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The Impact of COVID-19 and How Consumer Behaviour Is Still Changing

DimNiko | Consumer Behaviour

Since the start of the pandemic the current market conditions couldn’t be more unpredictable. According to an article posted on CNBC’s website in March titled “ Facebook says it’s seeing weakening ads business in countries hit by COVID-19”. It explains that although businesses advertising on Facebook are seeing campaigns and engagement increase.

Most businesses saw a drop in sales in countries that take more aggressive actions in spreading Covid-19.

As a media buyer one would think that since consumers are basically locked in their homes, you would see a big increase in E-commerce overall. For some businesses this was the case, but the majority have seen a decline in performance or accounts behaving volatile, with mixed results. 

According to the article on CNBC they mention that Six of the largest 10 advertising countries were “currently Covid-19 hotspots”. This led me to start investigating why you are seeing an increase in engagement and a drop in sales, or atlas high CPA’s.

Why Facebook Sales Might Be Affected

One theory that I started to follow is that it might be due to pixel data getting corrupted. The reason behind this is that customers that don’t usually shop online have been more willing to click on an ad.

They browse and behave like a customer with intent, they might just be bored. But the pixel optimizes for this and includes this behavior in the optimization. 

Customers like these might not ever convert since they might not trust E-Commerce website for doing their shopping or just a lack the knowledge to move forward with a purchase. 

From December 2019 to July 2020 the unemployment rate increased from 3.5% to 10.2%, luckily on a decline. In April 2020 it reached as high as 14.7%, that’s a rough estimate of 48.2 Million of the total US population without a job. 

Why is this important? 

If you consider factors such as how many people know someone who lost their job. It wouldn’t be hard to think that at least half of the population would know about someone who lost their job because of Covid-19. 

Since most of the E-commerce brands focus on what you would consider the luxury goods market, this is the first place where someone would save some money. 

How Can You Manage Campaigns In Order to Survive Through This Period. 

Shift your focus back on Marketing first before focusing on the Media Buying. Now is the time where corporate social responsibility could save you and others as well. 

It’s always important to have a good CSR plan implemented, even though you might be a small business. This will encourage your customers to support you, because you are supporting others. 

The message that you deliver to your customers should relate with them and the conditions that they are in.  You wouldn’t necessarily implement this with conversions strategies, only with reach and engagements. 

Adjusting your landing page and mentioning for example that “a portion of the profit share is going to a relief foundation” etc, is a good way for customers to support your role in the economy as well. 

As for the media buying strategies, I mentioned in a previous article that your seed audiences shouldn’t be from before this large shift in consumer behavior happened. Having shorter seed audiences will make sure that audiences such as your LLA’s can stay up to date with the volatility of consumers during this period. 

Making sure to proactively create campaigns rather that reactively will safe you a lot of time and money.  Consumers are reactive and the market as well, it’s important to stay ahead of the game to ensure that you can survive or even scale with the current market volatility.

And this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap! 


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How to Build Successful Facebook Retargeting Campaigns for Ecommerce

DimNiko - Ecommerce Retargeting Ads

You’ve probably heard about the term retargeting. With Facebook ads it’s the best tool in any media buyers arsenal.

What Are The Benefits for Retargeting Campaigns?

Well let me tell you. Successful retargeting campaigns are the campaigns that usually run the most stable and predictable if you set it up right. This funnel allows you to retarget customers based on their behaviour on your website, which is great news because you have very focused audiences with intent if your prospecting audiences were done right. 

Read More: 6 Crucial Factors Stopping You From Scaling Paid Traffic Profitably

The secret to having a great retargeting campaign starts at the top, making sure your exclusions are done right and that you are targeting the right audiences. When you have this under control you will see stable returns from your retargeting campaigns. 

Who Can You Retarget? 

The benefits of retargeting campaigns is that you add an extra contact point for a potential customer that either came in from your prospecting campaign or just old fashioned organic traffic. But for some reason they did not purchase your product and here’s where the importance of retargeting campaigns kick in. 

Retargeting campaigns help you set up focused audiences based on specific events fired from your Facebook pixel on your website allowing you to create very focused audiences based on their behaviour on your website.  This can be everything from the time they spent on the website to specific events such as add to cart and initiate checkout. 

When you really go in depth you can create audiences based on each product using the URL’s or content ID’s and build audiences based on specific pixel events to allow you to have quality audiences and helps drive your average CPA down and your ROAs up at the end of the day. 

But Do You Know How to Set Up a Retargeting Campaign? 

There are 4 factors that you need to consider when setting up your retargeting campaigns.

1. Make sure that your exclusions from the Top Funnel down to your bottom funnel are based on your product research, knowledge and how frequently your customers need to visit your website. 

For example, ask yourself how often do they need to buy your product. Is it something that they purchase every month or once a year?

This will give you a clear indication of how far back in the timeline you need to retarget your customers. 

2. Consumer behaviour with your product is a large factor, this is almost the same, but this is based on how impulsive your product purchase is. 

If it’s a high ticket item, potential customers might need a little more time before they make their purchase decision. Retargeting those customers over a longer period might work better than retargeting them within a day.

For impulsive purchases, consumers might need only one day to a week to make the purchase decision before they lose interest. This is something you can only learn through testing different retargeting periods.

3. Frequency, even though you have a better appreciation for ads than normal consumers, we are all still consumers at the end of the day. 

There are times when you keep seeing the same ad and completely ignore it after a certain period, or even go as far to hide the ad.

Monitoring the frequency of your ad in retargeting is very important since you don’t want your brand to be associated with those mobile game ads you can’t get rid of. Making sure that you have retargeting specific ad creatives and copies. Utilizing creatives just for retargeting is important. 

Here we’ve seen customers react better to product reviews for example since they have already seen the product and interacted with your website. This provides them with a feedback loop and also factors in the across the funnels they don’t see the same ad that they saw with the prospecting campaign. 

4. Budget is the most important factor and this is where many retargeting campaigns fail. 

When your retargeting campaign is running successfully it is easy to get too excited and start increasing budget. The only problem is that when your retargeting budget is too high, it will run out of juice fast and you will see the performance drop significantly. 

It is important to keep a good ratio between your budget for your prospecting campaigns and your retargeting campaigns. It allows the prospecting funnel to continuously seed the retargeting campaign at a stable pace, where you will reach a point where you will never have to touch the campaign while maintaining stable performance. 

Successful retargeting campaigns depend solely on how you set up your whole account. 

It is meant to compliment your prospecting campaigns and doing it just right means that you have less work to do and focus on acquiring new customers. 

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below, to have the best of the best work on your brand.


And that’s a wrap! 

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko

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How Social Media Changed the World of Business Marketing

DimNiko - Social Media Changing Business

Have you ever wondered how social media has changed advertising? Since the birth of the internet it’s a little bit hard to appreciate how far the world has come in a very short time. Especially how it has connected people, businesses and life in general and how small the world has actually become as a consequence of this. 

The need for businesses to develop marketing strategies due to the competitive environment has become an art in itself and with the internet, it is more relevant and important than ever. I believe advertising is the biggest factor that determines the success of a business. 

The fact that Coca Cola basically created the Santa Clause we know today is the type of marketing and advertising campaign you only see happen once in a lifetime.

Without the internet businesses had to commit to one single gamble to do something truly spectacular or fail spectacularly with it. They had one shot to make it work and could only rely on good research and experience from a well built advertising team. This chance was mostly reserved for massive corporations and made the playing field less “fair”.

The Introduction of Social Media

Social media is one of the biggest industries if not the biggest to develop from the internet, from the original social media “experiment” MySpace to what we see now with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. 

Each of these platforms with its own unique twist in the way it has connected people and businesses. This has opened so many new opportunities for a countless number of people; it is truly something spectacular when you take the time to sit back and appreciate it.

Companies have always had the need to develop unique advertising strategies that make them increase brand awareness. With the internet and the thousands of companies that came from it, it has made it difficult to fight for that little screen space. 

Before the internet and social media, companies had very limited eyes to compete for, but the space was more limited as well. A lot more thought and money had to go into an advertising campaign back in the day, and it was basically a gamble with little to no direct feedback. 

This made even brand awareness campaigns expensive and somewhat reckless, due to the lack of data.

How Social Media Changed Advertising

How social media has changed advertising could be hard to quantify, because of the pace at which businesses had to keep up with the changing environment.

Advertising on social media has made companies gain an advantage of direct feedback that companies from 30 years ago could only dream of. 

The data gained from advertising on social media, means that companies can know exactly why and how an advertising campaign is working or not. 

One of the negative effects I believe from this is that some creativity is lost in the process because a lot less thought has to go into making an advertising campaign from inexperienced businesses. 

If you know exactly what your customers want to see, there is no need to fix something that is working, right? Not exactly, it’s just that most businesses just forget that the creative continuity is extremely important. Which is the reason why it is important for businesses to look at the data when building advertising campaigns.

Read More: Are You Really Testing Creatives On Facebook or Is It Luck of the Draw?

This leads to the need for something big and extravagant to be put aside in favor of what the data loop shows the person running the campaigns.

If a business knows how to read the creative data, it puts it miles ahead of the competition. Which is the reason why keeping that creative importance with advertising is so crucial to building a great advertising strategy. 

Soo how has social media changed the way we do business? It’s simple, it’s made it a hell of a lot easier to conduct business. 

How Social Media Changed the Way We Do Business

Some of you might not remember how absolutely daunting a task it was to sit for what feels like hours on hold for a customer service call. This was a missed opportunity for many businesses because customers would rather leave the problem alone than sit on a call.

How does social media affect business communication?

Social media has made it possible for customers to contact the business directly with ease and without effort to give feedback on a product or to make a complaint.

Customers still have the chance to call customer service, but most customers would rather go on Facebook and send them a message or post on their wall. This has allowed businesses to take advantage of the feedback they get from customers and strive to improve, since social media can be an unforgiving environment sometimes. From angry customers to constant policy changes.

Data is a fantastic consequence of social media, it is an interesting phenomenon that mostly media buyers only get to appreciate.

Advertising on social media has become an art, and has led to a gain in knowledge that can’t be compared to anything else in the traditional sense of the industry. 

Which is why there are agencies like DimNiko that find the best advertising “artists” around the world. 

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below, to have the best of the best work on your brand.


And that’s a wrap! 

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko 

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How Having a Large Number of Likes on Your Page Can Have a Negative Impact on Marketing Performance

DimNiko - Facebook Page Likes

First question, does growing your social community still matter? The short answer is yes, to a degree! Great! So what now?

Marketing plays a huge role in media buying and for one to compliment the other, certain facts need to be considered. In the past, the more page likes you had on your Facebook or Instagram page, the more legitimate your business seems to be. This also led to increased organic engagement on your page which led to more likes. The reliance on the perception of the legitimacy of your Facebook and Instagram page meant that this was the main goal for many businesses. However social media marketing has evolved over the years and businesses started popping up to fulfill these needs, this caused a surge in illegitimate Facebook likes, or Instagram followers that could be purchased which many brands happily did.

Read more: How to Use a Facebook Group to Grow Your Business

Those metrics of Facebook likes or Instagram follows aren’t as important today, especially when those metrics compete for finite amounts of space and budget. AKA your own ads. But this can start to work against you, because consumers have started to validate the brand by their amount of likes, but not in the way you think. There are many more social proof signals that need to be met for a potential customer to trust your brand.

This biggest factor, your page likes vs your organic engagement, for example. Like if you have more than 50k likes on your page but only get about 50 or 60 likes on your post and 5 comments on average. The customer will think that something is up, when they quickly check your page when they see an ad… Well…atleast I do.

In recent times, Facebook algorithm has tanked the organic reach of normal page posts, this is an important factor to consider. This is due to the competition for space in the news feed, which has rapidly increased as the user base grew. So far, this means that at the moment, a low percentage of your community is selected to see your post. And those who have been selected by the algorithm, have to compete against a news feed that favors ads and their friend’s posts. This can get frustrating, from what I explained above “this makes your brand seem fake” due to the balance between organic engagement and the total likes/follows. It’s not as prominent on Instagram, but we’re focusing on Facebook for now, because many company pages look like graveyards.

Read more: Facebook VS Instagram, What is best for your business?

Page likes don’t really matter as they used to, this might seem a bit harsh, but this is the reality that we live in. The sweet spot is, finding that balance where the organic engagement can compliment the total amount of likes, in order to seem more legitimate to those users who check and care. Less might mean more in this case. Lowering the total amount of likes from “dead” facebook pages, inactive users are those who don’t fall under your demographic, is a good start. This will get you to the point where the discrepancy between your engagement and total likes gets less. You want this.

Encourage your community to engage with your post, and come back weekly or daily to check out the latest deal or next giveaway, you can get creative here. Like Boosted posts – that’s what they are there for, unfortunately, because you’re competing for newsfeed space. You’ll need to pay for that, because at the end of the day, your phone is a little portable billboard. From here when your community has reached that level which might mean smaller, you can restart your community growth as you continue to grow your brand on the business and advertising side. But this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap!

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko

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Are You Really Testing Creatives on Facebook Or Is It Luck Of The Draw?

Soo you’ve created a bunch of new creatives and ad copies. You upload it to a new campaign and each one of the new creatives perform about exactly the same according to your CTR performance. You check to see if you haven’t uploaded the same creative for each ad, but looks like it not.

What’s the problem then? They’re working right? Wrong. Here’s the deal. Designing creatives isn’t an easy thing to do. It’s time consuming and you don’t really know if it will work or not until you test it. You rely on your graphic designer or the graphic design agency to give you the best creatives possible. But many stores running ads fail in a few areas to get the best out of your creatives as possible.

We’ve seen some accounts that have 6 variations of the same video, same song, same raw footage, just different overlay text and a mix up on the editing. But at the end of the day, it’s still the same video. This is where results can be skewed, there are a lot of factors where Facebook’s algorithm can push certain creatives even though they basically look the same, and it could just be luck.

For the media buyers or designers we can easily see the difference between creatives, because we have a trained eye. But what we sometimes forget is that we need to think and see like the consumer with a less trained eye. In my opinion, if you play a 10 sec clip of the 6 videos I mentioned above to a focus group, you’ll get an answer like “they’re exactly the same”.  

In one of my previous posts “How Colour Influences Consumer Behaviour?“. It mentions the importance of color and how it can influence your customers purchasing behavior. The same applies with the elements in your creatives, putting color aside, that’s a topic of its own. What I mean by elements is breaking down your creative into 6 & 7 parts, your fore, middle and background, font choices, your subject and product, and for video, your music. The way these are used and implemented, is up to your designer and their personal experience, following trends and their knowledge of your product, company and industry.

Back to the creative testing.

Testing Ad Creatives

Here’s a few steps that you can follow to be able to really test your creatives. I’ll try my best to simplify, because there are a lot of factors to consider.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask your existing customers their opinion.

If they’re happy with your product, they will be more than happy to help, a survey might sound cliche, but the reason it is, is because it’s been a tried and tested method for years.

  1. Take the time to evaluate the creatives that work and those that don’t work from the past and adapt.

As an example we’ve seen some companies perform fantastic with user generated content, with lower quality images where you can really see the “rawness” of the images. This company then adapted all their ad images to “recreate” UCG images in house and have been rolling with it ever since.

  1. Testing styles, colours, fonts, subject matter, music etc.

Having a photographer, designer and editor is essential to producing high quality content in high quantity. This is where the real part of testing comes in, it is what you do before it even reaches your audience.

You will need to make creatives with males and females, types of background eg. industrial vs soft, colour combinations, music styles, video editing styles, user generated content vs high quality content, seasonal changes if it applies to your company etc. the list is endless.

Related Post: Case Study: How to Consolidate Your Traffic While Using Dynamic Ads

The fact of the matter is that, when you want test creatives, a lot has to be done before it reaches the ads manager. There should be a significant difference between each creative and the variations of those individual creatives. Those variations should also be distinct enough so that the consumer can really see the difference between them. This applies to all the funnels.

Shooting a bunch of videos or finding locations, getting good backgrounds, finding music etc. can be a daunting task to manage and fund. But when you have expert advice to guide you through this process the end result will counterbalance the initial cost of the hours of work put in. After the preparation has been done and all the creatives made, you can throw it into ads manager and let the results speak for themselves. This will allow you to identify what the best “genre” of creatives is best to use and when to use them for the future. You’ll be able to make small adjustments based on the feedback of your media buyer and ad performance, plan ahead and build a strategy, and the process will be quick and cost effective. But this only works if you have the right agency partnered with you!

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

And that’s a wrap!

I’m Quintin, Media Buyer at DimNiko