Back in 2017 Facebook launched a new placement option for advertisers called in-stream videos.
When selecting the in-stream video placement, your ad will appear within another video a user is watching across the platform. As per Facebook definition “your ad will appear in videos from familiar publishers and digital-first creators that tailor their content to Facebook audiences”. The ad will only be played after 1 minute into the video and because the user is already watching a video, in-stream video ads are automatically played with sound, they can have a length of up to 120 seconds and they are non-skippable.For all these reasons, in-stream videos have a completed view rate of 70%, which is a much higher rate compared to regular video ads. In-stream video ads can be used with the following objectives: Video Views, Brand Awareness, Reach, and Post Engagement.
Using In-Stream Videos to Drive Conversions
Generally speaking video ads have been proven to have a higher performance than regular image ads and to drive a higher amount of clicks per impression. By increasing the reach and awareness of your brand, you will automatically increase your conversions. And non-skippable videos in particular have a better performance at capturing and holding the user’s attention.
In order to use in-stream videos to drive more conversions into your website, start by creating a powerful and interesting video that will grab people’s attention. The recommended length would be between 5 to 30 seconds, since these types of ads will disrupt the content a user is watching, it’s recommended to keep your ads short and compelling.
Create a campaign to drive engagement or awareness among the different available objectives for in-stream video placements. Select the right audience, it is recommended to create a custom audience to show your videos to the right people and keep your ads relevant, better than showing your video ads to a very broad audience. Once you have a minimum amount of video views, you can then create a custom audience of video viewers. Use this video viewers audience to create a retargeting conversions campaign and target the audience with relevant and similar content to the one used in the in-stream video.
By following this strategy you will manage to lower your ad cost, since you will be acquiring lower cost cold traffic by using objectives like reach and video views, and showing your more relevant content to an already warm audience in your retargeting campaigns. It is also recommended to tailor your content based on which part of the funnel your audience is at.
You can create different custom audiences for those who have watched 25% of your video, 50% or 70%. The longer they have watched your video, the more they know about your brand. You can then adjust the content of your retargeting campaigns based on that.
The more you understand your audience, the more relevant content you can create, and the lower will be your cost per acquisition. Take into consideration that it might take some time and a few videos to create both awareness and engagement, but once you have achieved that, your conversions will increase.
And one last thing before I finish, if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand
Book a call below:
That is it from me until next time 😉