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Where to Get Ideas for Your Ad Creatives

DimNiko |

Ad creatives are what your audience will see on your campaign. It varies from images, videos, to other formats that will be delivered to your audience.

The history of advertising has run deep. 

It would be amazing if advertising was still simple. Unlike today we have more to compete within the market.

Read More: Best Practices: Introducing New Ads to Your Campaigns

This would require lots of effort for your business to stand out. 

Only a small percentage of advertising can be remembered and properly attributed to your brand. You have 5 seconds to grab your audience’s attention.

Your ad must be able to cut through the noise in your audience’s feeds.

Here are some of the platforms where you can get Ideas for ad creatives

  1. Facebook Ad Library
  2. and other a like
  3. Check other industries
  4. Checkout how your competitors are doing it

Curating top-class creative campaigns, in reality, isn’t easy.

We encourage you to think of creativity, production, and media as one. 

Creativity is not just a responsibility of those in the design department. It is encouraged that it will be a collaborative process.

As a team, work towards the common goal of making a disruptive work that will cut through. 

Remember, more effective the campaign equates to more creative brainpower 

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Are You Utilizing the Full Extent of Catalog Display and Retargeting Options Post iOS14?

DimNiko | Are You Utilising the Full Extent of Catalog Display and Retargeting Options Post iOS14?

For stores with lots of SKUs, the dynamic display of products has been a real winner for many on Facebook ads over the last 12 months. Facebook’s ability to dynamically pull products from a catalog and present them in an optimized manner has been a game-changer for many brands.

But is your brand utilizing dynamic catalog displays to their fullest potential?

Let’s find out.

Read More: Facebook’s Carousel Catalog Feed System is on Fire

For a while, most only used catalog displays for retargeting, which makes sense. People at this stage of the funnel already know about your brand and selling points, so may simply need reminding of the products, or presented with similar ones in order to drive conversion. 

However, more recently, Facebook has come through with more top-of-funnel options for dynamic display. 

Now I know what you’re thinking, I can’t just put my catalog in front of people and expect them to buy, and you would be correct. Whilst this may work for some brands, for many, we need content to sell them, and we need our products laid out in a way that’s easy to digest.

This is what collection ads offer.

The collection is an ad format that lets people move from discovery to purchase in a smooth and immersive way. Each collection ad features a primary video or image with three smaller accompanying images below in a grid-like layout. Customers who tap on your collection ad to browse or learn more will be seamlessly taken to a fast-loading visual post-click experience powered by Instant Experience – all without leaving Facebook or Instagram.

This allows you to bring forward the browsing experience from your website to Facebook whilst also offering value and a chance to inform with media and copy. This is very useful for a few reasons: 

  1. We get all the benefits of a traditional video or image post allowing you to inform the viewer of what your product is about, its selling points, features and benefits. As we know this is crucial in the sales process and means. 
  1. By bringing the browsing experience to Facebook, people can see your full range of products with prices, and you can even segment your “storefront” collection into sections of relevant products (shopify collections). This means people see more products, so could be more likely to be intrigued enough about one to click through to the website, compared to if they were presented with an image of a single product. For stores with multiple collections, this is a game changer.
  1. The fact they’ve already watched your video or seen your content, browsed your full range, seen the price, (all whilst still on facebook) and then still clicked through to the website means that the conversion rate from this traffic is likely to be higher and more qualified. Of course, this is not the case 100% of the time, however it’s what we have seen on multiple accounts, and makes sense as we can still use the video and copy to handle objections.
  1. Engagement retargeting – By clicking on your collection, someone is engaging with your post. This instantly puts them into an engaged audience in the middle of funnel campaigns. If people are more likely to click because they don’t have to leave Facebook, this means you’re building a larger, warmer audience faster, and the best bit? This has nothing to do with Facebook pixel retargeting, so you don’t have to worry about tracking issues, or a smaller retargeting audience. This is a really useful retargeting strategy going forward, particularly if your brand is one that was heavily reliant on pixel data, rather than engagement data for retargeting, and have seen a large reduction in audience size since ios14. 

So as we can see, collection ads have a range of benefits over single image or video ads, and with three different layout options – Storefront, Customer Acquisition, and Lookbook, there’s no reason not to be testing these formats in your ad account.

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Single Product Advertising vs Multiple Product Advertising

DimNiko Agency | Single Product Advertising vs Multiple Product Advertising

Today I’d like to discuss the pros and cons of single and multi-product advertising.

This post is obviously highly recommended for business owners who have multiple products in their shops but can also help entrepreneurs who are looking forward to expanding their product line.

We have several clients with multiple products in the shop and I am going to share the best strategies we’ve developed from them.

Read More: How Often Should I Change My Product Offers?

Whenever we start working with multiple product brands, we analyze the backend data in order to understand the best-performing product.

Afterward, we go through the ad account and search for the campaigns sending traffic to this product.

Only after confirming the best performing product with the client (sometimes clients have different perspectives on this question) do we analyze the strategy the client has been using for advertising this product and put together ideas for our strategy.

So why do we usually start with 1 product?

This is the most efficient way to build a sustainable base in the ad account.

Why? Because you have an opportunity to clearly test your media buying strategies since you know that the product shouldn’t be an issue since it proved to be the best performing.

You can obviously use catalog sales for the retargeting traffic but start pushing prospecting traffic just for this top product.

Another advantage of this type of testing is very accurate and conservative budget testing.

Since you’re not spreading the budget across all the multiple products, your testing budget can be quite conservative. 

So this is the best moment for testing audiences (interests, lookalikes), different GEOs, budget, bid, and other types of campaign settings.

While you’re looking for the winning combinations, you should also be testing different types of creatives and creative angles.

As I said, all of these tests will help you depict a clear winning strategy. In the end, you will know which audiences work best for the business and which type of creatives resonate with your audience.

Once you have stable campaigns which bring enough revenue for you to start scaling them, you can proceed with product testing.

Use the findings that you got from the previous tests and start going through the products.

Test 1 product at a time. If the campaigns are not performing well, the main conclusion will be that this specific product is not worth advertising.

After several rounds of testing, you will define a list of best-performing products and will be able to advertise them successfully and profitably.

Another tip you can use after you have this list is creating bundles based on the best-selling products – this will increase your average order value and will help you continue scaling your campaigns.

You can also use upsells for promoting the top products and again increasing the AOV.

We find these procedures much more effective than testing multiple products at a time. The main reason is that you’ll never know whether the product is not performing or your media buying strategies don’t apply to this account and this brand.

So my main piece of advice will be – ALWAYS TEST SMARTLY =)

If you want to know more about our smart testing,

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How to Properly Test Your Android Users

DimNiko | How to Properly Test Your Android Users

After the iOS14 update, we’re all driving ourselves crazy trying to find audiences that really work for our brands…😓 

Lookalikes based on custom events have been affected. Facebook is no longer able to track people as it did before due to the increase of opt-outs. 

Of course, these changes are affecting attribution and reporting, but not the deliverability of the ads. Therefore we need to focus on the quality of the whole setup of our ads, looking into audiences, placements, and creatives.

Read More: Don’t Trust Your Facebook Rep, Always Trust the Testing Data

Today, I want to share a recent test I’ve been doing in some of our accounts and it’s been effective so far: targeting Android Devices Only.

If you haven’t tested it yet, it’s something you definitely need to consider as you might be able to find some stability in your ad account!👌

Here’s how I set it up:


Since you’re just targeting Android users, your audiences will be smaller so it’s important to select your best-performing countries where you know the ads will be delivered efficiently. If you are targeting worldwide and it’s performing well, then continue targeting Worldwide.


Choose your best performing 3-5 audiences and place them in a CBO with a minimum ad spend per day.

You can even split them by campaign so that you are targeting one interest or lookalike at a time.

It’s important to test cold traffic audiences first, as you will have more data than on retargeting.


Select all platforms so that the ads get more deliverability.


Choose your best 3 best post ids that have quite a lot of social proof for better results. You can also use your 3 best creatives if you still don’t have enough social proof on your ads.

I have tested this in several accounts and in most cases, I’ve been able to scale the campaigns on the first 5-7 days.

For scaling, I recommend slowly raising the budget 20% when hitting the KPIs, instead of duplicating the campaign or ad set, as the audience might not be big enough.

*You can also run an A/B test targeting Android Users vs All Mobile Devices, leave it for approximately one week and analyze the results to decide if it’s worth testing it with more audiences.

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How to Create Dynamic Content on Instagram – PART 2

DimNiko | How to Create Dynamic Content on Instagram - PART 2

In this chapter, we will speak about Instagram Stories. 

Read More: How to Create Dynamic Content on Instagram – PART 1

Instagram Stories

When it comes to Instagram Stories, you have to think about building a sustainable strategy. 

Since Stories disappear after 24 hours, you can have a lighter approach or be more ad-hoc with your content creation. With a bit of planning, you can complete your normal posts with quality content stories and create highlights for visitors to browse. 

What kind of content is the best choice for Stories?

  • The story surface is great to get more personal. You can create stories based on your IG feed posts and save information on your highlight for people to revisit when looking at your profile.
  • Engage your follower base! Ask an open question or start poll about colors, styles, and improvements of your product. 
  • You can create a weekly routine, like a “Sweepstake – Sunday”, or a “Tell-your-story Tuesday” or even a “Flash-sale Friday” –  your followers will wait for these events and will be more and more active every week!
  • Feature a follower’s post or story, showing your audience how often your customers mention you, and also to showcase positive customer reviews. 
  • You can answer customer questions – and save the post into a FAQ / Q&A story highlight.
  • Interact & involve – In the morning, ask people what they plan for the day, share your plans and in the evening you can inform them about the week’s schedule you are planning. (promotion, sweepstake, live etc)
  • Use location stickers, date & time stickers, and insert poll stickers to get your followers involved. Ask questions about the content your followers want and create that content the day after!
  • “Ask me anything” day –  you can get valuable input about the topics your customers are interested in. Replying on these questions will increase brand awareness, and will make your brand likable. 
  • Promote your fresh content: New blog post, new events, upcoming promotions – or a countdown until the new product arrives.

If you start implementing these tips, you’ll easily fill your IG story with valuable content. 

Try to post at least 3x / week, or if you can build out a thematic plan – try every day! Your customer will like the value you provide. Just try not to repeat yourself.  

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Marketing Expenses That Are Worth It

DimNiko | Marketing Expenses That Are Worth It

It is significant to know the importance of marketing expenses.

For all businesses, it is a must to always include marketing expenses. 

Marketing serves as the primary function for any business that attracts customers.

Read More: How Can I Lower My CPM?

Attracting customers is what every business needs to do. This would allow an increase in sales and compete better in the market.

Understandably, this side of the business is just a bit of a challenge to assess how much to spend on what.

Power of branding

Branding is a reflection of your product, people go with someone they are familiar with. Putting a budget to branding efforts allows you to empower your business.

Content creation to build an audience

Content is the future of your audience. From content, you’re building your audience that builds your community which makes your company. 

The better the content is, the more the audience the higher the ROI.

Marketing software

Why settle for software with limitations?

The better the marketing software you have the more features you have, the more that you can make in ROI. Go big, and it will pay off as time goes on.


Experience is what matters at events. It’s something people talk about.

The better you provide the better the outcome. Would you sacrifice a few dollars spending on conference room and food and being told of it? Instead of people telling how good it was with you in the event and asking more people to join.

It is important to do quarterly and annual assessments for you to identify whether projections are aligned with the actual spending.

Making this a practice will allow you to refine your efforts and have an accurate budget as you go along.

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Here’s How We Managed to Reduce Ad Spend and Increased Our Revenue at the Same Time.

DimNiko | Reduce Ad Spend and Increased Our Revenue

There is always room for improvement when it comes to optimizing your ad account, it’s a law that’s written in the algorithm of the Facebook ads manager. 

With the recent changes of iOS14 and all the struggles that came with it, it’s easy to just blame everything on iOS14 and wait for a miracle to happen to increase your revenue and performance. 

Since we launched the supplement brand about 6 months before writing this piece, we have been on a steady path of growth and customer acquisition within this period, ideally, this shouldn’t stop. 

Read More: Why Scaling Back On Your Ad Spend Can Actually Help You Scale

Throughout this time we managed to get a good understanding of the customer behavior and trends weekly and we were able to build a solid strategy with the marketing dynamics.

Typically with the customers, we see that we see a huge drop in sales and conversion rate every second week of the month relative to the payday cycle. This is usually because people don’t have money to spare, at least with our customer base. 

We understand that our demographic likes to spend money as soon as they get it which is why we typically see a spike at around the 15th of every month and the last week when payday hits. The first week of the month was based on some educated guessing, they settled all their bills and have a little extra left to ‘treat’ themselves. 

Typically we lose a lot of our margin in the second week of the month since we don’t usually scale down the account and the ads keep on spending, which eats away our margins. 

To combat this, we implemented a few changes to our strategy and added some new tactics in our marketing and advertising strategy to get those sales up and keep all the numbers green. 

Here’s what we did.

1. New Creatives

I can’t stress enough how important creatives are. I have written a few posts about how you can test creatives, this was back when Facebook was still performing relatively normal, but it still applies.

I think there are a lot of times one neglects the creatives, I am sometimes guilty of this as well, but the results speak for themselves. As soon as we refresh our creatives and angles, we see a big improvement in both conversion rate and overall ad performance. 

We dived deep into the comments of previous ads, the reviews, and the typical questions customers have surrounding the product. Based on the information we gathered, we did more research on the types of questions and found new pressure points. 

We used this to create new angles for the ad copies and implemented them with the actual creatives. We were able to do this all with free content found on Canva, which means you don’t have an excuse not to do it as well

2. Landing Page Updates

We used this “slow period” to focus on updating the landing page, by adding fresh content, updating the reviews on the product images, and just giving the website a little overhaul. 

We already built the page to be optimal for conversions but as I mentioned above, there is also room for improvement even if it’s minor, we started seeing an increase in our conversion rate.

3. Diversify Your Product Offers & Ads

We decided as well to start implementing dedicated campaigns to our lower down the line products since we focus and scale our flagship offers and products. 

We did just as much work with our lower down the line products regarding research, creatives, and ad angles to start focusing on these products just as much as the flagship products.

Since we had to reduce ad spend during the second week of the month for our main campaigns, we were able to diversify the budget and run multiple campaigns at the same time with different offers and stabilize sales. 

The overall AOV was lower but we were able to maintain a steady stream of sales. 

4. Push An Exciting Offer 

This might sound very generic, but hear me out. 

During the slower week of the month, we implement a new offer to the customers and added it to our email marketing campaigns on all the social media channels and ads as well. 

With the previous offers, we typically implemented a new bundle on offer, ran a buy one get one free offer, or added a free product with orders above a certain value, free shipping, etc. 

We decided to try something a little different; since customers don’t really have money to spend we decided to implement a discount offer with the pair of cheapest products, but with an overall lower average order value. 

We priced it just under the free shipping point, which means customers can either add something to their cart (increasing the AOV) or will have to pay to ship themselves, reducing our costs. 

With this, we managed to reduce our ad spend overall for the month and actually increase our revenue since the margin on the lower-priced product is higher. 

A lot more customers started buying compared to previous months. We ran the offer for a little bit longer than we typically do, but to keep it exclusive, you have to remove it, which we did.

5. Be Prepared To Scale!

After implementing these changes and updates to the account, ad account strategy, website, and creatives, we weren’t too focused on the account during the second week of the month and created a lot of new creatives. 

This left us ready to scale the account in the fourth week, and we did! We used the second and third weeks to test which angles and creatives performed the best, which prepared us for the big week.

We already know which of the new stuff works, when buying behavior is lower, when it’s higher they should be able to perform even better in theory. As I am writing this piece we are currently in this fourth week and so far this strategy has paid off well. 

Focusing on the smaller things has already given us a big step up in the strategy of the brand and we will continue to test and tweak until we have the perfect recipe. 

Sometimes you can do more with less

But this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

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Improving Your Page’s ATC to Improve Conversion

DimNiko | Improving Your Page’s ATC to Improve Conversion

Today I’d like to talk about how you can improve the conversion rate on your website.

Do you know what % your site is converting at?

This is a very important metric to know.

Read More: What You Need to Improve to Increase Your Conversion Rate

You can have the best creatives and a great media buying strategy.

But if you are sending traffic to a site that is not converting, it is all pointless!

A good eCommerce site should be converting at around 2-3%.

Anything under that percentage means that you are losing clients across the funnel.

Recently, we provided some suggestions for one of our clients.

The store is selling electronic gadgets, great products, and good creatives that provide a very high CTR.

However, the page conversion rate was averaging at around 1,5%.

We noticed that we were losing a lot of clients from the add-to-cart to purchase.

We analyzed the store, and we noticed that there was a lot of room for improvement within the add to cart section of the page.

Firstly, once you landed on the main product landing page, you had to scroll all the way down until you could find a CTA button that said BUY NOW.

We suggested adding more CTAs across the page, one at the start, one in the middle, and one last button at the bottom of the page.

Once you made it to the add to cart section, the button was small and underneath the product, we suggested then readjusting the product image to the left side of the page, and a big Add to Cart button on the right side.

The price is clear on top of the button and underneath there is a list of the features of the product, clean and simple.

Reviews and product images could still be found at the bottom of the page.

We recommended adding as well a pop-up that appears every time the user clicks to add the product to the cart.

On this pop-up, you can now see a list of “usually bought together” products and a 20% discount for any additional product added into the cart.

Any of the products on the list can be added into the cart without exiting the pop-up, once you are done adding products, you can click “go to checkout”.

If the user does not wish to add any additional products, there is a second button “No, thank you” that will exit you from the pop-up.

This way, very easily, the average order value increased.

Previously, in order to purchase several items together, you needed to click into each one of them on the top menu of the page, add one, move into the menu again, and a second one, etc.

By adding an “upsell” type of pop-up, we increased the number of products purchased at once, and the AOV of each purchase.

Another improvement added by the client was setting up Afterpay, offering users the possibility to pay in installments. 

Considering that some of these electronic gadgets have a high price after payday makes it easier for customers to make the decision to purchase them, helping again to improve the conversion rate.

With these very easy adjustments, the conversion rate on the store increased to 3%.

Nothing within the media buying strategy was changed, but the ROAs improved across the account.

And you? Have you analyzed your store and if you can improve anything across the funnel in order to simplify the process and improve the conversion rate?

If you have any questions about any of the above or if you’re interested in working with us to grow your eCommerce brand, find out if we’re the right fit for you!

Book a call below:

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Three Lookalike Audience Hacks Dropping Our Client’s CPA’s

DimNiko | Add New Post Edit with Elementor Save draft Preview Publish Add title Three Lookalike Audience Hacks Dropping Our Client’s CPA’s In the ever-changing world of Facebook Ads, finding new media buying tactics that help drop your CPA and increase your ROAS is what we love to see. Recently I have noticed three lookalike audiences that are performing extremely well for accounts, but it’s not as simple as you think. Read More: Why You Should Utilize Your Lookalike Audience Let me explain the 3x audiences you should set up and how to implement this strategy into your account. Firstly you want to create these 3x custom audiences in the audience section of the ad account: Purchasers in the last 90 Days Facebook Engagers in the last 180 Days 10 Second Video Viewers in the last 90 Days Now comes the interesting part… You need to create 10x lookalike audiences for each custom audience you made earlier. To be extremely clear you will create: 1% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 2% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 3% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 4% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 5% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 6% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 7% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 8% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 9% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days 10% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days And then do the same thing for the Facebook Engagers and Video Views audiences. So there will be 30x lookalike audiences in total. Now jump into the ads manager section and when you create a new campaign, select all the purchase lookalikes you created at the ad set level for campaign #1 Then create campaign #2 with the 10x lookalikes audiences of the FB Engagers audience and then create campaign #3 with the last 10x lookalike audience of the 10 Second Video Viewers. So at this point, you will have 3x new campaigns running. The next part is crucial to ensure the success of the campaigns. You should go back to the last 3 months' results and find the top 5 creatives that have been performing over that time period. You will add these 5 creatives into the 3x campaigns. So the structure of each campaign will be as follows. 1x Campaign → 1x Ad Set → 5 Ads Let the campaigns spend at least $60 - $100 before you determine to start scaling them, optimizing them, or turning them off. If you see the campaign is unprofitable, jump into the ad level and see which creative is getting the most spend that is not performing and turn it off so facebook can spend on the other ads. Implementing this tactic into our accounts has seen a reduction in CPA of about 30% which has allowed us to scale up the ad spend much further for clients. Try this out and let me know how you go! If you have enjoyed this and it has helped your brand feel free to book a call with us and we can discuss how to take your brand to the next level. You can book here: ▲ ✌️ Toggle panel: Quick Page/Post Redirect Make Redirect Active. Open in a new window. Add rel="nofollow" to link. Show Redirect URL in link. Redirect / Destination URL: Type of Redirect: 301 Permanent NOTE: For a Page or Post (or Custom Post) Redirect to work, it may need to be published first and then saved again as a Draft. If you do not already have a page/post created you can add a 'Quick' redirect using the Quick Redirects method. 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In the ever-changing world of Facebook Ads, finding new media buying tactics that help drop your CPA and increase your ROAS is what we love to see.

Recently I have noticed three lookalike audiences that are performing extremely well for accounts, but it’s not as simple as you think.

Read More: Why You Should Utilize Your Lookalike Audience

Let me explain the 3x audiences you should set up and how to implement this strategy into your account.

Firstly you want to create these 3x custom audiences in the audience section of the ad account:

  1. Purchasers in the last 90 Days
  1. Facebook Engagers in the last 180 Days
  1. 10 Second Video Viewers in the last 90 Days

Now comes the interesting part…

You need to create 10x lookalike audiences for each custom audience you made earlier.

To be extremely clear you will create: 

1% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

2% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

3% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

4% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

5% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

6% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

7% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

8% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

9% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

10% Lookalike Purchasers in the last 90 Days

And then do the same thing for the Facebook Engagers and Video Views audiences. So there will be 30x lookalike audiences in total.

Now jump into the ads manager section and when you create a new campaign, select all the purchase lookalikes you created at the ad set level for campaign #1

Then create campaign #2 with the 10x lookalikes audiences of the FB Engagers audience and then create campaign #3 with the last 10x lookalike audience of the 10 Second Video Viewers.

So at this point, you will have 3x new campaigns running. 

The next part is crucial to ensure the success of the campaigns.

You should go back to the last 3 months’ results and find the top 5 creatives that have been performing over that time period.

You will add these 5 creatives into the 3x campaigns.

So the structure of each campaign will be as follows.

1x Campaign → 1x Ad Set → 5 Ads

Let the campaigns spend at least $60 – $100 before you determine to start scaling them, optimizing them, or turning them off.

If you see the campaign is unprofitable, jump into the ad level and see which creative is getting the most spend that is not performing and turn it off so facebook can spend on the other ads.

Implementing this tactic into our accounts has seen a reduction in CPA of about 30% which has allowed us to scale up the ad spend much further for clients.

Try this out and let me know how you go!

If you have enjoyed this and it has helped your brand feel free to book a call with us and we can discuss how to take your brand to the next level.

You can book here:

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Facebook’s Carousel Catalog Feed System is on Fire

DimNiko | Facebook’s Carousel Catalog Feed System is on Fire

Lately, I’ve been testing Catalog Sale campaigns for both prospecting and retargeting audiences. 

70% of the time, they work superbly on retargeting, especially on PV3-30 and ATC+IC7 or 30.

90% of the time, they work if the product is good and you have a lot of variations. Or if your store has hundreds of products relating to the main product your customer just bought. They work even better on retention campaigns. 

Read More: Built-In Solutions to Customize Your Catalog Sales Ads

Retention Audiences 

For those who don’t know, Retention = Customers who bought from your brand 1, 2, 3, or 4+ times.

You can create one specific campaign and put these 4 audience segments into 4 ad sets. It works like crazy! 

Prospecting Audiences

Only 30% of Catalog Sale campaigns I would say will work on cold prospecting audiences. 

But as always, it might be a larger % if you test a lot and if you know what you are doing.

For those who don’t know, Prospecting = Audiences that don’t know your product(s).


After testing dozens of accounts with Catalog Sales campaigns, I can easily predict how successful my CS campaigns will be.

The success of these campaigns will reflect many things. But here are a few:

  • How many products you have in your store
  • How great images/videos you have for your products
  • How your products are sorted
  • How special and unique are your products
  • How good ad copy and/or discounts you have
  • and more.

Action Steps

If you have hundreds of products in your store, you need to follow these 3 steps:

STEP 1 – Sort products by category, vibe, or angle, and create several collections on your website with cool names

STEP 2 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create several Product Sets based on your collections

STEP 3 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create one Product Sets with all products you have and put filter ‘available’ just to be sure

Then you need to start TESTING.

Retargeting System

First, set up the retargeting campaigns and figure out what ‘product sets’ and formats are working in your store.

You can test the ‘All products’ set on all retargeting segments, and you can test ‘specific collections’ sets based on visitors who browsed specific web pages or collection pages on your website.

Under format, you can test Single Image or Video, Carousel, and a Collection.

In the beginning, put all 3 in each ad set to see which format across all testing will be the winner.

These are very simple basics that will add lots of sales to your cart easily.


Then you have cold traffic or prospecting testing.

Same thing. First test ‘all products’ set and then test all ‘collections sets’ in all 3 formats.

Test first on fairly broad audiences to see what catches attention and brings conversions under your KPI.

After you see what ‘collection’ and ‘format’ outperform others, you can start optimizing campaigns and launch more testing campaigns.

The scaling process here is by launching tons of interests in all kinds of combinations.

Test LLAs and test Interests.


Then after 7-14 days analyze results and go into the optimization process.

Your goal is to have one collection ‘set’ and one ‘format’ that works well on as many campaigns as possible.

For one client I run half of the prospecting campaigns with catalog sales.

Only CAROUSELS because they work like crazy.

When campaigns stop performing, I change the filter in ‘product set’ to get more or fewer products.

Sometimes I also change the collection set with new creatives or add some new products IN.


I see in this account I manage and spend 15k per day, I can push my catalog sales from $300 – $1k easily. Same on retargeting.

They are all less fragile about budgets than regular campaigns with images or videos.

At one point all my cold traffic was based on catalog sales and CPA was ½ cheaper than with regular conversion campaigns.

So I suggest you start finding out how you can add CATALOG SALES campaigns to your account right now.

If you are not using them, you’re leaving lots of advertising $$$ on the table. 🙂