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Are You Really Testing Creatives on Facebook Or Is It Luck Of The Draw?

Soo you’ve created a bunch of new creatives and ad copies. You upload it to a new campaign and each one of the new creatives perform about exactly the same according to your CTR performance. You check to see if you haven’t uploaded the same creative for each ad, but looks like it not.

What’s the problem then? They’re working right? Wrong. Here’s the deal. Designing creatives isn’t an easy thing to do. It’s time consuming and you don’t really know if it will work or not until you test it. You rely on your graphic designer or the graphic design agency to give you the best creatives possible. But many stores running ads fail in a few areas to get the best out of your creatives as possible.

We’ve seen some accounts that have 6 variations of the same video, same song, same raw footage, just different overlay text and a mix up on the editing. But at the end of the day, it’s still the same video. This is where results can be skewed, there are a lot of factors where Facebook’s algorithm can push certain creatives even though they basically look the same, and it could just be luck.

For the media buyers or designers we can easily see the difference between creatives, because we have a trained eye. But what we sometimes forget is that we need to think and see like the consumer with a less trained eye. In my opinion, if you play a 10 sec clip of the 6 videos I mentioned above to a focus group, you’ll get an answer like “they’re exactly the same”.  

In one of my previous posts “How Colour Influences Consumer Behaviour?“. It mentions the importance of color and how it can influence your customers purchasing behavior. The same applies with the elements in your creatives, putting color aside, that’s a topic of its own. What I mean by elements is breaking down your creative into 6 & 7 parts, your fore, middle and background, font choices, your subject and product, and for video, your music. The way these are used and implemented, is up to your designer and their personal experience, following trends and their knowledge of your product, company and industry.

Back to the creative testing.

Testing Ad Creatives

Here’s a few steps that you can follow to be able to really test your creatives. I’ll try my best to simplify, because there are a lot of factors to consider.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask your existing customers their opinion.

If they’re happy with your product, they will be more than happy to help, a survey might sound cliche, but the reason it is, is because it’s been a tried and tested method for years.

  1. Take the time to evaluate the creatives that work and those that don’t work from the past and adapt.

As an example we’ve seen some companies perform fantastic with user generated content, with lower quality images where you can really see the “rawness” of the images. This company then adapted all their ad images to “recreate” UCG images in house and have been rolling with it ever since.

  1. Testing styles, colours, fonts, subject matter, music etc.

Having a photographer, designer and editor is essential to producing high quality content in high quantity. This is where the real part of testing comes in, it is what you do before it even reaches your audience.

You will need to make creatives with males and females, types of background eg. industrial vs soft, colour combinations, music styles, video editing styles, user generated content vs high quality content, seasonal changes if it applies to your company etc. the list is endless.

Related Post: Case Study: How to Consolidate Your Traffic While Using Dynamic Ads

The fact of the matter is that, when you want test creatives, a lot has to be done before it reaches the ads manager. There should be a significant difference between each creative and the variations of those individual creatives. Those variations should also be distinct enough so that the consumer can really see the difference between them. This applies to all the funnels.

Shooting a bunch of videos or finding locations, getting good backgrounds, finding music etc. can be a daunting task to manage and fund. But when you have expert advice to guide you through this process the end result will counterbalance the initial cost of the hours of work put in. After the preparation has been done and all the creatives made, you can throw it into ads manager and let the results speak for themselves. This will allow you to identify what the best “genre” of creatives is best to use and when to use them for the future. You’ll be able to make small adjustments based on the feedback of your media buyer and ad performance, plan ahead and build a strategy, and the process will be quick and cost effective. But this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap!

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko

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Test, Boost & Let FB Magic Do The Job

Sometimes we complicate things too much. In life and in our business.

Simple things usually work the best, but we just need to try the ‘complicated stuff’ 99% of our time.

It’s in our nature.

We’re not primitive animals, we’re very complex beings.

Those who know how to sell simple things like to advertise it in a very complex way.

Our politics talk in complicated ways and have complicated rules, so we ‘regular’ people don’t understand them.

Even religions complicate matters too much with all these different beliefs and learnings, as the end goal of it all is pretty simple:

’To be happy.’

But I don’t want to go into this too deep as it might get into matters that are very easy to ’argue’ about.

And we will make this simple topic very complex for sure. So I will talk about FB ads where I am most familiar with.

If God today is FB for most us then we (marketers) are his slaves and you (clients) are God’s sponsors (or supporters).

And God can bless you with all the miracles he or she has (optimization).

And with profit that you will make (with his blessing), your life can become very happy.

So it’s a perfect circle!

The more you support, the more blessing you will get!

But, this new God is also very tricky.

So even with this simple game he made it very complex.

With all this tools, rules, strategies and techniques, a simple game can become overwhelming for most of us.

And ‘our’ God likes money the most.

Like Osho back in the days.

We just tell him how much we want to spend and then we need to believe that he will do his/her magic and tried to bring us new customers / clients / sales.

So we are like prayers. We pray for something and we give money.

We don’t know how God does this magic, but we believe.

But to ‘believe’ efficiently, we need to know few things.

Otherwise this ’simple’ game this God is playing will not work.

We need to know how to test properly and how to react after our testing for the best ROI.

And because his slaves (we / agency) test a lot for you, we have a very simple tip for your new ads with 0 engagement.

(Now enough of this God bul%&#it please!!!)

We see that lots of ads we push out can’t optimize properly before they get quality engagement.

By quality engagement, we define 30-40 positive comments.

And also likes and shares.

The more likes and shares our ad post will have, the better it will perform.

So when testing new creatives we like to test 3-5 versions of the same creative.

We can go to dynamics and test many at once but in some accounts this method works much better.

We create 3-5 versions of same creative (talking about videos here) and change just the first few seconds (click stoppers)

We then put all into one CBO campaign and a few adsets.

Each one will have 3-5 creatives.

We run at $50-100 for a few days, then we analyze.

If we see the best performance over all adsets in no.3 creative, we will turn off all the others and focus on no.3.

We will also make a PPE campaign and push it to get 30-40 comments very fast.

Then we will duplicate this and make tons of small campaigns or few big ones (depends what works better in your account) and push it further.

Facebook will then do the magic and give us a blessing.

Now all we have to do from this point is to raise or lower our budgets.

Depending on how the account performs we will carefully observe the last 3-4 days or the last 7 days.

If CPA or ROAS goes over our KPI, we will lower budgets by 10%, and if it goes over, we will raise it for 20%.

Of course if we’re impatient we can scale quicker, but the most steady performance we see is when we follow our 10down/20up rule.

And this is pretty much it. Very simple game.

Test, boost and let FB magic to the job!

Hope this technique will help you to scale your ads properly.

If not, you can always hire us to do your ads.

From beginning to very big spend per day.

So if you’re spending over $500 a day

And want to scale your brand

Book a call with us below:

Have a great day,

Matej – Senior media buyer at DimNiko

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FACEBOOK VS INSTAGRAM, What is best for your business?

dimniko - instagram vs facebook

Are you considering advertising on Instagram or Facebook and wondered what would be the best option for your brand?

No questions asked, both Facebook and Instagram are two of the most popular social media platforms on the planet.

However, one of the two could be a much better fit for your business than the other.

Facebook is the top social media platform, with currently over 2 billion active users.

Facebook has also infinitely expanded the possibilities for business advertising within the past 15 years.

In the case of Instagram, created back in 2010, we can see a gradual growth of users, with currently over 1 billion registered users.

And it has reached the top 3 biggest social media platforms in the world.

One of the reasons for this growth is the increasing use of mobile phones and time spent browsing on it.

Here are some of the characteristics of Facebook vs Instagram:

The Audience.

One of the first things that comes to mind when comparing Facebook and Instagram is the target audience.

In the case of Instagram, is the perfect platform if you are looking to target a younger audience, mainly under 30.

Facebook, on the other hand, even though it is used by teens and younger users, provides you with the access to an older audience as well.

The Organic Engagement.

When we talk about engagement, Instagram is our winner.

And that is because around 67% of Instagram users interact on a daily basis with brands, liking, sharing and commenting on the posts, that is the pure culture of the platform.

For Facebook, that percentage is only 32%, and is mainly due to the algorithm.

An organic post on a Facebook page will only reach 6% of the audience.

Sharing external links.

Instagram has limitations when it comes to using external links.

It is possible to add a link to the bio of the profile, but when it comes to a regular organic post, that possibility doesn’t exist.

The only option is to create a sponsored ad.

Facebook, however, gives you the option to share as many links as you wish in your posts.

So if your goal is to share external information, like blog posts or product pages, Facebook is a better option.

Paid Ads

In terms of paid advertising, we need to consider a few important things, not only how user-friendly the platform is when creating campaigns, but also the tracking and the reporting.

And in all of these terms, both Facebook and Instagram have you covered.

However, there are a few differences between Instagram and Facebook ads, and one of them is the different type of ads that they offer.

Instagram will allow you to choose between 4 types of ads, Image ads, Video ads, Carousel ads and Story ads.

Facebook, on the other hand, offers many more types, some of those are, Lead ads, Page likes, Event responses or Instant experience ads, among others.

And if you are wondering which type of ads are best for you.

That depends mainly on the goal you would like to achieve with your campaigns, as well as your type of business.

So coming back to our main question Facebook vs Instagram, which one should you choose?

The benefits that Facebook and Instagram offer are very subjective, and they cannot replace one another.

Both platforms have different features and audiences, which means what works well for you might not be working so good for another business.

You need to find your audience and the type of content that you would like to share, and choose one to grow your social media.

Or even better, why not to choose both?

Take advantage of both platforms and test, test, test, until you have a better understanding of which platform brings the best ROI for your business.

And this is it for me, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions and remember,

if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below:

Until next time 😉

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Striking Emotion to Bring in 2MM Revenue

DimNiko - Striking Emotion Through Creatives

I have one client that I slowly scaled to 5k a day.

For 2 months now our daily budget is 4-5k per day.

Nothing amazing but what I like about this client is the longevity of his creatives.

I’m running one ad that brought in almost half of his revenue.

And he’s at 2MM of revenue right now.

So 1MM was made by this simple 30s ad, where you see people crying…and hugging…and kissing..and being loved.

If you ask me, yes, this is the success recipe.

And can it be useful for all products?

I believe so, yes!

With some creativity you can use every product to bring tears of joy or satisfaction in viewers eyes.

And your buyers want that. A lot!

Who would not check an ad out where people are laughing heavily or crying loud?

I would.

And many others would too.

Now why does this concept work?

Social media is all about sharing emotions.

We scroll down everyday for ten or hundred digital meters, (depending on how ‘trained’ you are for digital walking) and we watch for interesting pictures and clips.

We don’t read a lot as we just want to watch.

80% we watch, and 20% we listen.

If there is no sound, then we read.

But most of the time we watch first.

And when we see something weird, or spooky,

or loving, or caring, or sharing…

we then share, comment, click and check.

And if we see hugs or tears or kisses, we click even faster because we need to.

If landing pages shows something that no one has, and is optimized for conversions,
then we don’t have any issues to scale this ad to a few thousands sales per month.

And if you have good products, good comments, lots of shares, likes and good conversions, then the only thing you have to do is to optimize the budgets on a daily basis and campaigns to not spend too much or too little.

Ok there are other things in business for sure, but what I’m doing here is just looking for CPA and ROAS.

I stopped looking at CPC, ATC, IC, CPM and CPM at some point.

I have 15 campaigns that I optimized like crazy and I don’t have to do nothing except to let them run on their own.

FB algo is doing it all and when it breaks, I try to fix it as soon as possible.

How? I change a few things: duplicate, re-launch, segment, downscale or turn off.

So if you’re spending over $500 a day

And want to scale your brand

Book a call with us below:

You can be our next case that we scale to 5 or 10k per day.

Two of our clients are doing 1MM per month right now, so we know few things that others don’t.

And we enjoy sharing them.

In a simple and honest way.

This success game is very simple, if you mix the right ingredients.

Have a wonderful day,

Matej – Senior media buyer at DimNiko

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Do Your Ads Actually Speak To Your Target Audience?

DimNiko - Target Audience

If you are struggling to lower your CPA, maybe you are facing the same issue a lady I was talking to last week was dealing with.

She was spending about $10K a month on Facebook but could not scale further without seeing a horrid return in results.

After taking a 5 minute look at her current ads and her ad account I could tell straight away what the problem was.

The product was appealing mostly to a younger target market that were facing a set of specific issues

But the problem was her ads were not aligning with that.

Her ads were targeted towards a totally different audience.

To me it was super obvious but often being inside the Business everyday stops you from seeing things from a different perspective

The target market she should have been tailoring her ads towards is a much larger market and much more emotionally driven audience

So I know once she tweaks her creative strategy she will see an improvement in results and will be able to scale quickly

For you right now, this is what you should do.

Take a look at your ad creatives

Your images, your videos, your ad copy messaging

And ask yourself who is this actually appealing too?

And then ask yourself…

Is that who I want it to appeal to?

Are you actually talking about the real problems your niche is experiencing?

Are you making it incredibly clear that your product is the solution to their problems?

And then really hammering home the benefits of your product?

Plain and simple

If your ads are appealing to the wrong target audience how can you expect your ads to scale profitably?

You cant.

If you want me to have a peek inside your brand

And spot the obvious issues you are making

And help solve them so you too can scale to $5K / $10K or $20K a day in profitable ad spend

Book a call below and let’s work through this together.

Peace Out.

Dan (Head of Partnerships at DimNiko Agency)

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Case study: How to Consolidate Your Traffic While Using Dynamic Ads

Consolidating Audience while Testing Dynamic Ads

Several weeks ago we shared our experience of scaling an account from $2k to $20k daily spend.

And we got a great response from you guys!

So we decided to continue discussing this account and tell you which steps we implemented so far.

Just a quick reminder of what I’ve been doing last month:

The main strategy was to run broad audiences and keep on testing new creatives in dynamic ads.

Since all the campaigns were working well, we kept on adding new CBOs without turning off old campaigns.

By the end of the month we had 10 prospecting campaigns running on $1000 daily spend each.

We kept on running these campaigns without changing anything in the set ups or ads.

We couldn’t scale more because of the product stock limitations.

But at some point the CPA started increasing and we had to scale back.

We noticed this tendency on almost all of the campaigns.

Since the audiences were broad, we weren’t afraid of the audience overlap.

It seemed that the campaigns was just burning out.

And though they already got through the learning phase, it didn’t help them in optimizing.

We tried duplicating the campaigns but the results didn’t get back to normal.

So our main question was how to consolidate 10 campaigns with dynamic ads into one?

We decided to turn off the worst 5 campaigns and combine them to 1 campaign.

How did we do that?

At that point the campaigns had a daily spend of $500.

So we created a CBO campaign with $2500 daily spend – the exact amount they were spending separately.

We created identical 5 ad sets with a broad audience – the exact audience we were targeting.

And each ad set was running with it’s own dynamic ad – the exact ads that were running separately as well.

After all, we just combined all 5 campaigns into 1 big prospecting campaign.

The first and second days weren’t a success, the CPA was still high but a bit lower than before.

So we continued running this test because we weren’t losing anything.

And what a surprise was waiting for me on the third day!

The CPA was twice lower than in the first 2 days.

We waited for 3 more days to make sure that the CPA had stabilized.

And started increasing the budget by 20% daily.

Again the main key in this setup was that all the ad sets were broad.

When your audience is broad, it makes it much easier to scale because the sky’s the limit.

But you have to find the correct campaign setups in order to make the broad audience work.

At this point, I’m back to the scaling limits due to stock limitations with a much lower CPA.

Which is always good news!

If you’re spending over $500 a day

And also want to scale your brand

Book a call below:
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Case Study – Audience Testing with Dynamic Ads

Audience Testing with Dynamic Ads

Today we would like to share something interesting we noticed on the prospecting campaigns, as it seems like things are switching again.

Back in October 2019, we noticed that the successfully used lookalikes don’t work as they used to

And no matter what combination we added the results were far from what we were familiar with.

On the other hand, it was quite noticeable across several accounts.

The broader audiences (interest-based or completely broad just age settings and gender if it was necessary) worked better than any lookalike audience.

It was quickly applied and had success with it.

Back to now, we can see again a trend line bringing back greater results with lookalike audiences, however, Facebook’s algo still prefers a broader audience size.

Here it is what we tested and potentially will work again as per the results:

  • Lookalike audiences ranging from 1% to 10%
    When adding it into ad sets we are making sure that the audience size is more than 10 million.
  • Broad audiences still work, but in the sense of adding interest or behaviors which is narrowing it a bit (compared to letting it completely broad as we used too).
  • Dynamic ads used for acquiring prospects – when we are using 5 to 7 ads it is noticeable that lately, FB doesn’t push traffic on all of them. So, we prefer using 3-4 in order to make sure all of them are getting traffic.

The situation is changing as always, there is no template work on FB, and constant testing is what it takes.

Slowly things are getting back to somewhat normal from the Covid situation, as it is a noticeable spike in CPM/CPAs, they are increasing compared to what it was in the previous month.

Share with us if you have noticed similar or other changes happening, we are looking forward to hearing your experiences.

Also, if you’re spending over $500 a day And want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

Have a great week!
Ago from the DimNiko Team 🙂

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What Creative Works Best In In-stream Video Ad Placement?

It’s been a while since I wrote about a specific placement or ad types.

The reason is that we had been focusing on campaign consolidation, CBO and dynamic ads which basically goes against creating separate campaigns for specific placements.

However the increased video viewers and publishers on Facebook might change how we approach these placements.

And provides new opportunities for us to custom design a content specifically for in-stream ad placements.

What is in-stream placement?

It is a placement where advertisers can show their video ads within other video contents from publishers.

It can appear in Feed, Audience Network and Watch as well.
These contents needs to be between 5-15 sec

and the best performing format based on Facebook is 16:9, however 1:1 up to 9:16 is also compatible with.

A very important characteristic is that it only plays on publishers videos that are at least 3 minutes long, and MOST importantly it’s NOT skippable.

Why is that important? Because the user has to watch your AD!

From the start till the end.

Even more than that the sound is on, that means your ad is also played with SOUND ON!

Based on Facebook information there is a 70% completion rate on these ad views meaning your ads will be more than likely to be watched full length with sound on!

This creates a huge opportunity to get your message and brading across.

As for optimisation Facebook prioritise user experience on these placements.

Optimising not just on the advertisers end but on publishers as well to make sure the right ad shows on the best suitable video content at the right time.

Which makes it more essential to customise these ads.

What are the best tactics to make sure your ads are played during the most popular videos?

Users are interested in watching the original content, they also know that they have to watch the ads as well.

Which can be painful or entertaining, interesting and relevant for them.

You are interrupting them. That’s not a good start.
But if you make it right you can benefit from this placement a lot.

Give them something interesting to watch, make it funny, make it conscious that you are interrupting.

You can even say sorry for interrupting.

Don’t forget the subtitles and captions, the bigger the better based on our experience.

You can also reward users with a surprising ending, and make the visuals memorable.

From an e-commerce perspective, these ad placements are unlikely to have a high CTR as they are interested in the original content, which they intended to watch in the first place.

Otherwise they would close the ad, which is why it is very important to get the first 3 second right.

Give the most visual branding here with the key message.
That’s the most important part where the users decide to be engaged with your message or not.

My favorite goal with these ads are to build audiences that can be retargeted later,

specifically for brand awareness,

And getting through your offer for the retargeting, reengaging audiences.

Hope you enjoyed the read!

If you’re spending over $500 a day and want to scale your brand

Book a call below:


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Why your LLA’s are probably behaving badly, and why you should adapt.


LLA’s can be your best friend with media buying, by using Facebook’s algorithm to your advantage.

Recently we’ve seen that some accounts have seen a massive drop in performance with the LLA’s that have been working great and consistently in the past, it might be yours as well.

During this dreaded time of the pandemic, online customer behaviour has shifted for better and for worse depending on the industry you are in.

For example a study in Germany has shown that searches for luxury products have declined by 95% below normal levels in March 2020.

This is also including CTA’s, organic traffic and clicks to websites.

A recent survey cited from has found that 96% of Gen Z and Millenials are concerned about the pandemic and its effects on the economy.

“This concern is leading them to change their behavior more dramatically than other generations, which includes cutting back on spending, stocking up on items, and spending less on experiences.” –

With Gen X and Boomers, although still concerned about the pandemic and its effects on the economy.

The impact of their shopping behaviour has only changed by 24% of Boomers and 34% of Gen Z, compared to nearly half of Millennials.

Depending on your store’s main market, your Lookalike audiences can be your saving grace or your worst enemy.

This depends on how big the measures are that have been implemented in your target country and demographic.

Where there is a shift in overall online behaviour, your media buying behaviour should adjust and adapt to this as well.

That being said, this is how we made a shift in the strategy with accounts that have been showing symptoms.

Going back to the basics (again and again, rinse and repeat)

Many accounts have been relying heavy on LAL’s and using interest based audiences to test new prospecting customers.

Mostly we run the prospecting for a short term for testing and shift the budget back to LAL when we’ve seeded enough data into the pixel.

Here’s where the twist comes in, due to the change in behaviour, the strategy has shifted towards doing some good old fashioned research and focusing more on interests, demographics, age filters etc.

After this when we have enough conversions and the new data that comes with it, we populate the new LLA’s with the new conversion data, with a shorter conversion window period.

Prediction is key

As the market goes up and down, your strategy should ride the wave as well.

The reason why we see this weird decline and increase in the performance of these LLA’s during this period, is…

By the time you have enough data to have a valuable LLA, the market has already shifted again, due to a lockdown becoming more strict or being lifted, depending on the country and regulations around the industries, in it.

Which is most certainly the main culprit for this constant behaviour change.

The best way to track and prepare for this shift is to follow up on announcements from the countries you are targeting.

Onions have layers

From here, we broaden the interests based on data and some research and use a couple of new detailed targeting audiences and layer that onto your new LLA’s as the period extends.

This is where we start to extend the period of the LLA’s, and keep on seeding it to the adjusted online behaviour of your target audience.

We run new campaigns targeting new and previous interests and layer it with new and old lookalikes.

All and all, this is a volatile period for building profitable audiences that can give you that sweet sweet ROAS straight from the Top Funnel.

Adapting to your changing environment is key to building audiences that bring in the right amount of goodness to your company!

And this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap!

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko

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LLAs Are Your Best Friends If You Want to Bring Amazing Results

DimNiko - Look Alike Audiences

We all know that different LLAs which Facebook can spit out

can work really great.

There are many sources from where you can create your LLAs

but for ecom we get best results from:

1- Past buyers
2- FB and IG engagers
3- Video viewers 95%
4- ATC or IC

We have several ways of how to test these.

Today I will show you one way

that brought very good results for one of our clients.

After the deep analyzes of whole account

we saw many good performing audiences at small segments of LLAs.

1,2,6,9% from PUR 30d custom audience.

Then we also saw some good performance from Worldwide audiences in ATC and VV95%.

So we did a testing strategy that went like this:

1-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 7d PUR)
2-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d PUR)
3-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 90d PUR)
4-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 365d PUR)
5-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – EMAILS PUR)
6-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d FB eng)
7-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d FB vis)
8-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d FB eng_post)
9-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d IG eng)
10-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d IG vis)
11-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d IG eng_post)
12-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d FB eng)
13-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d FB vis)
14-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d FB eng_post)
15-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d IG eng)
16-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d IG vis)
17-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d IG eng_post)
18-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 75% VV)
19-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 95% VV)
20-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d ATC)
21-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d ATC)
22-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 180d IC)
23-Test 1-10% LLAs in one campaign at $100 for US (source – 30d IC)

We waited a little to get some results.

We didn’t launch all at once but we activate 3-5 test campaigns every 3 days.

The reason for that was so we didn’t put too much pressure on the current account budget.

Then round 2 of testing was even more testing based on the performance.

1- If we saw the best performance at PUR 180d, we also went to PUR 60,90 and 120.

2- At the same time we also logged in to our software we use for
better targeting, and created LLAs from 10-20%.

3- Then we also grouped best performing LLAs into a big mix
where we combined all 1%, all 2%, all 3%, etc. from different sources.

We waited a little after that, optimized and launched a few more when we saw light.

There is alway some quality lighting at the end of our ‘tunnel’,

so at the end we knew we have to try also Worldwide lookalikes.

We created all above LLAs from round 1 and used different regions

and countries such as the UK,EUR,AU,UK,etc.

It started to become really messy in our audiences account

so we had to put everything in excel to organize our tests and have a better

view on what is working and what not.

We made a detailed plan for the next few weeks

and slowly pushed out different tests.

In round 3 interesting was, that we found some good combinations

from worldwide LLAs but targeting just US or a specific country.

This is where everybody said: “Ok, that’s enough!

We have enough small winners that we can make bigger winners”,

and we did one more thing.

We mixed all our best performers from round 1 and 2 into a very big campaigns,

intersected with very broad niche interests (beauty, online shopping, yoga)

and turned on detailed targeting expansion.

We got some amazing campaigns that we were able

to push to high budgets immediately.

And at this phase all the previous testing paid out.

Many of you will never want to go this way because it gets pretty messy,

but with right strategy, you can bring to your clients

(or to your business) amazing results.

And we always want to bring the best!

That’s why our clients love us. 🙂

So if you’re spending over $500 a day

And want to scale your brand

Book a call with us below:

Have a great day,