We all know video ads work. If you don’t use video creatives to tell your brand story, you’re missing a lot.
But you also know that it’s pretty hard to come up with very awesome videos for cold traffic that will convert at your desired ROAS or CPA. You have to constantly test them to find the best CTR, CPM and CPC.
Testing Video Creatives
When you have a very promising video, you need to analyze it and re-edit to create even better performance of it. You need to change scroll-stopping thumbnails with custom made graphics or weird screenshot extracts from your videos. You also need to re-edit the first 3s many times, so you find a winning combination for clicks.
You also need to add in a few happy customers screenshots from your website, a few customer satisfaction pics and statements, and also few sayings like ‘We’ve just sold 100k of this product!’
(If you really sold many, if not please don’t. Trying to over potent your brand if you’re just making few sales everyday, will probably ruin your brand image.)
But yes, try to show them success data as relevant as possible, and as many times as possible in that one video. And when you find your winning video creative, that is doing an amazing job on the cold traffic, you need to push it as much as you can.
How? Create 10 – 50 campaigns with it and boost it with PPE to get lots of engagements.
Why PPE? We experienced that ad IDs with over 50 comments starts to bring great performance.
Next step then is that when you get 1MM or more views on all combined videos, you create few special custom audiences.
Of course you can do them before and retarget with smaller budgets, but things start to change with lots of people in those campaigns. And for that you need to first spend some money to get views.
(Beware: Top notch secret from here on!)
Read More: Are You Really Testing Creatives On Facebook or Is It Luck of the Draw?
Creating Custom Audiences From Successful Video Creatives
Create a custom audience with 95% of people who viewed all your cold traffic videos together in the last 180 days. Also make 95% for the last 30 and 90 days, 75% for 30, 90 and 180 days, 50% for 30 and 90, and 25% for 30 days. (We see based on the past days those audiences react very differently.)
Then the last audience you will need is the ThruPlay audience in the last 180 days.
What Creatives to Use with Your Custom Audiences
Now before you will start uploading all those audiences, let me tell you what creatives you will use in them.
First and most popular are UGC creatives. Pics works great here but you should also have videos.
I’m sure if you sold lot’s of products on your website, and if you have a review app installed, then you can take screenshots and use them.
If not, you can get them by sending a few emails to your buyers list and giving away some discount codes as a way to say thank you.
Or you can make them by asking a few friends or family members to try or wear your product with a big happy smile on their faces. 🙂 They will of course do this for free and you will also have a great time doing this together with them. Maybe this can be your social thing every month? (just saying)
In ad copy you will obviously say something great to potential buyers. Something that you find out they all like and what changes their thoughts after they bought it.
You will put it in “…”, so we all know that they really said that. 🙂
Then you will make two types of retargeting video viewers campaigns.
Read More: What Creative Works Best In In-Stream Video Ad Placement?
Building the Campaigns
One will be dynamic ads and the other will be regular ads.
In dynamics you will put 10 pics, or vids, or both combinations in, together with 5 ad copies and few subject descriptions. So FB can show different creatives to that audience based on their daily performance.
Same you will do with standard solo ads, but you need to have it at least 5-10 in each ad set. More the better, as FB will also show them based on daily performance.
Then at the last but not the least, you have to upload all these campaigns on your account. And start testing, and optimizing, and scaling best performers.
Here you can do three approaches:
- Upload all audiences in one ad set and start with a bigger budget. (you will have one dynamic ad campaign and one solo ad campaign)
- Upload all audiences in several ad sets with each audience in separate ad set (2 campaigns – yes each ad set will have one dynamic or multi solo ads)
- Upload all audiences in separate campaigns (Many campaigns – currently my preferred way)
This of course will differ based on your past account data, so I would go one by one and test all slowly.
When you find your winning combination, you will also find that this strategy is pure gold. It can bring your average CPA down a lot. Usually these campaigns work at a half or a third TOF CPA cost! So use it smart in different segments of your product funnels!
(Hint: You can take same approach also in other audiences)
If you think this is too advanced or too hard for you, you can always sign up with us and make your life easier. And your business will grow more as this can be pretty time consuming.
Yes, we will upload all that and more for you!
How you can join us is by booking a call ==> https://dimniko.com/msp-apply
Then if we figure out we’re a good fit, we take you in.
Have a wonderful day and hope to see you inside.