them to a page with a selection of low priced programs (from $40 to $60) or sends them to a high ticket lead page. The future customer leaves all the details and waits for a call from the sales man who ideally closes the lead for a high priced individual program (from $1200 to $2800).

When we onboarded this client this is how the Top of the Funnel flow looked like. The main obstacle we were facing is taking under consideration the revenue coming from the high ticket leads. Since it is a whole process, we wouldn’t see the revenue coming from high ticket leads straight away in Ads Manager so it was very difficult to optimize the campaigns. 

But since the client told us that the closure rate is quite high we continued pushing the TOF campaigns based on the amount of high ticket leads that we were getting since the revenue coming from these individual programs is much higher than the revenue coming from the cheap programs.

For the retargeting traffic though we were driving customers only to the low ticket programs since ideally the leads would be closed on the phone. And we saw that both Middle and Bottom of Funnel were performing quite well but we couldn’t start scaling them because there was not enough audience in the Top of the Funnel for the low priced programs.

Getting On the Same Foot

The client wasn’t that satisfied with the performance of the Top of the Funnel traffic so we hopped on a call with him to discuss our steps moving forward.

Our main point was that we were getting a decent amount of high ticket leads through our Top of Funnel traffic which ideally would be the main percentage of the revenue so it made total sense from our side to continue pushing the survey and getting more and more leads.

But the client told us that his main goal is to increase the amount of low priced programs sold and ideally exclude the high ticket leads at all because the main goal of the business is to get passive income without having to deal with calls, sales and so on.

Of course in terms of revenue at the moment this approach doesn’t make much sense but it is very important sometimes to look at the business from your client’s point of view and start adjusting your campaigns not just in order to increase the profitability right now but to reach much bigger goals in the future.

Building The New Strategy

So we started working on an absolutely different strategy and flow for the customers. We decided to separate the low priced programs from the survey and create additional landing pages for them with an option to purchase the programs straight away. 

We don’t have any results yet but based on the results we’re getting for the retargeting traffic I’m sure we will manage to improve the prospecting traffic this way as well. 

We have 5 different programs that can be considered as 5 different products so the variety of audiences and ads that can be set up is enormous which will make it much easier to optimize and scale.

Since there is no product cost for the low priced programs, our breakeven point is a ROAS of 1.0. We can start scaling if we’re over this point and there are no actual limits because there can be no stock issues or shipping fees. 

And this path will make the client more satisfied than focusing on the high ticket leads and will grow his business much faster because this product is much more scalable.

But the key takeaway from this case study is that it’s much more important to listen to your clients needs because maybe from a media buying perspective it’s much more efficient to advertise one product but from the business owner point of view another.  

If you want to start working with an agency that actually listens to your needs

Book a call below:


Maryana from DimNiko

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Why You Need to Start Using UnBoxing Videos to Increase Your Ad Performance

DimNiko | Unboxing Video

We all know that Facebook is tending to more consolidated audiences targeting broad or almost broad. And the main focus of the marketers shifted from finding specific niches to finding the best creative angles.

The Facebook algorithm can find the best audience for you but it can’t help you with the creatives obviously haha. And since Facebook users are so much disposed to ads every day, your offer should look like something outstanding.

That’s why I would like to discuss one type of videos that is rarely used by marketers but can improve the performance significantly.

Unboxing Videos!

Imagine you’re waiting for your parcel to be delivered or you just bought a new product in a shop. Or your friends are bringing presents to your birthday party!

And what’s the most exciting part?? Opening the box! 

So ideally you want to share this amazing experience with your future customers.

Think about the fact that they have never seen your product in real life, they can’t touch it, they don’t know what’s coming in the box. And of course everyone hesitates once in a while about the quality of the product.

So the main idea of your unboxing video is building trust for your business and your product specifically.

Besides generating trust you help the customer feel what it’s like to purchase your product which increases the chances of an actual purchase.

I think at this point it’s quite obvious why you should be using unboxing videos so let’s talk about the best practices:

1. The Video Should Look Natural

This means that it should be shot in a natural spot where the customer will be unpacking the box himself. For example, on the kitchen table or near the entrance to the house or outside in the yard and so on.

2. Choose a Nice Background, Nice Music, Nice Lights.

In other words make your customer feel cozy.

3. Start with Exposing Your Brand.

A brand which is exposed in the first 3-5 seconds sticks to a customer’s memory for a long time. In case of unboxing videos put a sticker with your brand on the package.

4. Properly Edit the Video to Make it Look More Dynamic.

Use jump cuts and speed changes so the video looks dynamic. Show the whole process of unboxing from A to Z but don’t forget to edit the results so the video doesn’t look boring and isn’t too long.

You should find the golden middle so you can present the product in all the details but you should still remember that it’s an ad at the end of the day.

5. Use Love to Sell Your Product

This is the last but not the least important advice. Present your product with love so the customer will want to get this piece of love when they choose your shop.

Of course unboxing videos require a lot of work from the production team but trust me it’s worth it!

If you want to get more insights about the creatives we’re using

Book a call below:

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Why Facebook Shops Are A Major Game Changer for Ecommerce Stores?

DimNiko | Facebook Shops

Facebook Shops were introduced just a couple of months ago but it already seems that this new platform is going to be the game changer of ecommerce advertising!

This feature helps you set up an online shop right on your Facebook or Instagram page! The customer doesn’t have to visit your website and can purchase your product right from the platform. This decreases the time the customer spends on the purchase which increases the conversion rate significantly.

Not all of the accounts are eligible for advertising through Facebook shops yet but we got a chance to test it out.

Setting Up Facebook Shops

In order to set up the ecommerce Facebook shop you will have to set up a product catalog via Commerce Manager. You can set it up manually, based on the data feed, or using the Facebook pixel. If you have more than 50 products, it is recommended to use the data feed or  pixel instead of uploading all the products one by one. But if you’re uploading the products manually, the process is very easy.

You upload a specific product, add an image, description, price and you’re good to go! There are other fields that can be filled in but they are optional so this is just your decision if you want to make the catalog look more interesting or not.

After your catalog is ready you can go ahead and set up a new Facebook Shop campaign. 

Setting Up a Facebook Shop Campaign

The process is similar to setting up a regular website conversion campaign. But instead of choosing website as the conversion event location you will get the option to choose Shops. There are also different options for setting up the ads for Facebook Shops.

You can be using single images or videos in addition to collection and catalogs. All of them will be leading to a Facebook shop using the checkout set on the platform. 

Read More: 3 Must Use Facebook Ad Strategies for Ecommerce Businesses

Benefits to Commerce Manager and Facebook Shops

So let’s circle back to the main benefits of Commerce Manager and why Facebook Shops are actually the next Game Changer!

First of all, by using the secure Facebook checkout, you’re offering your customers a quick and easy way to purchase your products and improving their shopping experience.

Secondly, it is a very convenient way to track your products because everything is synchronized in the catalog where you can see all your past and pending sales.

Third advantage of the Facebook Shops is that you can create financial reports which will help your bookkeeping and organising your cash flow.

And the last but not the least is getting customer insights from Commerce Manager. 

The platform provides you with actionable recommendations for your business. There are definitely other very valuable features in Facebook Shops.

All of them are going to change Facebook advertising in the ecommerce sphere! So we highly recommend testing Commerce Manager and all the tools which will help you manage your business across Facebook and Instagram.

If you’re spending over $500 per day and want to get more tips about running your Facebook ads

Book a call below:


Maryana from DimNiko 🙂

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The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication

DimNiko - Two Factor Authentication

Recently one of our personal ad accounts has been restricted from advertising. If this has ever happened to you before then you know how frustrating it can be. You’re trying to upload a new campaign but it continues showing an error. And when you’re hovering over the error, it shows that your personal advertising access has been restricted. A real bummer when this is what you do for living.

But We Finally Found The Reason For Such Blocks!

I contacted Facebook support and they sent me the regular form for appealing your personal account. The form consists of reasons why you think you should get your account back. There are a couple of points which you can choose or you can explain in your own words why you think you should get your personal account back. I filled in that form but an error popped out that the account wasn’t actually restricted. For further information it was recommended to visit the Account Quality page.

And the solution was there! It occurred that the actual solution for this restriction was enabling the two-factor authentication. Which I immediately did and got that personal account back.

Since I was still chatting with Facebook I continued investigating why these kinds of things could happen. And the main reason occurred to be working from different Business managers at the same time. When you’re doing that, Facebook can flag your activity and consider it as a robot or spam.

Read More: The Impact Of COVID-19 And How Consumer Behaviour Is Still Changing

How Does The Two-Factor Authentication Save You From That?

After you enable this feature, Facebook starts asking you for additional ways of verification when entering your account from different browsers which makes the process more legit.

You will also get alerts when somebody tries to access your account from another device which makes it easier to exclude stealing it.

So How Do You Turn It On? Copying An Instructions From a Facebook representative:

  1. Go to your Security and Login Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Use two-factor authentication and click Edit.
  3. Choose the security method you want to add and follow the on-screen instructions.

When you set up two-factor authentication on Facebook, you’ll be asked to choose one of two security methods:

This will make it much more easy for you to switch between accounts, business managers, browsers and devices without worrying about getting restricted!

If you want to know other tricks and tips we use for protecting our accounts

Book a call below:
