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3 Effective Facebook Ads Remarketing Strategies You Must Know

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Facebook remarketing is one of the most important forms of advertising. It allows you to show ads specifically for those audiences that had some sort of previous contact with your brand.

This also means that your ROI is significantly higher on the Facebook retargeting campaigns, which overall makes your business more profitable.

When we talk about Facebook retargeting strategy the most important step is to find the people that have engaged with your business and then identify the audiences and audience groups that can be retargeted. So first we need to check what kind of previous visits and actions can be tracked and retargeted.

Website Traffic – Pixel Retargeting

With Facebook advertising it is essential to place a pixel code to your website, which will track visitors and collect data on the actions visitors take on the website. It can track which page was visited, how many times, by how many visitors. Creating product catalogs will also give you data on which product was added to cart, purchased and so on.
Analysing this data allows you to create custom audiences which will be the core of your Facebook remarketing Strategy and retargeting Ads.

Social Media Accounts

Most social media platforms provide statistical reports for business accounts about user engagement. Facebook allows you to create audiences about business page likers, organic and paid post engagements, message senders and video viewers.
You can also look at the data with demographic breakdown and if the pixel is placed on your website, you can analyse the social engagement data together with the pixel data. For example showing what percentages of your customers liked your Instagram or Facebook Business Page and vice versa.

This will allow you to retarget all of these audiences and convert them to purchasers or upsell, cross-sell and resell to them.

Customer Lists

Facebook allows you to upload custom lists to your Business Account and retarget them. You can create these custom lists based on any customer data that you have collected within your business. It can be customers that visited your physical store, signed up to your newsletters, attended an event or purchased from your store.

While pixel data is dynamic data that normally gets updated automatically, custom lists are often static lists, meaning they only get updated when you reupload them. However, in certain cases you can integrate other platforms with Facebook Audiences and create custom lists based on actions that were taken on other platforms. For example you can integrate Facebook with Klavyio and create a list based on an audience segment that opened a newsletter, which can be retargeted with Facebook Ads.

After you identified and created the available audiences that can be retargeted by Facebook Ads, your Facebook remarketing strategy needs to specify those audiences that you want to retarget.

Planning your Facebook retargeting strategy will mainly depend on your business goals and resources. On Facebook we normally recommend to spend 20-40% of your advertising budget on retargeting, so you can create enough ads that are relevant to people based on where they are in their customer journey or buying circle.

Facebook Remarketing Strategy 1.

One of the most popular Facebook retargeting strategies when you create 2 separate campaigns.

One for retargeting website data which is the most valuable as the customers are further down the customer journey. We often call it bottom of funnel (BOF) or Hot traffic. It is hot because they are the easiest to convert them into purchasers. You will segment your audiences based on pixel events, frequency and recency. For example: Page viewers last 3 day, Page viewers last 4-7 days, Added to Cart in the past 7 days, and you add audiences as detailed as you can, as long as your adsets perform.

The second campaign is called middle of the funnel (MOF) or warm traffic and includes audiences that haven’t been on the website yet, so they are not yet close to purchase but had some kind of contact with the brand before. These are usually the Social Media Engagers, Video viewers or any Custom lists that are created for audiences prior to visiting the website. On this campaign you also separate the audience as much details you can. For example Everyone who liked your FB Page in the last 30 days, everyone who watched 90% of your videos in the last 7 days…

Both of these campaigns can be set up with Campaign Budget optimisation and with Adset Budget Optimisation. Advantages of CBO is that the algorithm will decide how to distribute the budget across adsets / audiences, potentially spending it in the most efficient way. It works very well when you have a campaign running for long term with a relatively fixed budget, without any significant promotions or seasonal periods. ABO is better to use when the ad account and pixel doesn’t have so much previous history as you manually select how much budget would be spent daily on a specific adset / audience. It also works very well when there are promotions, for example during Black Friday as you need to increase budget on a very specific audience, not on the whole campaign. This way you hae more control over the adsets.

You can read more about the best BOF and MOF audiences here.

Facebook Remarketing Strategy 2.

The other very effective Facebook retargeting strategy is when you consolidate your audiences into 1-3 adsets only. For example on BOF campaign you only set up an adset for Page Viewers in the last 30 days and Added to Carts in the last 30 days. And on MOF you set up an adset for IG and FB engagers in the past 365 days, and an adset for video viewers in the past 90 days.

This strategy can be only used in CBO as the algorithm will allocate budget between the audiences, and find the conversion within the consolidated adsets. Other advantage of this strategy is that you more likely meet the 50 conversion / adset / week criteria that Facebook recommends. However it is not recommended to use for businesses where the repurchasing cycle is shorter than 30 days, or when the pixel doesn’t have significant event history.

We wrote about an interesting case study about testing this Facebook remarketing strategy, that you can read here

Facebook Remarketing Strategy 3.

Another popular retargeting strategy is using Facebook dynamic ads with Catalog Sales objective. To be able use this strategy you will need to create a catalog and connect it with your pixel. You can read here about this.

This strategy allows you to retarget audiences with product ads based on their browsing history. Meaning if a website visitor looked at one of your products, but left without purchasing it, you can retarget this user with a dynamic product ad, so the person will see the same product as an ad that was visited previously on your website. You can also use this strategy to cross-sell or upsell products if you create product sets that are usually sold together.

I would also recommend including Retention campaigns in your Facebook remarketing Strategy as Facebook is not only a customer acquisition channel, but it can help increase retention, and the lifetime value of a customer. You can read here about the Importance of retention campaigns here.

Hope you enjoyed the read! If you’re spending over $500 a day and need help with your retargeting campaigns book a call below:
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How To Use Facebook Lead Ads For Ecommerce 2020

DimNiko - Facebook Lead Ad Example 3

One of the best tools that Facebook offers for businesses to grow their fans and customers are Lead Ads.

What Is One of the Major Benefits of Facebook Lead Ads?

They allow advertisers to collect information from prospects directly from mobile ads. That’s key for Facebook’s 88 percent share of mobile users–especially since it typically takes 40 percent longer to complete forms on desktop.

With lead ads you don’t send traffic to an external webpage where you show lead opt-in and then customers must fill that form and press submit, but you make an ad where prospect’s information (name and email) is pre-populated so they just have to hit submit.

Another advantage Facebook lead generation ads offer is that generated leads can be synced directly with your company’s customer-relationship management system or downloaded as a .CSV file. This allows marketers to follow-up more efficiently, which is vital for closing the deal.

How Do I Optimize Lead Ads on Facebook?

If you’ve created some campaigns till now on Facebook, then you know that optimization is everything. Process to optimize lead campaigns is the same as with conversion campaigns or with any other objective.

Usually we start with some general targeting based on the audience we want to reach. We upload one piece of content and we add some text. Depending on the budget, we have to wait to see what kind of performance we will get.

If we get bad CPC, then we know something is wrong with our ad or targeting and we need to tweak it. Same is with CPL (cost per lead). If we get too high CPL that is not profitable or breakeven for our business, then we need to optimize it.

There are many strategies on how to lower CPL and our media team has swiss-knife for every situation, but in general is very simple. Test, test, test. Till you don’t find a perfect combination of good creative and good ad copy that is giving good CPL at desired budget.

How Much Do Facebook Lead Ads Cost?

Every year from 2015 we see cost per leads or conversions are slightly increasing. This is due to Facebook growing and becoming a better tool, with millions of advertisers who are competing for their clicks. Same happened with Google in early days when CPC went from few cents to few dozen cents.

With Facebook we assume it’s gonna be a very similar story, so be ready to spend more for your leads in upcoming years.
Our lead campaigns for clients are very different. We’ve had clients whose CPL was below $5, and we have clients who are happy with CPL around $30. That all depends on what product or service you’re selling and how much is your CLV (customer lifetime value).

Example: If you know that your CLV is $90, but your product you sell costs only $45, then you know that you can spend more than $45 to acquire a new customer. How much more is based on your other costs and processes in your business.

How Do I Download Lead Ads from Facebook?

When your Lead campaign is live and is bringing you leads, you need to download those leads and import them into your CRM or email marketing tools. How you do this is pretty simple.

You just need to go to the Publishing Tools tab at the top of your Facebook page and click Forms Library on the left side of the screen. You need to have administrator access to view forms. After that you just select Form Library to access your forms.

Facebook Leads Ad Examples

Below are a few different examples of lead forms found online, just to generate a few ideas of how you can use this tool in your business.

Book a call with us below:

We can make things happen.

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Facebook Ads & Google Analytics Reporting Discrepancies

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Have you ever struggled to understand why the data you see on Facebook reporting and Google Analytics differs? Would you like to know more about what is causing these discrepancies? Hopefully today I will help you shed some light into it. One if not the major cause for discrepancies between Facebook and Google reporting is the way they attribute conversions.

Facebook Attribution Model

By default, the attribution model on Facebook will track and report any conversion that involves the customer interacting with an ad and then converting. For example, a user clicks on your Facebook ad but does not convert, later on that day (or even few days later) the user decides to search for your brand on Google, clicks on your Google ad and makes a purchase. Facebook will still attribute that conversion to itself. And this is why you are more likely to see a higher number of conversions on Facebook reporting than Google Analytics.

In the default attribution model, Facebook also includes view-through conversions. Meaning that if a user does not even click on your ad but only views it and then converts through a different platform within a period of 24 hours, Facebook will still attribute that conversion to itself. However, these type of view-through conversions will never be tracked in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Attribution Model

On the other hand, Google Analytics tracks conversions based on a last-touch model. If we look at the example above, a user that clicks on an ad on Facebook but ends up converting through Google ads. Google Analytics will attribute that conversion to Google ads only.

Based just on this, you will already have a major discrepancy within your reports. But another cause for discrepancies in the reports is due to cross-devices conversions. Facebook is able to track users across different devices or browsers as long as they are signed into their Facebook profile. While Google relies purely on cookies. Meaning that if the same user makes two separate actions through a different browser or device, Google Analytics will attribute it as two different users.

So, what can you do to avoid these discrepancies between Facebook and Google? Well unfortunately not a lot can be done. There will always be a difference in the reporting at some level, but if you wish to close the gap between the two, you can try the following:

  • Always make sure that both Facebook pixel and GA tag are installed correctly and there are no technical issues affecting the reports.
  • Remove view-through conversions from Facebook, this will already show you a much closer data to Google Analytics.
  • Use the multi-channel report from Google Analytics.

It will help you understand the assisted conversions from different platforms and how much Facebook ads have influenced those conversions.

Finally, I would like to add that it is very important to understand that Google Analytics and Facebook are two separate tools. They use different tracking methods and they report conversions differently. Due to reporting differently, both should be seen as complementary platforms, that together they provide a bigger picture and understanding of your business advertising. There is no reason to worry about them matching a 100%.

And one last thing before I finish, if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand. Book a call below:

That is it from me until next time 😉

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How Facebook Ads Split Testing Works

Today I’d like to share with you some tips and tricks about Facebook Ads split testing.

Split testing helps you test different variables to understand which is more effective for your business. It can be many kinds of starting from the campaign types, audiences, age, placements, platforms, and creatives, but I will focus in this post on the creative side to understand how you can run more effective tests.

How Do You Split Test Ads on FB?

There are several ways, but I will highlight those that I have more experience with, and I actually saw results.

The only way to know before pumping too much budget blindly into a campaign is to test all components of an ad and start spending only when you know that something works.

What I mean is to test images vs video, colors, CTAs, different descriptions, different ad texts and angles. Believe it or not, even the smallest change can improve performance.

Firstly it has to be decided with which campaign type you’d like to test:

a) FB’s default split testing campaign type
b) Conversion objective campaign
c) Traffic campaign

These 3 are used generally to test ad creatives, but my personal choice is conversion objective as most of the time the default split testing campaigns spent the budget and the results were not giving me enough data to decide or results were very bad + it is required to add a higher budget. Traffic campaigns are also popular, but they aren’t driving conversions as it’s not their goal. However, it’s cheaper and can be a good starting point to understand the CTR’s %.
The best results I got with the conversion campaigns set on a low budget.

How Do You Split Test Ads on Facebook?

As mentioned earlier when testing a creative the following is tested generally: colors of the image video, the ad text, the CTA, description and then different angles.

In one campaign I set up dynamic ads 2 to 3 ad sets with different audience combinations and test 2 variables, dupe the campaign and add another 2 variables to test. The winners are going to a duplicated campaign with higher budgets.

Another version is to use dynamic ads again and add 3 versions of each variable and based on the results it will be duped into a new campaign. If you’re not 100% sure what’s the winning variable is you can run multiple test campaigns using different audience pools.

What Budget Should You Test With and For How Long?

Normally it would be a CPA, however, if it’s a high-ticket item you shouldn’t spend that much. A $15 to $30 daily budget should be sufficient time to understand between 4 to 7 days of running it.

That’s my feedback on Facebook ads split test and I hope it can give value to your testing campaigns. Please feel free to share with us your feedback if you applied this testing strategy.

Also, if you’re spending over $500 a day and want to scale your brand you can book a call below:

Have a great week!
Ago from the DimNiko Team 🙂

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3 Ways To Connect Shopify With Facebook For Ads

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Today I would like to share with you 3 simple ways how to connect Facebook to Shopify. All these methods will help you drive traffic to your business.

Method 1: Install Facebook Tracking Pixel

First of all in order to connect your Shopify to Facebook you will need Facebook’s tracking pixel. Facebook’s pixel tracks your customer’s activity and shows you which actions have been taken on your website. This helps you understand the performance of your campaigns and lets you optimize them in order to get better results.

In order to connect Facebook’s pixel to your Shopify store, you need to copy your account Pixel’s ID. You can find it under the Measure & Report category in Facebook’s Ads Manager menu. After you copy the ID, enter your Shopify store and select the Online store and navigate to Preferences. Now paste the ID number you copied under the Facebook Pixel tab.

Method 2: Create a Facebook Shop and Sync to Shopify

The second method is creating a Facebook Shop and synchronizing it with your Shopify store by adding the SHOP NOW button which creates a Shopify Facebook cart. In order to do that you will need to install an app called Facebook store to your Shopify apps. This app will help you automatically connect Shopify to Facebook. All your products will be synchronized and your Facebook Store will update whenever you add a new product to your Shopify store. This allows your customers to purchase the products directly from Facebook but of course you will see the orders on Shopify as well.

Related Articles: The Ultimate Facebook Ecommerce Integration Guide 2020

Method 3: Create a Facebook Product Catalog

The third method of synchronizing your products is creating a Facebook product catalog. By setting up a catalog you create an asset that will contain all your inventory: your products, your images, prices and descriptions. Building an asset will help you to build a more personalized retargeting traffic and show your customers ads that reflect the exact products they are interested in. Of course this is more relevant for those businesses which have multiple products but it is also a good way to cross-sell new products to your existing customers.

In order to create a catalog you need to add a specific app to your Shopify store which is called Facebook Product Feed (by Flexify).When you download and open it, you will be able to find a link to your product feed which consists of all the products you’ve got in your shop. So you just need to copy this and after that return to Facebook to your Business settings. There you go to data sources, catalogs and create a new catalog. After you go through giving access to the relevant users and choosing the pixel, you will be able to open the catalog manager. And this is the place to upload all your products using the link we copied before. Just go to Product data sources, add products, use the data feed and press next. You can name your data feed whatever you like and after that choose set automatic file upload.So here you paste the link which we copied in the app. You can also choose a schedule which will automatically reupload your feed if you add new products to your Shopify store. When everything is set up, you just need to press start upload. Now all your products are being uploaded to the catalog and you can present your multiple products to the customer in a more sorted and specific way.

So these are 3 simple ways how to connect Shopify to Facebook.

Want to scale your brand?

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The Ultimate Facebook Ecommerce Integration Guide 2020

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Globally there are over 2.6 billion active users on Facebook that provides the biggest trade market in the world. Whether your business sells online or not, that is a huge market opportunity to ignore. In 2020 it’s no question that online presence is essential for businesses no matter which industry or niche they are in. Which seems to be supported by the fact that there are over 90 million business pages registered on Facebook. However there are only 7M active advertisers meaning there are still many businesses that are not actively using Facebook as a customer acquisition platform.

If you are in ecommerce then this guide will help you with Facebook ecommerce integration so you not only can connect with your customers on a social level, but on shopping one too.

How Does Facebook Ecommerce Work?

If you have an online store or just starting out and want to set up one, using Facebook as a sales channel is an easy and fast way to do it. Facebook Store / Shop is a kind of Facebook Page where you can list your products to reach a wider audience and allows you to sell directly to them. Setting up and maintaining a Facebook store is easy and simple.

What is Facebook Business Integration? Facebook Business integration is the process when you “virtually” set up your shop that Facebook users can visit, browse and shop.

Two Ways for Facebook Ecommerce Integration:

  1. You use Facebook Platform itself and create a Store there, listing the products, set up shopping carts and connect payment methods
  2. Use an ecommerce website platform to create an online store, which you can link and connect to your Facebook Store.

How to Sell Products on a Facebook Store

Creating a Business Page, or business account is completely separate from your personal profile, therefore if you have more businesses you can create more pages as well. You can find more information on how to set up a Business Page here. Once you set up your Facebook Business Page select the “Shop” tag to create a store page. If this option is available you may need to change your page’s template to a shopping template, you can check out how to do that here. When people visit your Facebook Page and click the Store tab they can see all your products that you listed.

How to Add Products to Your Facebook Store?

If you want to manually add products to your Facebook Store it’s easy, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Shop tab on your Facebook Page
  2. Click Add Product
  3. Upload product images and the product titles
  4. You can include product descriptions, details and sizing if applicable
  5. You can also add inventory count, even by variations in case you have several colors, sizes etc. In this case just click Edit options.
  6. You can also add Delivery information, Returns policy and add a product category as well
  7. When ready just click Save

Integrating Facebook Store with Ecommerce Website

As we mentioned above there are 2 options to complete Facebook ecommerce integration, so if you choose to use an ecommerce platform to create an online store adding products to your Facebook Business Page can be done automatically. In this way to complete Facebook ecommerce integration all you need to do is to connect the ecommerce platform with your Facebook store and you can start selling.

There are several ecommerce platforms to choose from based on your business’s needs. We recommended the following ecommerce platforms to integrate with Facebook Store:

  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Woocommerce
  • Squarespace

Once your online ecommerce store is created, you can easily connect it with your Business Page in the Settings and then all your products will automatically listed in your Facebook Store. Having a Facebook Shop is going to help your business to reach new audiences, acquire customers and sell to your existing customer base. However as part of your marketing strategy you should be working on growing your Facebook audience organically and as well via advertising in order to truly benefit from having a Facebook Page.

Hope you enjoyed the read! If you’re spending over $500 a day and need help with you Facebook campaigns book a call below:


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The Magical Secret to Scaling Clients to 10MM Per Year

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I’m running ads for a big client. We’re spending around 4-6k per day and his average day for the past 90 days was $30k of revenue. Last month they did $1.1MM in sales. And it was the same in April and March. From May 1st 2019 to May 1st 2020 they did 10MM of sales. Some months were below 1MM and some above. They never went under 700k per month.

Pretty epic ha?

Their online conversion store is 5.24% and they’re using Shopify.

Total orders in that period = 200K
Average order value = $50
Country: US

Now, what are they selling I won’t tell you…but what I can tell you is this.

  • Their creatives are nothing special.
  • Their landing page is nothing special.
  • Their apps are nothing special.
  • Their funnel is nothing special.

So what is special you will ask?

I would like to say that ‘the one’ who runs ads (Hint: ME)…but you know this is only a fraction of their sales. What is special here is the “branding” and they are the biggest in the US. Everybody knows them and they’re proud to be the best. But what I think is even more important than the branding is the product that soon goes off after some period.

Related Topic: How to Strengthen or Build Your Brand

So you need more of it. And more. And more. Like oil. Or gas. Or meat. Or milk. Etc.

What is the word for it? Perfect expiration product? Yes, if you have a great product that expires in 30 days, then you have an enormous advantage.

Hint: It doesn’t have to be food. I’m also not talking about cheap products that just die after a month here…I’m talking about products that are so good, you want to use them everyday. Then when you use them everyday, they slowly fade into nothing. You can’t eat or drink them because if you could, then probably it wouldn’t last even one day.The taste of them would be too magical to resist.

So if you’re spending over $500 a day and want to scale your brand bring more sales and optimize the brand

Book a call with us below:

We can make things happen.

We have recipes for different scaling strategies. Small and big, branding and white-label ones. What you need is a partner who you can trust and who will grow with you hand in hand.

Have a wonderful day,

Matej – Senior media buyer at DimNiko

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How to Use a Facebook Group to Grow Your Business

DimNiko - Growing Brand

This is Patri and today I want to talk about how a Facebook Group can help you grow your business. With the changes made to the Facebook algorithm in the past year, the organic reach your Facebook page used to have back in the day is far less now. This is the first reason why you should consider creating a Facebook group for your business, as groups have a lot more engagement than pages do. Inside a Facebook group, the members can start conversations more freely compared to a page. This is exactly what Facebook wants. For us to have real interactions with our users, and a Business group will help you do exactly that.

Apart from that, Facebook groups are cost-free and a very effective way to reach your target audience. It is true that a Facebook group might not be for every kind of business, but if you think your type of product might do well with one, a group will certainly help increase your revenue.

Another aspect to consider before creating one is, if you have the time that it requires to maintain it. Facebook groups work as a community built around common interests and they encourage their members to participate and share their thoughts. It is this sense of community which will help you increase the trust between your brand and your consumers.

In order to create a group you can do so directly through your Facebook Business Page, and then your Group will appear directly on your page. Once your group has been created, a good tip in order to encourage your Page followers to join your group would be to change the click through action button on your business page to “Visit group”.

If you are already consider creating a Facebook group but you are not sure how it can help you, here are some examples:

  • To establish authority, share your blog posts, articles and show yourself as an expert.
  • To build relationships and grow a community.
  • To grow your email list and drive traffic to your site.
  • To test new products among your consumers.

Related Post: Striking Emotions to Bring in 2MM Revenue

But a group will not help you with any of the above unless it is successful, meaning there are interactions among users as well as with your shared content.

And how can you encourage your users to interact in the group?

  • Create polls: Polls are a great way to understand your audience and what they like.
  • Host events: Use the watch party feature and interact with your users in real time.
  • Create challenges: Design a challenge and ask your users to join it.
  • Welcome your new members: Create a welcome post whenever you have a certain growth in the group members.

And this is it from me today. I hope you enjoy the read and hopefully it has helped some of you consider the creation of your own Facebook Business Group. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions and remember,

if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below:

See you in my next post!

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Difference Between Cross-Selling and Upselling – Why You Should Set It Up Right Now!

I think it’s quite an obvious thought but I will bring it up anyway: It’s much easier to increase the average order value of an existing customer than acquire a new one.

Today I would like to talk about 2 ways of increasing this AOV: Cross-selling and upselling!

Let’s start with a definition of both of them and then talk about the best strategies.


Cross-selling is selling an item from one product set to your existing customer who already purchased an item from another product set. For example, you’ve got a clothing shop. You’ve got a list of customers who recently purchased jeans from your store. They probably have closed the need of purchasing jeans for quite a while, but it doesn’t mean they’re done shopping for this period. You can always suggest them to buy shirts or shoes or bags. This is called cross-selling. You increase the AOV of the customer buy suggesting additional products.


Upselling is selling a higher ticket product from the same product set. For example, the customer wants to buy a specific model of jeans, but you suggest him to buy a name-brand pair of jeans instead which are twice more expensive. This would be an upsell offer.

Now when we understand the difference between these terms, let’s discuss what’s the best ways to use both of them. There can be two options: paid traffic and email marketing.

Related Post: Are Your Ads Actually Scaleable?

Paid Traffic

In order to create such paid traffic campaigns you will need a catalog. When you’re done creating a catalog with different product sets, you can create a Catalog Sales campaign which means choosing Catalog Sales as an objective. The ad set level is where you can choose if you want to cross-sell or upsell.

My recommendation is starting by cross-selling products for those customers who have purchased recently but have received your product already. So the best audience would be purchasers for the last 30 days excluding the average day period of your delivery. And remember to cross-sell a product from a different product set.

Email Marketing

Another option is email marketing: this is obviously much cheaper than launching FB campaigns. Once several weeks have passed after the purchase, you can send out an email offering a product from another product set. Adding a discount code for “valued customers” always helps with convincing for a new order.

Related Post: 6 Reasons Why Your Email Marketing is Under Performing

The best place for upselling offers is directly on your website. But you need to pick a relevant upsell for a specific product. Always offer it on the product page or on the ATC page. You can create a pop-up if it’s any type of a guarantee or you can offer bundles in the cart. There is also an option to create an upsell campaign for those people who viewed your product but didn’t purchase yet. In this case it’s better to promote bundles or higher ticket products from the same product set. All these hacks will help you increase your average order value!

And as I said at the beginning it is much cheaper to save a loyal customer than acquire a new one.

If you’re spending over $500 a day and also want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

Maryana from DimNiko 🙂

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6 Crucial Factors Stopping You From Scaling Paid Traffic Profitably

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Here are 6 quick improvements you can make to your ads in the next 7-10 days that will improve your results. 9 in 10 ad accounts I look at are making these mistakes. And these accounts are spending anywhere from $10K to $150K a month in ad spend. So beginners and even experienced brands have serious room to grow.

1 – Exclusions at your Top of Funnel

I can bet your cold traffic ads are still not targeting purely cold traffic which means your ads are not scalable even though they are profitable. Good chance you are hitting a spend ceiling and cant scale anymore and this is the reason. Make sure to exclude FB & Insta engagers, website visitors and customers from TOF ads

2 – Start using Dynamic Creative

Give your prospects a better user experience with DC and let Facebook choose the best combinations to put in front of your audience not you. We are finding great success scaling accounts past $10K a day ad spend with dynamic creative

Related Post: Are You Really Testing Creatives on Facebook or Is It the Luck of the Draw?

3 Use Broader Audiences

Facebook is smarter than all of us put together so if you have a decently seasoned pixel broaden your campaigns. Stack interests into an ad set, stack lookalikes into an ad set, even run no targeting and let FB optimise. This is allowing us to scale accounts fast and profitably.

4 Have a clear account structure

You need clear TOF campaigns, MOF campaigns, BOF campaigns and retention campaigns (Potentially these depending on your brand). This will stop a lot of the audience overlap and it allows you to show different creatives to different audiences.

5 Make some better TOF creatives

Every account has so much more room to improve TOF creatives. Stalk some of your favorite brands using the ad library and make some better god damn creatives.


Your customers are a goldmine for more profits and user generated content. Incentivize them to film content for you, in exchange for a free product or discounts or giveaways whatever it may be. The more content you get from them the more UGC you can test and the further you can scale

Related Post: Are Your Ads Actually Scalable

I am sure this helped a lot. If you have any questions book a call below and let’s work through this together.

Dan (Head of Partnerships at DimNiko Agency)