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Improving Your Page’s ATC to Improve Conversion

DimNiko | Improving Your Page’s ATC to Improve Conversion

Today I’d like to talk about how you can improve the conversion rate on your website.

Do you know what % your site is converting at?

This is a very important metric to know.

Read More: What You Need to Improve to Increase Your Conversion Rate

You can have the best creatives and a great media buying strategy.

But if you are sending traffic to a site that is not converting, it is all pointless!

A good eCommerce site should be converting at around 2-3%.

Anything under that percentage means that you are losing clients across the funnel.

Recently, we provided some suggestions for one of our clients.

The store is selling electronic gadgets, great products, and good creatives that provide a very high CTR.

However, the page conversion rate was averaging at around 1,5%.

We noticed that we were losing a lot of clients from the add-to-cart to purchase.

We analyzed the store, and we noticed that there was a lot of room for improvement within the add to cart section of the page.

Firstly, once you landed on the main product landing page, you had to scroll all the way down until you could find a CTA button that said BUY NOW.

We suggested adding more CTAs across the page, one at the start, one in the middle, and one last button at the bottom of the page.

Once you made it to the add to cart section, the button was small and underneath the product, we suggested then readjusting the product image to the left side of the page, and a big Add to Cart button on the right side.

The price is clear on top of the button and underneath there is a list of the features of the product, clean and simple.

Reviews and product images could still be found at the bottom of the page.

We recommended adding as well a pop-up that appears every time the user clicks to add the product to the cart.

On this pop-up, you can now see a list of “usually bought together” products and a 20% discount for any additional product added into the cart.

Any of the products on the list can be added into the cart without exiting the pop-up, once you are done adding products, you can click “go to checkout”.

If the user does not wish to add any additional products, there is a second button “No, thank you” that will exit you from the pop-up.

This way, very easily, the average order value increased.

Previously, in order to purchase several items together, you needed to click into each one of them on the top menu of the page, add one, move into the menu again, and a second one, etc.

By adding an “upsell” type of pop-up, we increased the number of products purchased at once, and the AOV of each purchase.

Another improvement added by the client was setting up Afterpay, offering users the possibility to pay in installments. 

Considering that some of these electronic gadgets have a high price after payday makes it easier for customers to make the decision to purchase them, helping again to improve the conversion rate.

With these very easy adjustments, the conversion rate on the store increased to 3%.

Nothing within the media buying strategy was changed, but the ROAs improved across the account.

And you? Have you analyzed your store and if you can improve anything across the funnel in order to simplify the process and improve the conversion rate?

If you have any questions about any of the above or if you’re interested in working with us to grow your eCommerce brand, find out if we’re the right fit for you!

Book a call below:

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Three Lookalike Audience Hacks Dropping Our Client’s CPA’s

DimNiko | Add New Post Edit with Elementor Save draft Preview Publish Add title Three Lookalike Audience Hacks Dropping Our Client’s CPA’s In the ever-changing world of Facebook Ads, finding new media buying tactics that help drop your CPA and increase your ROAS is what we love to see. Recently I have noticed three lookalike audiences that are performing extremely well for accounts, but it’s not as simple as you think. Read More: Why You Should Utilize Your Lookalike Audience Let me explain the 3x audiences you should set up and how to implement this strategy into your account. Firstly you want to create these 3x custom audiences in the audience section of the ad account: Purchasers in the last 90 Days Facebook Engagers in the last 180 Days 10 Second Video Viewers in the last 90 Days Now comes the interesting part… You need to create 10x lookalike audiences for each custom audience you made earlier. To be extremely clear you will create: 1% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 2% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 3% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 4% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 5% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 6% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 7% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 8% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 9% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 10% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days And then do the same thing for the Facebook Engagers and Video Views audiences. So there will be 30x lookalike audiences in total. Now jump into the ads manager section and when you create a new campaign, select all the purchase lookalikes you created at the ad set level for campaign #1 Then create campaign #2 with the 10x lookalikes audiences of the FB Engagers audience and then create campaign #3 with the last 10x lookalike audience of the 10 Second Video Viewers. So at this point, you will have 3x new campaigns running. The next part is crucial to ensure the success of the campaigns. You should go back to the last 3 months' results and find the top 5 creatives that have been performing over that time period. You will add these 5 creatives into the 3x campaigns. So the structure of each campaign will be as follows. 1x Campaign → 1x Ad Set → 5 Ads Let the campaigns spend at least $60 - $100 before you determine to start scaling them, optimizing them, or turning them off. If you see the campaign is unprofitable, jump into the ad level and see which creative is getting the most spend that is not performing and turn it off so facebook can spend on the other ads. Implementing this tactic into our accounts has seen a reduction in CPA of about 30% which has allowed us to scale up the ad spend much further for clients. Try this out and let me know how you go! If you have enjoyed this and it has helped your brand feel free to book a call with us and we can discuss how to take your brand to the next level. You can book here: ▲ ✌️ Toggle panel: Quick Page/Post Redirect Make Redirect Active. Open in a new window. Add rel="nofollow" to link. Show Redirect URL in link. Redirect / Destination URL: Type of Redirect: 301 Permanent NOTE: For a Page or Post (or Custom Post) Redirect to work, it may need to be published first and then saved again as a Draft. If you do not already have a page/post created you can add a 'Quick' redirect using the Quick Redirects method. 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In the ever-changing world of Facebook Ads, finding new media buying tactics that help drop your CPA and increase your ROAS is what we love to see.

Recently I have noticed three lookalike audiences that are performing extremely well for accounts, but it’s not as simple as you think.

Read More: Why You Should Utilize Your Lookalike Audience

Let me explain the 3x audiences you should set up and how to implement this strategy into your account.

Firstly you want to create these 3x custom audiences in the audience section of the ad account:

  1. Purchasers in the last 90 Days
  1. Facebook Engagers in the last 180 Days
  1. 10 Second Video Viewers in the last 90 Days

Now comes the interesting part…

You need to create 10x lookalike audiences for each custom audience you made earlier.

To be extremely clear you will create: 

1% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

2% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

3% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

4% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

5% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

6% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

7% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

8% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

9% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

10% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

And then do the same thing for the Facebook Engagers and Video Views audiences. So there will be 30x lookalike audiences in total.

Now jump into the ads manager section and when you create a new campaign, select all the purchase lookalikes you created at the ad set level for campaign #1

Then create campaign #2 with the 10x lookalikes audiences of the FB Engagers audience and then create campaign #3 with the last 10x lookalike audience of the 10 Second Video Viewers.

So at this point, you will have 3x new campaigns running. 

The next part is crucial to ensure the success of the campaigns.

You should go back to the last 3 months’ results and find the top 5 creatives that have been performing over that time period.

You will add these 5 creatives into the 3x campaigns.

So the structure of each campaign will be as follows.

1x Campaign → 1x Ad Set → 5 Ads

Let the campaigns spend at least $60 – $100 before you determine to start scaling them, optimizing them, or turning them off.

If you see the campaign is unprofitable, jump into the ad level and see which creative is getting the most spend that is not performing and turn it off so facebook can spend on the other ads.

Implementing this tactic into our accounts has seen a reduction in CPA of about 30% which has allowed us to scale up the ad spend much further for clients.

Try this out and let me know how you go!

If you have enjoyed this and it has helped your brand feel free to book a call with us and we can discuss how to take your brand to the next level.

You can book here:

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Facebook’s Carousel Catalog Feed System is on Fire

DimNiko | Facebook’s Carousel Catalog Feed System is on Fire

Lately, I’ve been testing Catalog Sale campaigns for both prospecting and retargeting audiences. 

70% of the time, they work superbly on retargeting, especially on PV3-30 and ATC+IC7 or 30.

90% of the time, they work if the product is good and you have a lot of variations. Or if your store has hundreds of products relating to the main product your customer just bought. They work even better on retention campaigns. 

Read More: Built-In Solutions to Customize Your Catalog Sales Ads

Retention Audiences 

For those who don’t know, Retention = Customers who bought from your brand 1, 2, 3, or 4+ times.

You can create one specific campaign and put these 4 audience segments into 4 ad sets. It works like crazy! 

Prospecting Audiences

Only 30% of Catalog Sale campaigns I would say will work on cold prospecting audiences. 

But as always, it might be a larger % if you test a lot and if you know what you are doing.

For those who don’t know, Prospecting = Audiences that don’t know your product(s).


After testing dozens of accounts with Catalog Sales campaigns, I can easily predict how successful my CS campaigns will be.

The success of these campaigns will reflect many things. But here are a few:

  • How many products you have in your store
  • How great images/videos you have for your products
  • How your products are sorted
  • How special and unique are your products
  • How good ad copy and/or discounts you have
  • and more.

Action Steps

If you have hundreds of products in your store, you need to follow these 3 steps:

STEP 1 – Sort products by category, vibe, or angle, and create several collections on your website with cool names

STEP 2 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create several Product Sets based on your collections

STEP 3 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create one Product Sets with all products you have and put filter ‘available’ just to be sure

Then you need to start TESTING.

Retargeting System

First, set up the retargeting campaigns and figure out what ‘product sets’ and formats are working in your store.

You can test the ‘All products’ set on all retargeting segments, and you can test ‘specific collections’ sets based on visitors who browsed specific web pages or collection pages on your website.

Under format, you can test Single Image or Video, Carousel, and a Collection.

In the beginning, put all 3 in each ad set to see which format across all testing will be the winner.

These are very simple basics that will add lots of sales to your cart easily.


Then you have cold traffic or prospecting testing.

Same thing. First test ‘all products’ set and then test all ‘collections sets’ in all 3 formats.

Test first on fairly broad audiences to see what catches attention and brings conversions under your KPI.

After you see what ‘collection’ and ‘format’ outperform others, you can start optimizing campaigns and launch more testing campaigns.

The scaling process here is by launching tons of interests in all kinds of combinations.

Test LLAs and test Interests.


Then after 7-14 days analyze results and go into the optimization process.

Your goal is to have one collection ‘set’ and one ‘format’ that works well on as many campaigns as possible.

For one client I run half of the prospecting campaigns with catalog sales.

Only CAROUSELS because they work like crazy.

When campaigns stop performing, I change the filter in ‘product set’ to get more or fewer products.

Sometimes I also change the collection set with new creatives or add some new products IN.


I see in this account I manage and spend 15k per day, I can push my catalog sales from $300 – $1k easily. Same on retargeting.

They are all less fragile about budgets than regular campaigns with images or videos.

At one point all my cold traffic was based on catalog sales and CPA was ½ cheaper than with regular conversion campaigns.

So I suggest you start finding out how you can add CATALOG SALES campaigns to your account right now.

If you are not using them, you’re leaving lots of advertising $$$ on the table. 🙂

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What Is A 360 Marketing Approach?

DimNiko | What Is A 360 Marketing Approach?

In recent weeks, we’ve been working to understand what the iOS14 update really means, and how we make up for losing access to important data points, tracking users and conversions. 

We still live in a data-centered era and the iOS14 update won’t change that. 

This requires marketers and advertisers to gain insight into their customers and audiences. This includes their motivations, needs, desires, preferences, and behaviors. 

The data and insights we have access to is the main reason why the 360-degree concept was developed in digital marketing. 

It really WORKS to increase business revenue – way more than any other marketing channel alone could do. 

Read More: Do You Need a Digital Marketing Plan?

What is 360-degree marketing? 

360-degree approach is a holistic view of the whole customer journey. Including all channels; organic and paid media, and inbound and outbound marketing (plus more).

Think integrated marketing communications – but at a much higher level where an individual customer can be followed through every step of the customer journey and can be reached with personalized marketing messages and offers to acquire them or increase their customer value. 

It doesn’t focus only on conversions, but on customer experience, engagement, brand loyalty, and awareness, and so much more that will help brands scale. 

All this is possible because of the data and digital technology. 

How can data and technology help you? 

Recent years using cookies or/and s2s tracking analytics platforms provided so many data points that could give insight on critical questions to your business, such as: 

  • Where can you find your customers? 
  • Who are your customers? 
  • How to engage with your customers?
  • What offers / products do your customers want?

And to make things even easier, everything happens in real-time!

Yes, iOS14 is making things harder but overall we still have so many advantages that we can appreciate. 

How can you apply 360 marketing? 

  1. Integrate your marketing activities

Your consumers are going to expect consistency. Whether they see a Facebook Ad, your website, Facebook Page or they are shopping in-store they will expect the same message, offer, and even creative themes. 

The best thing you can do is to make your message, offer, and themes complement each other. If you’re able to reach the same customer on multiple channels, it’s more likely that they’ll purchase and stay loyal to your brand. 

  1. Use data-driven approach to find customers 

Using data and analytics can help you target your audience in the right place and time with the right message. This not only saves you time and money, but you can allocate focus to the part of the business that is bringing you the most revenue and grow faster. 

  1. Use digital trends to your advantage

There is still huge growth in mobile technology and social media. New platforms and channels allow you to communicate with your customers in so many different ways. 

It’s frightening sometimes to change or emerge into new territory but if your customers are there and you are the first advertiser it cannot go wrong. 

  1.  Don’t underestimate a customer

In the digital world, post-purchase is more important than ever. Not only because a bad review can destroy brands, but because a happy customer can become a loyal fan and ambassador helping your business grow. 

In 360 marketing you not only focus on acquiring new customers but to retain them and keep them happy and loyal. 

Here at DimNiko Agency, we help clients apply 360 marketing that helps them scale their business.

If you’re interested in working with use to align your 360 marketing, book a call below.

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How to Create Dynamic Content on Instagram – PART 1

DimNiko | How to Create Dynamic Content on Instagram

Dynamic content makes you stop while scrolling – and after all, that’s the ultimate goal. 

You have 4 options on Instagram posting dynamic content: simple video posts, Reels, Stories, and IGTV. 

Today, we will speak about the Video posts and Stories and give you many new ideas for your content creation! 

Read More: How to Build an Instagram Plan – Part 2 

If you want to create a video post, upload your pre-recorded video from your mobile device’s media library, or film an immediate video right during posting. Don’t overthink it, just record something interesting, which you think resonates well with your audience. 

If you run a business, there are plenty of ideas that can help you provide information about your product – and still look like easy native content. 

Here is a quick summary about the content which will convert the best:

  • Brand awareness / Lifestyle: record a video while someone is using your product, in different situations!
  • Behind the scenes: show your warehouse – walk around the shelves with your camera, film how the goods arrive, how you or your colleagues prepare the tons of orders for delivery.
  • Educational: explain in detail, and also show how your product is being used! 
  • Tips & tricks: Share your best insider tips – who could give better suggestions if not the brand itself? You can create a separate video per tip – so you have content for a weekly post routine.
  • Influencer or user-generated content: you can repost videos made by influencers or customers – User-generated content is always the best!
  • Something funny: just light & entertaining content, a funny moment, or a challenge – if you are lucky, this can go viral, and your brand awareness can grow a lot. Don’t forget the hashtags!
  • Promotional: If you are running a sale, or promotion –  feel free to post a video about it! You will increase your conversion rate a lot!
  • FAQ: reply to frequently asked questions in a video!

Don’t forget, your IG feed posts can be found on search result pages, on Explore & hashtag pages as well. This is how new followers will find you! As the posts will stay on your feed, try to create “long-term” valid content – keep the very light videos for your story!

Instagram Stories

When it comes to Stories, you have to think even more about building a sustainable strategy. As the Stories disappear after 24 hours, you can go towards a lighter thematic here and can even follow a bit more ad-hoc content creation. Besides, with a bit of planning, you can complete your normal posts with quality content stories, which worths being thematically saved on your account. 

What kind of content is the best choice for Stories?

  • The story surface is great to get more personal. You can create stories based on your IG feed posts, and you can complete the shared information there.
  • Activate your follower base! Ask an open question or start voting about colors, styles, improvements of your product. 
  • You can create a weekly routine, like a “Sweepstake – Sunday”, or a “Tell-your-story Tuesday” or even a “Flash-sale Friday” –  your followers will wait for these events and will be more and more active every week!
  • You can also feature a follower’s post or story, showing your people how often your customers mention you and showcase positive customer reviews. 
  • You can answer customer questions – and save the post into a FAQ / Q&A story collection.
  • Interact & involve – In the morning, ask people what they plan for the day, share your plans and in the evening you can inform them about the week’s schedule you are planning. (promotion, sweepstake, live, etc)
  • Use location stickers, date & time stickers, and insert poll stickers to get your followers involved. Ask questions about the content your followers want and create that content the day after!
  • “Ask me anything” day –  you can get valuable input about the topics your customers are interested in. Replying to these questions will increase brand awareness, and will make your brand likable. 
  • Promote your fresh content: New blog posts, new events, upcoming promotions – or a countdown until the new product arrives.

If you start implementing these tips, you will easily fill with content your IG Story. Try to post at least 3x a week, but if you can build a thematic plan – even every day! Your customers will like that you provide value – without repeating yourself. 

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The importance of Knowing Your Buyer Persona In-Depth

DimNiko | The importance of Knowing Your Buyer Persona In-Depth

When we own a business, we tend to only think about the product, and often leave aside who’s it actually aimed at and whether it’s the solution that solves their problems or needs.

This is why it’s so important to have a well defined ‘buyer persona’, to know what their needs and interests are, and to connect in a more direct way.

Read More: How to Build Broad Audience Pools to Effectively Test a Product

What is a Buyer Persona?

Buyer personas are those who have a series of common characteristics and specific needs, pains or desires to be solved by a product or service offered by the company. It’s an ideal customer who defines the group of people that the product is addressed to.

For example, let’s say we sell women’s mountain sports shoes.

In this case, we will have to find out what specific characteristics this ideal customer has and ask ourselves a series of questions to find out what they’re looking for in our product:

  • what do they value in a pair of mountain shoes?
  • Is the design important or are they only looking for comfort?
  • What average price are they willing to pay?
  • What are the biggest problems they’ve had with previous shoes?

These and many more questions are important to ask to understand the messaging to convey when advertising directly to your ideal customer.

If our buyer persona are women between 30 and 40 years of age, who like mountain sports, are looking for comfortable shoes but also for a nice design and want them for frequent excursions with friends. We agree that by creating an ad with the image of a woman (30-40 years old), walking in the mountains, surrounded by a group of people in the background and a headline stating “Comfort and style for walking in the mountains”.

This will create a stronger connection, than if we put the image of a couple in their 20s, saying “The best sneakers to do sports with your partner”.

There must be a prior investigation to collect all that information. Having a technical sheet of the buyer persona helps greatly segment our target audience, to create the copy and creativities of the ads.

Buyer persona information sheet


Civil situation
Country or countries
City or cities (more specific if is necessary)

More concrete profile

Level of studies
Job position
Salary range
They have children?
Civil status
Do they buy online?

Interests and behaviors

Influencers or referents
Movies, TV series, TV shows

Magazine or books

Wishes, pains, what do they value

What do they value most in a purchase?
Customer issues
Dreams and wishes
Objections to the purchase
Tried before without success?

*The more extensive the information, the more you will have for the content creation.

Ways to research the ideal customer:

  • Reviews are testimonials of the customer who have already tested the product. If you don’t have a lot of reviews, you can check out your competition and see what their customers are saying.

With reviews we know the reasons why they have consumed the product, the expectations they had before consuming the product and what they value about that product.

Reviews from Google, website, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are the biggest source of information.

  • Surveys are a very good way to extract information. Google Forms allows us to  easily create surveys to send to all those friends, acquaintances or trusted customers who fit the ideal customer profile to get information.
  • Forums and blogs that talk about the same product you sell. There is a lot of valuable information out there. The writer goes into detail about his opinion, the pros, cons, and sometimes even what you can do better.

Without researching your ideal customer, it’s difficult to properly understand our ideal customer leaving a gap in your advertising.

Understanding the buyer persona is crucial for selling more effectively.

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Top 3 Copywriting Hacks Nobody Will Tell You About

DimNiko | Top 3 Copywriting Hacks Nobody Will Tell You About

Let’s hope this copywriting blog post will find you as well as your favorite new dish in your neighborhood. Yummy!

Does this whet your appetite?

Be honest! Your brain has just started thinking of the favorite dishes and your palate has started reminiscing about the taste of it. Feelings are getting stronger and we haven’t even started yet. The power of words is getting in!

Read more: How to Write Great Ad Copy!

Well, hello everyone! Tatev here from the DimNiko Agency. As a copywriter, I am going to share some super straightforward facts about copywriting.

Copywriting is a new-age specialty that has risen to its potential when the armageddon of social media has emerged directly into our lives. Honestly, life without social media is hard to imagine. And that Armageddon scene as well! Jeez!

Could you even count how many copies you read per day? Social media posts, ad copies, blog captions, if not the whole blog, and many more.

We are getting more and more personal and open about what we write. And yes! That’s life-changing!

Let’s jump on the number 1 trick of copywriting:

1. I call this EMOTIONAL COPY.

Here is a quick Q&A:

  • What is the number 1 goal of a copywriter?
  • To connect to the audience. Right!

Copywriting is pretty modern as I’ve mentioned above, but writing is old-school and for millennia writers put every word to get the most impact on the reader. The emotional impact!

If you don’t feel my words and don’t hit your heart, can we connect on the copywriting level? The answer is NO! The names can be changed but still copywriting is writing and still, your commercial copy should involve the emotional factor.

You can’t sell any product without actually feeling the product.

Think of copywriting from the perspective of physics. Everything we have in life is energy. To master your copy, think of the vibes; your words transform the energy. Whatever you write is affecting the reader subconsciously. Well, now we get into psychology but let’s talk about the psychological aspect of copywriting in our next blog.

Meanwhile, you may want to subscribe to our blog. That would be nice of you. Thank you! 🙂

2. The next important aspect of copywriting is to KEEP IT SHORT.

Okay! a bit of controversy here: I am advising you to keep your writing short in a long blog post, but I’m just breaking it down for you.

Remember the last scene of Armageddon? the no time factor. This is it! Do we have much time? Can people afford to read long sentences? The answer is NOT NOW.

Times have changed and there is much buzz and competition everywhere, but don’t let it get close to your heart. You can always bring something different to the table. Just make sure you are doing it and it’s pretty accessible for everyone. Copywriting should directly involve the considerations of readers. Be flexible and to the point!

Think of it as a message to your friend. You don’t make it complicated. You just say everything straight without going overboard.

Last but not least, we have reached my N3 and the most favorite tip of copywriting.

3. I call this THE BITTER TRUTH.

If you don’t have writing skills from nature, don’t fall for it. You may spend years of studies to master your craft, but still, you will struggle with the writing process and the so-called writer’s block. This happens too, but when you are gifted with writing, the process comes naturally and is enjoyable. You don’t put extra pressure on yourself, you don’t overload yourself.

Ask yourself: Am I a writer?

If your heart signals back with an extra beat, you are on the right track.

Writing is mental. If you are just starting your career as a copywriter, I hope this is helpful for you. If you are not happy with it, please move on. You are not a tree. You are free. Every single person on earth is gifted with a talent. Find yours and pursue your passion.

Grab your life by the horns and create your own bold statements. Trust your gut; it will show your true purpose.

If you need support and assistance from E-commerce professionals, here at DimNiko agency we help clients scale their business and support them with their strategies.

If you’re spending over $500 a day, book a call below:

Stay in peace and life-blessed!

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DimNiko | $120K a Month In Revenue BUT Super Unprofitable to Cold Traffic…. Sound Familiar?

$120K a Month In Revenue BUT Super Unprofitable to Cold Traffic…. Sound Familiar?

We just brought on a new client this week that runs a supplement brand doing about $120K in monthly revenue. 

They have a phenomenal brand, a product their customers absolutely love, a website that is converting high, and a repeat customer rate of around 80% BUT they are not profitable to cold traffic.

Which puts a huge roadblock in front of them when it comes to scaling their brand. Furthermore explaining why they have never been able to break through to multi 6 figure revenue months.

Read More: Squeezing Revenue Out of Q2 eCom Holidays

Their retargeting ads are very profitable but they are nowhere near breakeven when it comes to prospecting or cold traffic ads. To the point, they had fully turned off ALL prospecting ads as they struggled to make any sales.

After a 2 hour call with myself, we identified the major reasons their cold traffic ads were struggling and we put together a clear action plan to get prospecting profitable that will allow them to really scale the brand up.

Here were the major problems:

  1. Their prospecting ad creatives did not speak to any problems or pain points their customers were experiencing that would make them want to buy their product
  2. Their prospecting ads did not highlight the key benefits the product would deliver to the customer
  3. Their top-of-funnel ads did not build any trust with these new potential customers – there were no elements of social proof, reviews, or authority.
  4. The messaging of the prospecting ads did not align with the people seeing the ads
  5. They are running the exact same ads to retargeting as their top cold traffic ads. 

When we had a close look at their ads library I said these exact words to them.

“You are literally ONLY showing your product to people and expecting them to buy. Have a look at this ad right here, would you buy from this ad if you came across it for the first time? There is nothing about it that gives someone a REASON TO BUY the product, hence why no one does buy from these cold traffic ads”

The extraordinary thing about this brand is that they have such good retention and loyalty from their customers that when they do bring on new customers they are very profitable because these customers buy from them again and again and they have a great lifetime value.

They are simply lacking an effective top of the funnel / prospecting / cold traffic strategy to bring on new customers profitability. This is an all too common problem I see with brands. 

I want you to remember this statement and engrave it in your brain.

“If you are unprofitable to cold traffic you cannot scale your Business” 

We are not starting with this client for a few more weeks as we currently have a waitlist to get started with us BUT once we fix their cold traffic issues… the sky’s the limit to how far we can scale their brand.

If you guys reading this have a great product, a great brand, very solid retention, and repeat business BUT cannot get profitable to cold traffic, let’s book in a chat and I will walk you through exactly how your brand can become profitable and scale to the moon.

You can book here:

Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

EPOCH Facebook Community

A Facebook community for top-level marketers to discuss and share hyper-advanced online marketing strategies. Network and learn from the best in the industry.

Daily Scale Newsletter

The Daily Scale newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox discussing top insights and strategies our agency uses every single day on our 7 figure DTC brands. 


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Hong Kong:
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11/F 29 Austin Rd
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The Aviary, First Floor, Office 2
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Why You Need To Change Your Strategies Based On Your Target Country

DimNiko | New Sales Page

Why You Need to Change Your Strategies Based on Your Target Country

If you’re running international campaigns or targeting widely different countries, you’re probably struggling trying to get the same performance out of each country. 

Even with the same creatives, same audience, and strategies that seem to work for one country, it’s not for another 

A lot of brand’s struggle with this.

Scratching their head, wondering how they can fix this because something must be wrong. 

Good news is, nothing is broken. You just need to change things up a bit. 

Recently, with a new client, this was a very prominent problem they were having. 

The product is very niche specific, meaning typical targeting doesn’t work for all GEOs. 

Usually, accounts perform well with just a broad audience and couple interests to sum it up. 

This account was completely different from what we noticed trending with our other accounts. 

To help set the stage, this account focused on 2 countries with widely different cultures using landing pages on two separate domains – in this case, it was a good thing. 

We adjusted and followed our typical account strategy we use when we onboard clients and prep them for scale. 

Spoiler alert, we’re already scaling this account after only a few weeks… 

Anyways, we had to implement completely different campaign strategies to extract the performance for both target countries. 

Here’s what we implemented and why this is necessary. 

Read More: Best Practices: Introducing New Ads To Your Campaigns


We all know the US probably has the most expensive CPM’s & CPC’s. This can make it very difficult for other countries to approach the US market. As an example in South Africa the CPC’s and CPM’s cost about a 10th compared to the US. 

For brands trying to break into different markets, they spend a lot more than expected at first just to gain reach to introduce themselves and create brand awareness. 

Same goes for businesses reaching cheaper markets. If you’re coming from the US and easily spending $100/day on one campaign, you’re probably overspending and getting bad quality traffic. 

Product Pricing 

Once you determine what your CPMs & CPCs are, it’s important to adjust your product pricing based on the country you’re targeting. 

It’s essential that a lot of research is done before jumping into a new market. 

Businesses need to ask themselves: what is the LSM of each market? Will customers pay at your price point? How does your price compare to direct competitors? 

Once these questions are answered, price your product and calculate the KPIs. 

Read More: 3 Ways to Increase Your AOV With No Additional Backend Costs

Budget Allocation 

To allocate budget, you need to look at your CPM, CPC, LPM, and KPI for each country. 

If pricing, CPM, and CPC are close enough, it’s not necessary to change the price. You can pair countries as long as the landing pages are the same. 

If this isn’t the case, use your metrics to calculate how to allocate your budget across GEOs. 

For example, if you’re targeting the USA and Mexico in one campaign, most of the traffic will go to Mexico because CPMs, CPCs, etc. are a lot cheaper. 

This is just how the algorithm is working.  

To prevent this, separate the GEOs with an ABO campaign or create different campaigns. The budget you allocate should be in conjunction with the CPA’s you’re trying to reach and based on the pricing. 

If your pricing is different in the other countries your KPIs will change, you can still calculate your pricing to extract the same ROAs for all price points. 

If you set the budget at your US spend for other countries with a lower CPC and CPM, you might waste your money. You’re spending a lot more than anyone else in that country and the ads will just go everywhere. 

Since you are paying less or more for the traffic, make sure that you set the budget for the total sales in order not to overspend or underspend on your campaigns. 


This might be an easy one, but this is an area that typically gets neglected by most accounts. 

Creatives are insanely important, especially when targeting multiple Geo’s. This is mainly why I prefer to separate countries with different campaigns. 

Most people resonate with what they see at home. This is true for creatives as well. 

We noticed once we included images of people from the same country as the geos we were targeting, we immediately started to see major improvements with CTR and conversion performance. 

Once these essential areas have been converted, you can implement your actual campaign and targeting strategies. 

You will get actual results and you can set yourself up for scaling the account.  

All you have to do is test, test, test and find your best audiences. 

As I mentioned above, the product is very niche specific and the interest audiences we had to use in the end was dramatically different for each country. 

You just have to get a little creative sometimes, or get an agency that can.

And this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap! 

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko 

Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

EPOCH Facebook Community

A Facebook community for top-level marketers to discuss and share hyper-advanced online marketing strategies. Network and learn from the best in the industry.

Daily Scale Newsletter

The Daily Scale newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox discussing top insights and strategies our agency uses every single day on our 7 figure DTC brands. 


Want In On The Juiciest Brand Building Strategies? Subscribe to Our Daily Newsletter

Hong Kong:
Unit 1102
11/F 29 Austin Rd
Tsim Sha Thui KL
Hong Kong

60 Glenwood Road
The Aviary, First Floor, Office 2
Gauteng - South Africa

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3 Ways to Increase Your Average Order Value with NO Additional Backend Costs

DimNiko Marketing | 3 Ways To Increase Your Average Order Value With No Additional Backend Costs


Today, I’m going to discuss how we help our clients increase the average order value without increasing the actual product cost. 

And, no, I’m not talking about bundles or traditional cross / up-selling. 

To start, let’s discuss the client:

This brand works within the baby niche selling products that help parents / grandparents cure their infants easily. 

It’s quite popular in Australia and the products are displayed in many local pharmacies across the country. 

Read More: A Simple But Powerful Strategy to Make Your Products More Profitable


We started with them 3 months ago. 

And, after a massive testing process, we understood the main issue with the ad account was not the actual campaign setup or creatives – it’s the average order value. 

Most of the campaigns were profitable throughout the testing periods, but not profitable enough to hit the desirable KPIs. 

Meaning, we needed to make changes to the offers on the website with a little disclaimer. 

The change worked! And, we managed to increase the AOV bringing in a higher ROAS on our campaigns across the board. 


Firstly, we suggested the client change the Free Shipping Offer… 

Now before you jump the gun, let me explain. 

The main product we’re focusing on costs $79.96, but the free shipping started for orders over $200. 

Obviously, this did not encourage people to order more products. 

Ideally, we would decrease the minimum order for free shipping to $100. 

This would mean the customer needs to purchase only $21 more in order to receive free shipping. 

The client didn’t want to go that low because of internal shipping and packaging costs, so we agreed to move it to $150. 

This encourages customers to buy 2 products and get free shipping. And, as previously mentioned – it worked! 

We are seeing massive increases in the amount of customers purchasing 2 products instead of 1. 


Our client was giving away 1 cheap product with each order. 

This offer was called a V.I.P. offer but didn’t actually make much sense. Because the giveaway product was of good quality and it was a pity just to give it away for free with each order.

So we suggested making it an actual V.I.P. offer and give it away to those customers who spent over $90 on the website.

Why $90? The logic behind this number is the same as with the Free Shipping offer. 

The customer has to spend just $11 more and gets a free gift. 

Who can say no to this combination? As we see now – most of the customers can’t, so again IT WORKED.


Since the product is electronic, it comes with a 1-year guarantee. Based on historical data, there were just a few cases of the product return so almost nobody actually used the guarantee.

Our suggestion was to add an extended guarantee for the second year for $9.99. 

If the product is safe and doesn’t break often, this extended guarantee doesn’t cost the business anything but increases the AOV by almost $10 and gives more reassurance to the customers that the brand is responsible for their products.

And once again based on the current results we can see that this suggestion WORKED as well. There is a big percentage of customers who are choosing a 2-year guarantee instead of 1.

If you’re looking for new ways to switch up your offer and boost your AOV, try out the methods above and let us know if you saw an increase in your results! 

Or if you want to hear a bit more about how we can help you just like this client… 

Book a call to discuss how we can work together 

Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

EPOCH Facebook Community

A Facebook community for top-level marketers to discuss and share hyper-advanced online marketing strategies. Network and learn from the best in the industry.

Daily Scale Newsletter

The Daily Scale newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox discussing top insights and strategies our agency uses every single day on our 7 figure DTC brands. 


Want In On The Juiciest Brand Building Strategies? Subscribe to Our Daily Newsletter

Hong Kong:
Unit 1102
11/F 29 Austin Rd
Tsim Sha Thui KL
Hong Kong

60 Glenwood Road
The Aviary, First Floor, Office 2
Gauteng - South Africa