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Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional Exam Courses Key Takeaways

DimNiko - Facebook Media Buying Certification

How do you start your journey of becoming a Media Buying Professional?

Are you thinking of changing or upgrading your career, or would like to work at a Social Media Agency?  Maybe you just want to boost your own business? The best you can do to start off with is to complete the Facebook Blueprint courses and gain the Facebook certification.  Once you’ve got certified, every employer and client will see your competency in designing a complete Facebook marketing strategy.

I’m going to share with you the insights and experiences I got while doing the course. 🙂 Let’s check them out together! 

The Facebook Blueprint

The Facebook Blueprint is a free e-learning platform, where you can start your journey to become a professional Media Buyer. The courses provide a step-by-step module-based learning route. The beginner course is available in several languages, which makes a little bit easier for non-English natives to get introduced to the basics. But, as you aim for the professional level,  I would suggest starting already from the beginning in English.  

The Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional Training

The Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional training is the highest level of FB certification (except the developer courses). To get there, I suggest starting from the beginning to have a concrete base to build on. Even if you are working as a Media Buyer currently,  you should go through at least the 400-101 module.  Believe me – you will need this while doing the tests! 🙂 

The training is divided into four main topics. First, as an introduction, you will learn to get started in Ads- and Business manager. You will familiarise yourself with the ad review process; realise what content is acceptable for your ad’s text, landing pages, and also will learn about targeting restrictions. 

The “Planning your campaign” module is the essence of the whole course. You will learn here how to create, publish, and purchase ads. This lesson teaches you also about Ad Auction and Delivery Overview, explains how reach and frequency buying works, and how to reach your audience in the most effective way. 

As measurement, reporting and optimisation are all essential for a Media buyer, the program makes sure you understand all the necessary background. 

Success is all about choosing the best marketing objective that maps to your business needs. What’s your goal, and how will you measure if you achieved it? 

While finishing your studies – you will know the answer. 🙂

Takeaways for an Effective Exam

Some key takeaways from me for an effective exam course: 

  • Arm yourself! 🙂 Download (and read through) the official Study guide from HERE. The guide will help you to prepare for the Exam. Note that the videos, transcripts and the study guide are not always matching each other completely, so grab both for the best outcome!
  • Be patient and leave yourself enough time to understand every detail. The learning modules show a suspected reading time …. Don’t worry if you would seem slow: those are clearly underestimated at several topics. 🙂 Take your time and relax!  If you rush through the modules, you can face some surprisingly tricky questions on the test. 
  • Practice! If you can, try the learned competencies on a live account. You can create and run some campaigns for practising even with minimal spending.
  • Make notes or some screenshots of the essential parts. Although you can come back any time, it will be difficult to remember in which module / which video you met the critical information.  
  • Apply the “dry theories” to practice. Case studies will help you to understand real business’ problems. Later, when your business client comes to you with similar challenges, this will help you to focus on goals and outcomes. 
  • Take action – but wisely! As the exam costs approx 150USD per module, I recommend testing your skills several times before starting the certification procedure. Also, with learning through all of the modules, you will find a lot of brand new topics and question-types in the practice-your-skills test.

Remember that the certificate has to be renewed every year. Even if you choose not to go for “the paper”- the Blueprint studies give you a complete overview of the advertising options and help you to explore how to navigate your business through the Facebook products.

Curious? Start your journey HERE

Or, inquire with us to do your advertising:

Wish you all the best, and enjoy your brand new skills!


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How to Build Effective Retargeting Campaigns for Ecommerce Stores

DimNiko - Retargeting Ad Campaigns

Retargeting campaigns depend on 4 key factors that determine the success of the campaign.

But first, why is there a need for retargeting campaigns?

Why Do You Need Retargeting Campaigns?

It might be obvious, but retargeting is a very powerful funnel, since you already know that a potential customer has made the journey to your store.

Creating retargeting campaigns could be a delicate process since you don’t want to spam your customers to the point where they lose interest in you products. Setting up retargeting campaigns is the “easy” part. As a basis you want to target your typical add to cart, initiated checkout, time spent on site, etc.

There are a lot to choose from and testing is important. An effective retargeting campaign does not entirely depend on having just the right campaign structure.

It’s about understanding your customers.

Here are 4 key factors that determine a successful campaign include, understanding your customer journey, the creative angle, understanding your product and budget.

1. Understanding Your Customer’s Journey.

When you create your website, you have a pretty good idea of how you want your customers to behave on your website. You either want them to land and go straight to purchase or have them spend some time on the website and engage with your page.

Using tools such as Google Analytics will give you great insight on what your customers are doing with your website. If you know how to use Google Analytics as it is intended to be used, it allows you to track your customers’ journey in great detail.

Setting up a campaign structure based on the drop of points of your customers are a great way to customize your creatives for specific personalized ads.

2. Creative Angle

The creative angles of your ads are by far the most important.

As an example, you decide to set-up a campaign structure for add to cart abandoners. Having creatives that nudge users back to their cart with a personalized message such as “Did you forget something?” or “You left something in your cart” is a great way to get them back to our store.

These creatives should include links that lead direct to the add to cart page or checkout page, depending on which audience you target.

We have seen quite a few retargeting campaigns that have a very standard ad for their retargeting campaign, which might be more suitable for a prospecting campaign.

Implementing customer reviews and UGC are great ways to target users that haven’t added cart but have interacted with your website such as view content, time spent on site users etc.

Customers are already interested, you just need to nudge them a little.

Read More: 5 Best Practices for Ecommerce Facebook Ad Creatives

3. Understanding your product

Understanding your product is important, there are two ways to take this to your advantage.

With prospecting campaigns you will need to know how frequently your customers will need to return to your store.

Is your product a one time purchase or does your customer need it every three months? Understanding this will allow you to exclude the right purchase period not only from your retargeting campaign, but all your campaigns.

Ideally you would want to have a separate retention campaign, but if your budget is tight, this might be a good way to score some extra purchases.

4. Campaign Budget

This might be the most important factor for your retargeting campaigns.

As I mentioned above, you don’t want to spam your customers. The balance of your budget structure is considerably important and depends on your prospecting campaign structure.

Your budget should be balanced, your prospecting campaigns need to feed your retargeting campaigns. Looking at key metrics such as Frequency on your ads manager will indicate if your campaign structure is out of balance.

It might be hard to keep your cool, since you might see the campaign is doing great, and you want to scale.

Having a budget that’s too high for retargeting can bring you quick results, but for a long term strategy it could be disastrous.

When you are able to scale your prospecting campaigns, you are able to scale your retargeting campaigns.

Retargeting campaigns is a powerful funnel in your ads manager.

Understanding that retargeting doesn’t solely depend on what you target, but how you target will bring you a stable and successful campaign.

Read More: Budget Distribution Between The Funnel Stage

Utilizing different tools such as Google analytics and understanding the metrics from your ads manager is essential to build a successful retargeting campaign.

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below, to have the best of the best work on your brand.

And that’s a wrap!

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko

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Why Scaling Back On Your Ad Spend Can Actually Help You Scale

DimNiko - burning Money

If you’re spending $1K or $2K a day on paid traffic and it’s unprofitable you are pretty much burning your money.

And what a lot of Brands don’t want to hear is you might actually need to pull back your ad spend, and as you can imagine most see this as a negative.

It doesn’t matter how good you think your ads are, your creatives are or your website is… if it’s not profitable you are doing something wrong and need help.

One of my calls last week was in this exact situation. They were telling me how good their creatives were, how they have this incredible in house creative team and the product is amazing blah blah blah but I calmly pointed out to them…

BUT your results are unprofitable, just over a 1x ROAS so it doesn’t matter how good you think you are, your market disagrees.

They were spending $2K a day on ads and I made it super clear to them they should actually pull back their ad spend and fix the foundations of their ad account first to ensure long term success.

This is why it can actually help.

Be Profitable Before Scaling

Firstly you need to understand to scale aggressively you need to be profitable with your ads or you are losing money for every dollar you put into ads.

You need to pull back your ad spend to really focus on the things that are working and double down on those areas to ensure that consistent growth over time.

If something isn’t working at your current ad spend, there is no way it is going to work at a higher level of ad spend. You will just lose more cash.

To give you a real life example, we had a client come on with us that was spending $3K a day with a $110 CPA and monthly revenue was $153K.

We took over and we knew the CPA was far too high so we told them we were going to scale down the spend, optimise what is working so we could take 1 step back and then take 2 steps forward to actually scale.

By dropping the ad spend and working on heavy optimisation of what was working we were able to squeeze a lot more out of the current campaigns and set some solid foundations for growth.

Month 1 together we dropped spend from $93K to $72K, so we dropped the spend by $20K and this actually dropped the CPA to $83, remember it was $110. 

Which meant we actually increased their monthly revenue while dropping spend by $20K for the month, which is pretty insane, imagine spending $20K less on Ads for more revenue.

During that first month together we were able to get clear on what was working and communicate this to the client to get us more creative, more assets for the ads so we could scale profitably.

So we had taken that necessary step back, then Month 2 together we started scaling

Increased spend upto $96K for the month and the CPA dropped even further to now being $72 and monthly revenue was $213K

So we are 2 months in working together, we are sitting at the same level of spend when we took over but monthly revenue has gone from $153K to $213K, $110 CPA to $72 CPA.

So What Should You Do If You’re Unprofitable At a High Level of Ad Spend.

Analyse your account, look at what is actually working, pull back on spending on unprofitable campaigns, double down on the winning campaigns or creatives.

Trust me, once your ad account foundations are set correctly at a lower ad spend you will be able to scale far beyond where you were before.

If you actually want help analysing your ad account results to take your brand to the next level let’s have a chat.

Book a call here:

Chat soon,


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Why You Should Utilize Your Lookalike Audience

Facebook is the biggest social network out there and is offering the most targeting options to help your ads to find the best audiences who likely will find your ads relevant, so defining your audience we may call it “smart targeting” and it’s absolutely necessary in order to have less $$$ spend on irrelevant traffic.

Let’s look into the type of audiences and see how they benefit your business:
1) Core Audiences
2) Custom Audiences
3) Lookalike audiences

Each audience type has its own “beauty” but let’s have a look on their functions and how they benefit you.

Core Audiences

Core Audiences define an audience based on the followings:

  • Interest is one of the best Facebook ads targeting where you can target specifically people interested in your market or competitors or hobbies.
  • Demographics – here you’ll find a big pool of targeting topics but the main 3 is Age – Gender – Language- and detailed targeting going way more detailed: you’ll be able to target people by their political views, life events, job titles and so on. Behavior based targeting allow you to target people who have purchased in the past, personal events such as birthdays, anniversaries.
  • location – to select cities, counties, countries, postal codes, specific address radius but also you can dig deeper and select more layers such as people who live in this location, recently have been or travelled in the selected location, and connections – to include or exclude people who is connected to your Facebook page or responded to an event.
    Sounds scary a bit but you can add all this target options to serve your ad the best possible way.

Read More: Ideal Audience Size for Facebook Ads

Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences are created based on the pixel data by tracking your websites traffic.

Here are the events that are currently available: Add payment info, Add to cart, Add to wishlist, Complete registration, Contact, Customize Product, Donate, Find Location, Initiate checkout, Lead, Purchase, Schedule, Search, Start trial, Submit application, Subscribe, View content and all this custom audience can be used to retargeting. Quite a lot, right?

The website custom audiences are valid for up to 180 days so if you install the pixel now it could still be helping your Facebook advertising six months down the line. Also you should be excluding these audiences from the prospecting campaigns as this saves you money and stops showing the ads for people who already took an action on your site.

The above-mentioned custom audiences are very valuable, and you can use them to create lookalike audiences in seconds.

Read More: How to Use Video Viewed Custom Audiences for The Highest ROAS (SECRET METHOD)

Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences can help you to find your new, high-quality customers. It’s a very powerful tool which uses what it learned about your most successful customers to find new people who have similar characteristics and would likely be good customers as well. Think of it as an audience matchmaker for marketers. You tell Facebook what you like in a customer and Facebook will deliver a new audience with prospects that meet your criteria.

Sounds like a good idea right? Well, it is and it works if you give Facebook the right data.

  • Customer Information.
  • A newsletter subscription list or a customer file list. You can upload a csv file
  • Website Visitors.
  • You can create a custom audience based on website visitors, and for this, you need to have Facebook pixel installed. With pixel, you create an audience of people who have visited your website, looked at certain pages, completed a purchase and so on as mentioned above.
  • App activity.
  • Do you have an app? Perfect! With active event tracking, app administrators can collect data on the people who have installed your app and took different actions with the app.
  • Engagement.
  • An engagement audience is people who engaged with your content on Facebook or Instagram. Engagement events include: video, lead form, Facebook & Instagram page, or even people who have messaged you.
  • Offline activity.
  • You can create a list of people who interacted with your business in person, by phone or any other offline channel.

Now that you have a little more info on all of the different types of audiences, you can create your lookalike audiences. Multiple Lookalike audiences can be used at the same time for the same campaign, but they should be separate in order to avoid an audience overlap.

Read More: LLAs Are Your Best Friends If You Want to Bring Amazing Results

Tips and Tricks When Using Lookalikes:

  1. Use the right source audience for your goals.
    For example, if your goal is to drive awareness of your business, a Lookalike Audience of your PageFans may be a good idea.
  2. Get creative with Custom Audiences.
    You can create audiences around a variety of parameters, but drill down on one option and see which is best for your campaign goal.
  3. Test your Lookalike Audience size.
    Consider different audience sizes for different campaign goals. Make sure to have at least one million people, but 10million it’s even better. You need to test, sometimes Facebook like smaller audiences but other time prefers the broader ones.
  4. Use Lookalike Audiences in combination with other features. Enhance your Lookalike targeting by adding more targeting parameters such as age, gender, interests, location, etc.

There you have it, everything you need to know to take full advantage of the super-targeting capabilities of Lookalike Audiences.

Looking to kill Q4? We got you.

If you’re spending over $500 a day on paid advertising and want to scale your brand you can book a call below:

Have a great week!
Ago from the DimNiko Team 🙂

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How to Use Video Viewed Custom Audiences for The Highest ROAS (SECRET METHOD)

DimNiko - Video Viewed Custom Audiences

We all know video ads work. If you don’t use video creatives to tell your brand story, you’re missing a lot.

But you also know that it’s pretty hard to come up with very awesome videos for cold traffic that will convert at your desired ROAS or CPA. You have to constantly test them to find the best CTR, CPM and CPC.

Testing Video Creatives

When you have a very promising video, you need to analyze it and re-edit to create even better performance of it. You need to change scroll-stopping thumbnails with custom made graphics or weird screenshot extracts from your videos. You also need to re-edit the first 3s many times, so you find a winning combination for clicks.

You also need to add in a few happy customers screenshots from your website, a few customer satisfaction pics and statements, and also few sayings like ‘We’ve just sold 100k of this product!’ 

(If you really sold many, if not please don’t. Trying to over potent your brand if you’re just making few sales everyday, will probably ruin your brand image.)

But yes, try to show them success data as relevant as possible, and as many times as possible in that one video. And when you find your winning video creative, that is doing an amazing job on the cold traffic, you need to push it as much as you can.

How? Create 10 – 50 campaigns with it and boost it with PPE to get lots of engagements.

Why PPE? We experienced that ad IDs with over 50 comments starts to bring great performance.

Next step then is that when you get 1MM or more views on all combined videos, you create few special custom audiences.

Of course you can do them before and retarget with smaller budgets, but things start to change with lots of people in those campaigns. And for that you need to first spend some money to get views. 

(Beware: Top notch secret from here on!)

Read More: Are You Really Testing Creatives On Facebook or Is It Luck of the Draw?

Creating Custom Audiences From Successful Video Creatives

Create a custom audience with 95% of people who viewed all your cold traffic videos together in the last 180 days. Also make 95% for the last 30 and 90 days, 75% for 30, 90 and 180 days, 50% for 30 and 90, and 25% for 30 days. (We see based on the past days those audiences react very differently.)

Then the last audience you will need is the ThruPlay audience in the last 180 days.

What Creatives to Use with Your Custom Audiences

Now before you will start uploading all those audiences, let me tell you what creatives you will use in them.

First and most popular are UGC creatives. Pics works great here but you should also have videos.

I’m sure if you sold lot’s of products on your website, and if you have a review app installed, then you can take screenshots and use them.

If not, you can get them by sending a few emails to your buyers list and giving away some discount codes as a way to say thank you.

Or you can make them by asking a few friends or family members to try or wear your product with a big happy smile on their faces. 🙂 They will of course do this for free and you will also have a great time doing this together with them. Maybe this can be your social thing every month? (just saying)

In ad copy you will obviously say something great to potential buyers. Something that you find out they all like and what changes their thoughts after they bought it.

You will put it in “…”, so we all know that they really said that. 🙂

Then you will make two types of retargeting video viewers campaigns. 

Read More: What Creative Works Best In In-Stream Video Ad Placement?

Building the Campaigns

One will be dynamic ads and the other will be regular ads.

In dynamics you will put 10 pics, or vids, or both combinations in, together with 5 ad copies and few subject descriptions. So FB can show different creatives to that audience based on their daily performance.

Same you will do with standard solo ads, but you need to have it at least 5-10 in each ad set. More the better, as FB will also show them based on daily performance.

Then at the last but not the least, you have to upload all these campaigns on your account. And start testing, and optimizing, and scaling best performers.

Here you can do three approaches:

  1. Upload all audiences in one ad set and start with a bigger budget. (you will have one dynamic ad campaign and one solo ad campaign)
  2. Upload all audiences in several ad sets with each audience in separate ad set (2 campaigns – yes each ad set will have one dynamic or multi solo ads)
  3. Upload all audiences in separate campaigns (Many campaigns – currently my preferred way)

This of course will differ based on your past account data, so I would go one by one and test all slowly.

When you find your winning combination, you will also find that this strategy is pure gold. It can bring your average CPA down a lot.  Usually these campaigns work at a half or a third TOF CPA cost! So use it smart in different segments of your product funnels!

(Hint: You can take same approach also in other audiences)

If you think this is too advanced or too hard for you, you can always sign up with us and make your life easier. And your business will grow more as this can be pretty time consuming. 

Yes, we will upload all that and more for you!

How you can join us is by booking a call ==>

Then if we figure out we’re a good fit, we take you in.

Have a wonderful day and hope to see you inside.


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3 Must Use Facebook Ad Strategies for Ecommerce Businesses | DimNiko

DimNiko | Facebook Strategies

Many marketers and e-commerce entrepreneurs are familiar with different Facebook Ads strategies. From basic cold traffic campaigns to sophisticated retargeting and upsell/cross sale campaigns. Their basic goal is to get conversion at the cost that is still profitable for your business, after you exclude all the other costs that you have with your advertising product or service.

Running Facebook ad campaigns for your e-commerce business in 2020 is so competitive, that it requires a lot of special skills if you want to make them work in your business. However, what many people don’t realize is that with setting up the right Facebook  structure of your campaigns, results will out beat your competition.

With 1.39 billion monthly active users & with typical ROI from Facebook ads at 152%, Facebook ads are the tool every business needs if they want to grow big today. If an e-commerce business is not advertising on their platform, then that business is on a huge mistake and lost in the desert.

Are you ready to get started with Facebook Advertising strategies for your e-commerce business? Well, let’s dive into the core … 

Cold Traffic, Up-Sell and Cross-Sell Campaigns

The first thing you need to do for running campaigns for your e-commerce business on Facebook, is to set up Facebook ads on an already established or a new business page. Fulfill all the basic ad requirements before running an ad campaign. These basic requirements are: content, stunning video or catchy image, well-detailed product description, call to action, and good headline and description. It’s suggested to run first cold traffic ads that will target an audience based on selected keywords that you think are related to your product or service. These types of ads will introduce your brand to the general public and show them reasons why they need to buy or contact you.

Furthermore you will need to create also retargeting ads that will catch the audience who viewed your website or view social media profiles in different time segments. This we call retargeting (or remarketing), and can be highly profitable if used in the right way.
Will go more into detail later.

And then you have upsell and cross-sale campaigns, that will try to sell to your existing buyers more of your product or services. Mission about those is to spike your AOV (average order value), so you can spend more on the cold traffic successfully.

Example: If someone visits your site and purchases green t-shirts, you can cross-sell complementary socks or shoes to that customer.

One more clear example, say a visitor purchases an airline ticket for a vacation in New York; you have access to cross-sell him a hotel or a car rental, making his/her further plan their trip more comfortable. Then you can grow to keep in view the customer’s views.

Video Ads vs Picture Ads

Today, your Facebook ads for e-commerce should be in a video format, and it is because Facebook says that most of the users on Facebook watch videos rather than other content. This is why Facebook suggests and ranks those ads higher than others.

According to reports:

  • 39% of e-commerce businesses and marketers say Facebook is the number one social media site that enables them to generate more interactions with video content.
  • 34% of e-commerce businesses pick Instagram as another alternative and the best social media website for generating a return on investment.

But images can work too! It’s always good to test both as some businesses will benefit more with picture ads. Especially if you use them in the right segment of your funnel.

Create Custom Audiences & Stay In Touch With Customers 24/7

When a visitor visits a specific product page, or collection, or posts a message to your Facebook page, you can add them to a little ‘bucket’ called custom audience.  

Since it’s more expensive to find new customers than to retain current customers, retargeting is an essential strategy for any online store/e-commerce business that wants to grow their revenue. Retargeting campaigns are way cheaper to get a conversion, and they can also increase engagements and build an audience in real-time.

However, when it comes to retargeting on Facebook, Custom Audiences are a core feature that allows e-commerce businesses to portray their Facebook ads to an audience from any online or offline marketing channel. 

For instance, by setting up a Pixel for your website or SDK on your app, you can create a list of customers and show them your ads relevant to their behaviors as per the searches.

In addition to above, you have further opportunities to:

  • Upload a list of customers as a file or submit this data manually
  • Add offline activity data like sales or phone calls 
  • Create a list from new Instagram & Facebook users

The Custom Audiences feature has a little cousin called Lookalike Audiences that is mainly based on any Custom Audience you specify. It’s the best method to find prospecting customers who have the best intentions to buy products as per the previous engagement history and site behaviors according to AI. 

Will Facebook Acquisition Imply Your eCommerce Business?

For boosting your e-commerce business sales, Facebook acquisition is one of the best techniques that you need to go through as it’ll make you grab more customers. There are many facebook acquisition strategies, like posting and boosting Facebook ads, but with paid media advertising you can get best results in a very short time.

And we as a Facebook performance agency can help you on every step of your journey. From simple cold traffic campaigns to highly advanced retargeting strategies that will skyrocket your sales.
The only issue we have right now is that we don’t take everybody inside. We’re very specific about what kind of businesses we want to work with.

But as they say: What we don’t know we can’t help…
So knock on our doors to find out more about how we can work together!

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How Ecommerce Stores Can Take Advantage of Chatbot Integration with Facebook Ads

DimNiko - Chatbots

Would you like to know how your ecommerce brand can take advantage of a chatbot to increase sales?

First Things First, What Is a Chatbot?

Chatbot is a software that simulates interactions and conversations with the users, previously set up based on specific questions or triggers, in order to offer a service.

Using an automated chatbot gives you some advantages when comparing it to manually answering all of your page messages, like the consistency of the answers and the speed. Also, chatbots can be used across many different platforms and it will help you collect data and learn a lot from it.

Although chatbots can be used as a regular tool to help you with your customer support, they can also be utilized by running advertising campaigns in order to improve your performance.

And as mentioned above, chatbots can help you increase your sales, but how?

How Can Chatbots Help Increase Your Sales?

A chatbot not only helps you collect information from your customers but it also provides them information about your business, which allows you the possibility to create personalized offers for them. 

The speed in which a business answers to their customers once they send a message is essential to increase conversion. Nowadays, nobody likes waiting, and the faster you respond, the higher are the possibilities that the user will convert.

On Facebook ads there is an objective called Messages, this type of campaign objective will help you increase engagement and overall collect data from your visitors at a lower cost than a conversions campaign.

There are many chatbot softwares out there to choose from and by integrating your preferred one with Facebook ads, you will be able to set up a Messages campaign and use it on it. 

Read More: Why Should You Be Using Messenger Ads

With this type of campaign objective, the algo will find you the people among your audience that will most likely press the CTA button to send you a message.

And the good news is, if a user has contacted your page on Facebook messenger once, you can retarget and message them anytime.

That is why Click-to-Messenger campaigns are a great tool for ecommerce to include in the advertising strategy in order to increase engagement on Facebook ads and to retarget them later with special offers or deals.

Sending them a customized message will allow you to start meaningful conversations that look more natural via the direct message inbox as opposed to a regular ad on their feed, and that will help you boost your sales. 

And because of all of that, chatbots are a great tool for ecommerce brands to increase their sales.

Are you already using chatbots in your Facebook ads? Let us know in the comments below.

And If you have any questions about this or any other topic or you need help to scale your brand and you are spending over $500 a day.

Do not hesitate to book a call below:

See you next time 😉

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3 Ways of Increasing Your Revenue By Communicating With Your Customers.

DimNiki | Customer LTV

It is obvious that some of the businesses grew significantly during the lockdown.

One of my clients managed to obtain almost 20.000 new customers for March and April while the average number for 1 month was about 2-3k. Of course that was a great increase of the customer base but we noticed the returning rate lowered down significantly as well.

Usually the returning customer rate for this client is 60% and a client reorders the product after 3-4 weeks. So there’s been enough time already to figure out that the behaviour of the customers obtained during the lockdown differs from the usual behaviour of customers.

This huge amount of first-time customers should’ve increased the additional revenue the business is usually getting but it didn’t happen unfortunately. So we figured out that it is really important to create additional offers and email sequences in order to retain the customers we got during the lockdown.

Step 1: Create New Offers for Returning Customers

In the case of this business there is one starter kit which is the first purchase of the customers and additional supplement products which attract the returning customers.

So we decided to create new bundles of the best-selling supplement products, we built additional landing pages describing these offers. And started promoting these offers both through Facebook and through emails.

The key to obtaining returning customers with these offers is the copy! It is essential to show the customers that they are special. That they made the right choice to become a customer of your shop. You can also thank them for purchasing your product during the difficult times of Covid-19 And present your special offers as a gift for their support.

You can also add discounts and ending dates of these offers to encourage customers to purchase.

Step 2: Create An Email Sequence Loaded With Valuable Content

For example, tutorials or DIY instructions – anything that increases the value of your products.

You need to increase the interest of your customer to your product once again. And after a sequence of a couple valuable emails you can end it up with the offers you built on the first step.

Step 3: Build An Online Community

This particular client has a really huge community and it is another way of communicating with customers. By a huge community I mean over 50.000 followers on Facebook and it is another great source for promoting the offers for the existing customers.

It’s not only a way of promoting the offers, but also a fun way of spreading useful information. In addition to that it’s a very good platform for competitions, lives and so on.

This community increases the engagement of the customers with the brand and with other customers so makes the probabilities of additional purchases very high.

So all of these ways of engaging first-time customers and transforming them into returning customers will help you grow the average order value of your store.

And even a $10 increase in the AOV makes a huge difference for your revenue.

If you want to know other tricks and tips we use for increasing our client’s revenue, Book a call below:


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How to Successfully Build a Facebook Ad Funnel for an Ecommerce Store

DimNiko - Ecommerce Ads

If you are an ecom store owner, or thinking to transition your business online one of the biggest challenges you will face is how to get visitors (traffic) to your webshop.

Paid advertising makes it possible and somewhat easy to “buy” traffic, which gives you an opportunity to sell your products to the website visitors, aka convert them into customers. 

Facebook is one of the most powerful paid advertising platforms where you can create and run these ad campaigns to acquire new visitors and customers.  

It sounds easy, however when it comes to monetization of the online traffic there are several curial steps that you need to follow. 

Remember you are not just looking to sell by chance to anyone who visits your store!

When you pay for the traffic you need to make sure that you get the highest possible store conversion rate with the highest possible average order value to get the most out of your adspend. 

The ad funnel starts from the ad impression and ends with the purchase confirmation. Throughout this process you need to make sure that you communicate the right information and lead the visitor to the next step. 

To build successful ad funnels takes time, lots of testing, experiment and optimization. It is a continuous work and costs $$$$. 

We are now giving you some tips to help you build your ad funnels with Facebook advertising and avoid common mistakes which will save you $$$$ from your testing budget. 

  • Everything starts with selecting the right audience that you are targeting and sending them through an ad-funnel which is likely going to get the best returns for you. Choose your audience right. Research and create several Buyer Personas. Each audience segment will have different motivation, consideration process prior purchase, so it’s important to segment them and work out a funnel for each of them or prioritise them. This is not only important to maintain a good conversion rate, but to help the advertising platform’s algorithm to optimise your campaigns better, show your ads to more people and in return you will be rewarded with better CPM’s and lower adcosts. 
  • TOF – top of funnel is the most important part of your ad funnel and campaign strategy.  Here you are purely targeting cold audiences that have never heard of your brand before. These campaigns are targeting your different audience segments to capture their attention and make them engage with the ad and preferably click on it. As this is the first time they are learning from your brand it is important to make an impact. Based on your research with your audiences you need to highlight the key motivations, problems, features, benefits why they should check out your product or listen to your ad message. You don’t have to convince them yet to buy your products. Your main goal here is to preselect your potential buyers with getting an action out of them. Ideally it is a click to the ad, or any engagement that is measurable and can be retargeted later. Do not only focus on the CTR (Click through rate) as you need to look at it together with the quality. For example if you are showing a not related, very interesting, maybe even misleading ad you might get high CTR’s but noone will actually purchase. You don’t need that traffic, don’t buy it. Preselect the audience right. 
  • Once your audience clicks, they will get to your landing page. It is very important to give all information to the user on the landing page that they would expect after seeing the ad. If they have a problem that you featured in the ad you need to talk about it and lead the visitor through that to your product. 

The Landing page needs to be user friendly, easy to navigate and help the user step by step to make the decision and buy. Analysing customer journey’s and again your existing customers, their pain points, motivations, concerns, doubts will help you create the best converting landing page and the best offer. 

Webanalystics is crucial to building a successful ad funnel. You need to make sure to track every step of the users from all traffic sources to see where they are dropping off, what is stopping them to buy, how do they behave on your website.

  • BOF – Bottom of funnel is your second most important part in your ad funnel. Everyone who dropped off of your website/landing page needs to be retargeted. They need to be retargeted with a very different approach to the TOF, as these audiences are already familiar with your product and brand. They have been on your website before, but decided not to buy for some reason. If you do your research and web analytics right, or just listen to your visitors, customers’ feedback you can already guess what these concerns or doubts are. On the BOG Facebook ads you need to address these points. You need to reassure them that they are wrong and they should indeed buy from you. The goal is to make the audience click again, come back to the landing page and purchase. 

Common practise to give extra discounts, different offers with some urgency for these customers to motivate them better. 

  • Middle of funnel, MOF is the audience that got your TOF ads attention, they might have watched your ad video, or liked your ad, followed your Facebook Page or Instagram, but they have not clicked through to your landing page. Usually these audiences need some extra convincing either of your product or the brand. Retargeting them with ads that talk to them more about the product features and benefits, or if they might have trust issues, a customer testimonial ad, or how we call itt user generated content would probably work. 

Once a user from this audience group is clicked to your landing page will get into the BOF audience if the purchase was not made.

Each part of the ad funnel is important and not dismissable if you want to succeed. Will need lots of testing and a message that is appealing to your visitors and target audiences. It needs to be relevant and clearly have a call to action to the next step that you want them to do. 

Hope you enjoyed the read! If you’re spending over $500 a day and need help with your retargeting campaigns book a call below:

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Preparing Your Creative Strategy For Q4

DimNiko - Black Friday Cyber Monday

The most important part of the year for any ecommerce business is almost here.

Did you start working on your creative strategy yet? 

Today we review each holiday and bring you some tips for you to consider when planning your creative and content strategy.

September & October

During these two months we want to work on awareness. The main focus will be warming the pixel by having a high reach and creating engagement among your audience. We will build awareness and reach an audience as broad as possible in order to retarget those users during the sales period to increase conversions.

The ads during this period of the year should focus on helping people identify which products meet their preferences and are most relevant by focusing the message on quality, utility or affordability. 

In order to create a good ad, list all the reasons that should encourage users to buy your product, as well as the product’s benefits and motives and present it all together.

Read More: 5 Best Practices for Ecommerce Facebook Ad Creatives


The month of November will be all about conversion.

The Black Friday Shopping Week starting on the 23rd of November and ending with Cyber Monday on the 30th is the biggest sales period of the year. 

Due to the Covid19, this Q4 is expected to be more digitized than ever. Product discovery and purchases will occur online at a higher percentage than previous years.

Some of the main points to keep in mind when preparing your creative strategy for BFCM are:

  • Relevance: In the case of BFCM that relevance is the percentage off, by mentioning an specific percentage off or discount, you can increase the relevance of your ads.
  • Clarity: Make the ad clear and straightforward.
  • Urgency: Add urgency to your ads by adding flash sales or by showing the product is limited in stock.
  • Distraction: Remove any kind of distraction from your ad. Instead of explaining what the product is about, mention exactly the product name, the percentage off, and a benefit.
  • Value: Create ads showing the product qualities, features, and benefits. You can create different ads based on each element and combine it with the discount or offer.
  • Powerful words: Include words in your ads such as free, black friday, promotion, deal, discounts

Read More: Killer eCommerce Facebook Ad Examples in 2020

December & January

And finally December and January, including several holidays which are as important to ecommerce such as:

  1. Free Shipping Day, on the 14th of December of 2020, please take into consideration that the items must be delivered before Christmas Eve, as this is the main incentive for users to purchase during this day and not being delivered on time might cause your business bad reviews.
  2. Boxing Day is December’s highest traffic day on mobile, the day right after Christmas, and it is a fun time. Take advantage of the excitement that comes from sharing the Christmas gifts on social media. 

    Create photo competitions and have customers share photos of their gift, or offer a % off on Boxing day to anyone who shares a Christmas photo.
  3. After Christmas Sales, one offer that can incentivize users to purchase more right after Christmas is offering a “buy one, give one” special that delivers one item to a known charity. This can inspire shoppers to be generous and spend more.

    Another offer is “free gift with each purchase” consider offering a small giveaway with each purchase, a t-shirt, a mug, a sample.. And even better add your logo on it.
  4. In New Year, do it all over again, after holiday sales, free shipping, discounts.. Keep the momentum going and bring back the customers for a second round of sales.

    Offer a “loyalty reward”, give your most loyal customers the opportunity to try a new product first hand and offer a discount. 

    Take advantage of the “New year’s resolutions”:
    – Focus on promoting health, exercise, diet plans… 
    – Encourage users to reinvent themselves by using ad copies like: “new year, new you”
    – Promote productivity and fulfillment: “do more of what makes you happy”, “treat yourself”.

    Use the New year sales to promote new upcoming products, build urgency and anticipation.

And this is it for me, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions and remember, 

if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below:

Until next time 😉