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Revamping Your Lead Generation Marketing Strategy

Revamping Your Lead Generation Marketing Strategy | DimNiko Agency

Do you feel stuck with your Lead Generation Strategy? Everything has a season. It’s not always summer but if you take some measures, you can make it feel summerish. Here are 3 ways to revamp your lead generation marketing strategy and make it hotter. 

Revamp your video marketing

Video-based content, such as webinars, live demos, streams, and result-driven informational videos on websites and social networks continue to perform well. The driving force behind this trend is consumers who prefer watching video-based content rather than reading text. Also, in a new marketing ecosystem where more people work remotely, they have more time and freedom during the day to watch videos on the internet.

Partner with social media influencers

Today, more brands are looking to influencers as a part of their lead generation marketing strategy. Fundamentally, influencers are individuals, brands, or digital entities who possess a higher level of authority in the niche a company is trying to reach. While they largely operate on social media, influencers come with different approaches of marketing to their audiences.

Create hard-hitting lead magnets

Share your detailed, real-world experience in the format of:

  • In-depth guides
  • Comprehensive how-tos
  • Detailed case studies
  • Resource libraries etc. 

These methods do not guarantee leads, but they are worth trying.

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Marketing Circle: Is Your Business In?

Everything is marketing, and marketing is for every business. We are all a part of a marketing circle consciously or unconsciously. Marketing never stops, it keeps going up and down, creating a circle of opportunities – including both failures and successes. This routine keeps speeding up and slowing down, rotating for every kind of business. 

Read More: Marketing Expenses That Are Worth It

Do you have a marketing plan for your brand? Where does it stand in the marketing circle

Let’s break down the marketing circle in 3 main phases: 

Phase 1: “New Moon”

This is the stage when you launch your brand/project/business and kick off with primary marketing activities, which vary from brand to brand, but mainly cover awareness campaigns. 

We have implemented a dedicated awareness campaign for one of our clients, by launching a set of ads which highlighted their brand story, the benefits and the value of their products. Awareness campaigns also include google ads and SEO to ensure you are at the right place in the matrix of eCommerce. 

Phase 2: “Half Moon”

This is when you have already established your brand, executed some marketing activities, that already bring results your way – engagement and conversion. 

This is the boiling point when we test both prospecting and retargeting campaigns, mixed with email marketing strategies, and social media boosts and activities. Having them corporated all together is the key. Nowadays, all your channels are working in favor of one another. 

Phase 3: “Full Moon”

When your marketing works to the full potential of your business, and you are on the peak reaping the fruits of your efforts. 

Being at this stage, doesn’t mean you settle. You take a breath, do the analyses, check the reports and keep the retargeting activities rolling, which include advertising campaigns, newsletters, and a consistent social media presence. This is also the stage where you can involve influencer marketing and create even more hype about your brand. 

After all these phases, it turns out that you have completed a marketing circle; you have strategically moved from A to Z. But what happens after? 

This may sound strange to you, but the after is the start. The ending is the beginning. You are basically starting over again. You are in the phase of New Moon, again – this time growing your audience, broadening the horizon. You may even implement the same marketing strategies, just with a twist based on the new audience you want to attract. To generate more leads, include contests, quizzes and giveaways in your marketing circle. This is a great way to entertain and engage your audience. 

For the 2nd circle of the 2nd phase, you can create lookalike campaigns that worked well before. And when you reach the 3rd phase, you will again reap the fruits of your efforts. 

You may call this deja vu, we call this marketing circle. There are 2 things that will help you keep this circle going; the 1st one is called consistency, and the 2nd is people – your team, or other professionals, because the human factor is the primary source of any success. 

And if you have reached here, here is a note for you: keep up the work and let the good times roll! 

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Metaverse in eCommerce. What to expect?

DimNiko | Metaverse in eCommerce. What to expect?

While the plot of the Metaverse is written and still in the process of production, we’ve already seen some episodes of this virtual movie. The question is how is it going to impact the tangible world of eCommerce? Let’s break it down! 

Okay, don’t hold your breath; if you can sell in real life, you can do it virtually as well. The transition takes time, work, and patience.  

Read More: Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

It’s been said that the Metaverse will “be a fully functioning economy”. It’s a fascinating prospect for anyone already engaged in eCommerce, as more than meaning another channel in which to sell physical products (and we all know how important it is to be omnichannel), it could also mean selling new products in the metaverse. You’ve bought a Ferrari, why not also buy a Ferrari NFT for your avatar to drive in the metaverse?

This is why some brands have taken the step of building something entirely new; integrated, dynamic digital stores which bring together the best parts of online and offline.

Virtual shopping has transformed eCommerce from static product catalogs into real-time experiences that enable consumers to ‘walk’ around a store, enjoying 3D-rendered store displays powered by AR and VR technology. 

Conclusion: Keep an eye on the meta world to know how to adjust your sails whenever your time comes. 

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Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

DimNiko | Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

There is a widespread opinion that 2022 is going to top up 2021. And we agree with that. Now that we’ve switched to a digital way of living, we aren’t going back for millennia. Ask yourselves; is my eComm brand competitive?

Read More: The Top 3 Trends We Expect to See in eCommerce Marketing Throughout 2021

Better visuals will dominate in 2022. All these TikTok trends and Reels have reinvented the perception of creatives. 

Thus, It’s worth spending more time and investment to create better visuals.

Here are the top 5 visual tactics you can consider using: 

1. Create 360-degree images or videos of your top-selling products.

2. Invest in a visual search tool to allow customers to search for products using images.

3. Repurpose user-generated content on your product pages to boost conversion rate.

4. Use QR tagging to connect and blend offline and online content.

5. Create an interactive 3D visual, often functional with highly configurable products.

You can jump on these trends, and if you need quality help from eComm professionals, shoot us a message.