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How To Boost Sales In A Less Direct Way

How To Boost Sales In A Less Direct Way | DimNiko Agency

The idea is to not show a direct sales impact to the user but to make them enter your funnel more friendly through a blog article that adds value and is aligned with the product.

Read More: How To Write Persuasive Copy To Sell More Online?

In this case, you will optimize for the view content event instead of purchase.

Most of the competition optimizes for the purchase event. Yet, there is a broader audience in view content at a lower cost.

The view content event, people that they do not buy. They need another way of sale that is not so direct.

This audience needs more information and confidence to make the first purchase. Give them valuable content in the ad and on the landing page, such as the blog.

To create that content, you need to know your buyer persona very well to grab their attention. The ad’s objective is to get as many people as possible to the blog article, so the ad has to be short, concise, valuable, and not focused on selling.

When those people already know your brand and have received valuable content on the blog, retarget them with a more direct ad for sale.

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Building A Community Has To Be Your Number One Priority For 2022

DimNiko | Built Community Has To Be Your Number One Priority For 2022

If you want to scale your brand this year, your priority should be to build a long-term and faithful community.

When you build a community, you are making sense of belonging. It is a place where your followers/customers feel part of a group representing them as a brand.

We have to understand that consumers buy the product by itself. They also buy the brand’s values that repel them and make them feel proud to be part of.

Read More: Engage Your Customers – Don’t Let Them Go

Generating trust, closeness, and valuable content are some of the keys to growing a community.

Six ways to build community:

  1. Organize webinars or live videos on social media

Creating webinars or live videos through social media is the most direct way to connect with the audience. It’s the perfect opportunity to show the insides of the company and who is behind the brand. Also is a great chance to know about your audience and what they demand.

  1. Build powerful social networks

There is no more room for empty content. Social networks need to be taken as daily work for any eCommerce. Showing the brand’s natural and honest face should be a priority.

  1. Provide the best possible service

Offer all the tools to the consumer to feel comfortable and safe when buying.

  1. Strong Email Marketing

Email can be an effective way to communicate, especially when you have an existing relationship with the recipient. The content you send via email to your customers needs to be relevant and precise.

  1. Create a blog with valuable content

Even if you have an eCommerce store, you can create a blog within the website. Write about different topics related to the product.

  1. Create conversion campaigns through Facebook Ads

A well-defined funnel and a well-implemented strategy generate sales. They keep customers by providing good service.

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Essential Audiences Who Should Never Be Missed When Starting a Facebook Ad Account

DimNiko | Essential Audiences Who Should Never Be Missed When Starting a Facebook Ad Account

When we start advertising in Facebook Ads, we all know that it’s critical to have the pixel installed and events configured on your website.

Once everything is implemented, one of the first things we must do is create Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. 

We want to get the most out of the Facebook pixel. That’s why we have to create a long list of audiences who we use in ads later. Without these audiences, we would not be able to work in the different levels of the funnel making it very difficult for retargeting.

Read More: Three Lookalike Audience Hacks Dropping Our Client’s CPA’s

Custom Audiences lets you retarget people who have interacted with your business before: those who have purchased from your store or visited your website. 

The Lookalike Audiences is an incredible tool that allows us to create audiences who are similar to the people currently engaging with our business.

Every business needs to create audiences based on their business needs and niche, but there are some basic audiences that cannot be missed. 

When we create custom audiences we cover different periods of time and thus have more options to set up the campaigns. We use 3, 7,15, 30, 60, 90, 180 days.

Custom Audiences from our website

Custom Audiences from your website is a targeting option that matches people who visit your website with people on Facebook, using the Facebook pixel.

  • Page View: people viewing your website.
  • Purchase: people who purchase on your website.
  • Add to cart: people who add to cart on your website.
  • Initiated check out: people initiated check out on your website.

Engagement Custom Audience

These are made up of people who have engaged with your content across videos, Facebook page or Instagram account.

  • Facebook page: people who follow or interact with your Facebook page. 
  • Instagram account: people who visited or interacted with your Instagram profile, posts or ads. 
  • Video: people who watched your videos on Facebook or Instagram.

Lookalike Audience 

Lookalike Audiences are people who are similar to audiences you already care about. You can create multiple lookalikes with different levels of similarity to your source.

The best way is to create the 10 of them (1%, 1% to 2%, 2% to 3% following up to 10%).

A 1% lookalike consists of the people most similar to your lookalike audience source. Increasing the percentage creates a bigger, broader audience.

Lookalikes that cannot be missed out on targeting 180 days of period time are page view, purchase, add to cart, Facebook engages, and Instagram engagers.

We see that a large number of accounts are not using audiences properly for the funnel to be consistent.

These are some suggestions:

  • On TOF campaigns exclude: Purchase 180 days, Add to cart 30 days and Page View 30 days.
  • On MOF campaigns include: Facebook & Instagram engagers. 

Exclude: Purchase 180 days, Add to cart 30 days, and Page View 30 days.

  • On BOF campaigns include: Add to cart 30 days and Page View 30 days.

           Exclude: Purchase 180 days.

Use the audiences in a structured way and you will see that your campaigns will be much more effective.