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How to Use In-Stream Video Ads To Drive Conversions

DimNiko - In-Stream Video Ads

Back in 2017 Facebook launched a new placement option for advertisers called in-stream videos. 

When selecting the in-stream video placement, your ad will appear within another video a user is watching across the platform. As per Facebook definition “your ad will appear in videos from familiar publishers and digital-first creators that tailor their content to Facebook audiences”. The ad will only be played after 1 minute into the video and because the user is already watching a video, in-stream video ads are automatically played with sound, they can have a length of up to 120 seconds and they are non-skippable.For all these reasons, in-stream videos have a completed view rate of 70%, which is a much higher rate compared to regular video ads. In-stream video ads can be used with the following objectives: Video Views, Brand Awareness, Reach, and Post Engagement.

Using In-Stream Videos to Drive Conversions

Generally speaking video ads have been proven to have a higher performance than regular image ads and to drive a higher amount of clicks per impression. By increasing the reach and awareness of your brand, you will automatically increase your conversions. And non-skippable videos in particular have a better performance at capturing and holding the user’s attention.

In order to use in-stream videos to drive more conversions into your website, start by creating a powerful and interesting video that will grab people’s attention. The recommended length would be between 5 to 30 seconds, since these types of ads will disrupt the content a user is watching, it’s recommended to keep your ads short and compelling.

Create a campaign to drive engagement or awareness among the different available objectives for in-stream video placements. Select the right audience, it is recommended to create a custom audience to show your videos to the right people and keep your ads relevant, better than showing your video ads to a very broad audience. Once you have a minimum amount of video views, you can then create a custom audience of video viewers. Use this video viewers audience to create a retargeting conversions campaign and target the audience with relevant and similar content to the one used in the in-stream video.

By following this strategy you will manage to lower your ad cost, since you will be acquiring lower cost cold traffic by using objectives like reach and video views, and showing your more relevant content to an already warm audience in your retargeting campaigns. It is also recommended to tailor your content based on which part of the funnel your audience is at.

You can create different custom audiences for those who have watched 25% of your video, 50% or 70%. The longer they have watched your video, the more they know about your brand. You can then adjust the content of your retargeting campaigns based on that.

The more you understand your audience, the more relevant content you can create, and the lower will be your cost per acquisition. Take into consideration that it might take some time and a few videos to create both awareness and engagement, but once you have achieved that, your conversions will increase.

And one last thing before I finish, if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

That is it from me until next time 😉

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How to Use Social Media For Increasing Brand Awareness

DimNiko - How to Use Social Media to Increase Brand Awareness

Regardless if your business is offering a service or a product, brand awareness goes hand in hand with your sales. It goes without saying that the more people know about your brand, the higher your sales will increase. And there is no better place to increase your brand awareness than social media.

Having a social media strategy in place in order to increase your brand awareness should be part of your overall marketing strategy. However many advertisers struggle to find the best solutions to achieve this goal.

There are several ways to increase brand awareness on social media, and here are some of them:

Find The Right Platform

There are plenty of platforms where you can advertise your brand. Based on your product or service, some will have a bigger impact than others.

For example, if your business is B2B, you should consider having a presence on Linkedin, while if your product is targeting teens, you should focus on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok. Once you have decided which platforms work best for your brand, you should personalize your social media marketing for each one of them. Don’t post the same content across all channels, take into consideration the type of audience you will be reaching in each platform and mold your content based on it.

While your content should be different across channels, your profile should be recognizable in any case. The main objective of brand awareness is for your brand to be recognized. From your profile image, your bio, to the content you post, everything should match your brand and your followers should be able to recognize you.

Connect with Your Audience

There are plenty of ways in which you can connect and engage with your followers. Answering their questions and providing information, the faster you react to the comments, the higher engagement you will create. Creating polls or contests, people love to participate and compete, and contests or giveaways are a great free tool to ensure your content will be shared. Creating posts to initiate conversations or debates, if the topic is interesting enough it will reach non followers that might become one. Doing live videos, live-streaming is here to stay, and is one of the most successful ways to engage with your audience.

Work Hard on Your Content

Brand awareness is not only based on the amount of content that you share, but the quality of it. In order to increase brand awareness through your social media, your content must be interesting and useful. Whether it’s a video or a blog, your content must catch your audience’s attention, that is the only way to create engagement and therefore awareness.

Keep your content relevant, search for the latest news or topics and adjust those that are relevant to your brand in order to follow the trend. Include images in your content, visual posts have generally a higher impact across any channel since are easier to catch by the eye while scrolling down the platform. Considering Corporate Social Responsibility content, more and more people prefer brands that have a social responsibility program, either giving back to the community, volunteering or donations. If your brand offers any type of social program, make sure you include it in your social media content.

The above are just some of the actions to take into consideration when preparing your social media marketing to increase your brand awareness. If you have any questions about this or any other topic or you need help to scale your brand and you are spending over $500 a day.

Do not hesitate to book a call below:

See you next time 😉

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Factors Influencing The Cost Of Facebook Ads

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Facebook has become one of the main platforms that businesses consider when preparing their advertising strategy. But most business owners probably ask themselves the question, “What is the cost of Facebook Ads?”. The reality is that there are many factors that influence your Facebook advertising cost. Among them are the bidding model, the target audience, the placement, and the ad quality and relevance.

Let’s review some of the top factors to consider when it comes to the cost of Facebook Ads.

The Bidding Model

When it comes to the bid strategy, Facebook offers a few options that will basically be divided between automatic or manual. Those options are: Highest value or lowest cost, cost cap, target cost or bid cap. There is not a universal bid strategy that works for every type of business, but understanding the bid model that works best for your campaigns will determine your ad delivery and its cost.

Related Articles: How Message Campaigns Can Bring Down The Cost of Your Results By 2x Untapped Strategy

The Target Audience

One of the main factors that will increase the cost of your campaigns is related to the audience you are trying to reach. If there are many other advertisers targeting the same audience, your cost will raise as the ad space is limited. It is recommended to create a specific audience rather than targeting a very broad one. Testing different audiences will help you understand which ones are the right audiences for your brand.


There are many placements to choose from, Facebook and Instagram news feed, stories, Audience Network, Messenger… Facebook’s recommendation is to select automatic placements, which means advertising in all of them, and by doing so the cost per result will lower. However, it is highly recommended to do an analysis to understand which are the placements that perform best for your campaigns. By avoiding those placements that do not bring you any conversions, you will avoid extra costs.

The Ad Quality and Relevance

The quality and relevance of your ad will most definitely have an effect on the cost. Your ad relevance will be rated with a score from 1 to 10, being 10 the highest possible score. Facebook will give a relevance score based on the positive or negative ad feedback your ad receives. It is extremely important to create ads that are relevant to your audience. Facebook will show your ads more than those with a lower relevance score, therefore you will pay less to reach more of your audience. There are other factors that will also affect the general cost of your Facebook ads.

For example, you should also take into consideration the time of the year, there are periods of time where the competition will be much higher. Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Christmas, Thanksgiving…  During the holiday seasons in general your cost will be higher because of high competition.

As well as the industry you are in, to name a couple finance or insurance are two with the highest advertising cost. By taking all of the above into consideration and testing the different options that Facebook provides to advertisers you will be able to lower your total cost.

And if you have any questions about this or any other topic or you need help to scale your brand and you are spending over $500 a day. Do not hesitate to book a call below:

See you next time 😉

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Facebook Ads & Google Analytics Reporting Discrepancies

DimNiko - Facebook Ad Discrepancies

Have you ever struggled to understand why the data you see on Facebook reporting and Google Analytics differs? Would you like to know more about what is causing these discrepancies? Hopefully today I will help you shed some light into it. One if not the major cause for discrepancies between Facebook and Google reporting is the way they attribute conversions.

Facebook Attribution Model

By default, the attribution model on Facebook will track and report any conversion that involves the customer interacting with an ad and then converting. For example, a user clicks on your Facebook ad but does not convert, later on that day (or even few days later) the user decides to search for your brand on Google, clicks on your Google ad and makes a purchase. Facebook will still attribute that conversion to itself. And this is why you are more likely to see a higher number of conversions on Facebook reporting than Google Analytics.

In the default attribution model, Facebook also includes view-through conversions. Meaning that if a user does not even click on your ad but only views it and then converts through a different platform within a period of 24 hours, Facebook will still attribute that conversion to itself. However, these type of view-through conversions will never be tracked in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Attribution Model

On the other hand, Google Analytics tracks conversions based on a last-touch model. If we look at the example above, a user that clicks on an ad on Facebook but ends up converting through Google ads. Google Analytics will attribute that conversion to Google ads only.

Based just on this, you will already have a major discrepancy within your reports. But another cause for discrepancies in the reports is due to cross-devices conversions. Facebook is able to track users across different devices or browsers as long as they are signed into their Facebook profile. While Google relies purely on cookies. Meaning that if the same user makes two separate actions through a different browser or device, Google Analytics will attribute it as two different users.

So, what can you do to avoid these discrepancies between Facebook and Google? Well unfortunately not a lot can be done. There will always be a difference in the reporting at some level, but if you wish to close the gap between the two, you can try the following:

  • Always make sure that both Facebook pixel and GA tag are installed correctly and there are no technical issues affecting the reports.
  • Remove view-through conversions from Facebook, this will already show you a much closer data to Google Analytics.
  • Use the multi-channel report from Google Analytics.

It will help you understand the assisted conversions from different platforms and how much Facebook ads have influenced those conversions.

Finally, I would like to add that it is very important to understand that Google Analytics and Facebook are two separate tools. They use different tracking methods and they report conversions differently. Due to reporting differently, both should be seen as complementary platforms, that together they provide a bigger picture and understanding of your business advertising. There is no reason to worry about them matching a 100%.

And one last thing before I finish, if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand. Book a call below:

That is it from me until next time 😉

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How to Use a Facebook Group to Grow Your Business

DimNiko - Growing Brand

This is Patri and today I want to talk about how a Facebook Group can help you grow your business. With the changes made to the Facebook algorithm in the past year, the organic reach your Facebook page used to have back in the day is far less now. This is the first reason why you should consider creating a Facebook group for your business, as groups have a lot more engagement than pages do. Inside a Facebook group, the members can start conversations more freely compared to a page. This is exactly what Facebook wants. For us to have real interactions with our users, and a Business group will help you do exactly that.

Apart from that, Facebook groups are cost-free and a very effective way to reach your target audience. It is true that a Facebook group might not be for every kind of business, but if you think your type of product might do well with one, a group will certainly help increase your revenue.

Another aspect to consider before creating one is, if you have the time that it requires to maintain it. Facebook groups work as a community built around common interests and they encourage their members to participate and share their thoughts. It is this sense of community which will help you increase the trust between your brand and your consumers.

In order to create a group you can do so directly through your Facebook Business Page, and then your Group will appear directly on your page. Once your group has been created, a good tip in order to encourage your Page followers to join your group would be to change the click through action button on your business page to “Visit group”.

If you are already consider creating a Facebook group but you are not sure how it can help you, here are some examples:

  • To establish authority, share your blog posts, articles and show yourself as an expert.
  • To build relationships and grow a community.
  • To grow your email list and drive traffic to your site.
  • To test new products among your consumers.

Related Post: Striking Emotions to Bring in 2MM Revenue

But a group will not help you with any of the above unless it is successful, meaning there are interactions among users as well as with your shared content.

And how can you encourage your users to interact in the group?

  • Create polls: Polls are a great way to understand your audience and what they like.
  • Host events: Use the watch party feature and interact with your users in real time.
  • Create challenges: Design a challenge and ask your users to join it.
  • Welcome your new members: Create a welcome post whenever you have a certain growth in the group members.

And this is it from me today. I hope you enjoy the read and hopefully it has helped some of you consider the creation of your own Facebook Business Group. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions and remember,

if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below:

See you in my next post!

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FACEBOOK VS INSTAGRAM, What is best for your business?

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Are you considering advertising on Instagram or Facebook and wondered what would be the best option for your brand?

No questions asked, both Facebook and Instagram are two of the most popular social media platforms on the planet.

However, one of the two could be a much better fit for your business than the other.

Facebook is the top social media platform, with currently over 2 billion active users.

Facebook has also infinitely expanded the possibilities for business advertising within the past 15 years.

In the case of Instagram, created back in 2010, we can see a gradual growth of users, with currently over 1 billion registered users.

And it has reached the top 3 biggest social media platforms in the world.

One of the reasons for this growth is the increasing use of mobile phones and time spent browsing on it.

Here are some of the characteristics of Facebook vs Instagram:

The Audience.

One of the first things that comes to mind when comparing Facebook and Instagram is the target audience.

In the case of Instagram, is the perfect platform if you are looking to target a younger audience, mainly under 30.

Facebook, on the other hand, even though it is used by teens and younger users, provides you with the access to an older audience as well.

The Organic Engagement.

When we talk about engagement, Instagram is our winner.

And that is because around 67% of Instagram users interact on a daily basis with brands, liking, sharing and commenting on the posts, that is the pure culture of the platform.

For Facebook, that percentage is only 32%, and is mainly due to the algorithm.

An organic post on a Facebook page will only reach 6% of the audience.

Sharing external links.

Instagram has limitations when it comes to using external links.

It is possible to add a link to the bio of the profile, but when it comes to a regular organic post, that possibility doesn’t exist.

The only option is to create a sponsored ad.

Facebook, however, gives you the option to share as many links as you wish in your posts.

So if your goal is to share external information, like blog posts or product pages, Facebook is a better option.

Paid Ads

In terms of paid advertising, we need to consider a few important things, not only how user-friendly the platform is when creating campaigns, but also the tracking and the reporting.

And in all of these terms, both Facebook and Instagram have you covered.

However, there are a few differences between Instagram and Facebook ads, and one of them is the different type of ads that they offer.

Instagram will allow you to choose between 4 types of ads, Image ads, Video ads, Carousel ads and Story ads.

Facebook, on the other hand, offers many more types, some of those are, Lead ads, Page likes, Event responses or Instant experience ads, among others.

And if you are wondering which type of ads are best for you.

That depends mainly on the goal you would like to achieve with your campaigns, as well as your type of business.

So coming back to our main question Facebook vs Instagram, which one should you choose?

The benefits that Facebook and Instagram offer are very subjective, and they cannot replace one another.

Both platforms have different features and audiences, which means what works well for you might not be working so good for another business.

You need to find your audience and the type of content that you would like to share, and choose one to grow your social media.

Or even better, why not to choose both?

Take advantage of both platforms and test, test, test, until you have a better understanding of which platform brings the best ROI for your business.

And this is it for me, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions and remember,

if you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand.

Book a call below:

Until next time 😉

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Why Should You Be Using Facebook Messenger Ads?

DimNiko - Facebook Messenger Ads

Have you ever wondered if Messenger ads could help you to drive sales,

Increase conversions,

Or get qualified leads?

The answer is yes – Messenger ads can help you do all that.

And why is that?

Well, because Messenger ads allow you to have real and organic conversations with your customers.

And by reaching customers instantly, you will be able to increase conversions and response rates.

There are two options when it comes to the Messenger campaign objective,

You can pick between:

Sponsored messages ads

And Click to messenger ads.

Sponsored messages allow you to message someone directly that you already had a conversation with in Messenger.

These ads look like a regular message from a friend

But instead it’s a message from a business.

As I have already mentioned,

With Sponsored messages you can only target people who have previously messaged your Facebook page.

So if you would like to run Sponsored message ads, but if the number of people who have messaged your page is too low,

You can start using Call to messenger ads first

And increase the number of people that will message you

And therefore increase your audience for Sponsored messages.

This is a great option for middle of funnel retargeting campaigns,

For example –

If you have a limited time offer or a brand new product that you want to share with your customers right away.

Click to messenger ads on the other hand

Appear on the regular Facebook or Instagram feed.


Unlike a typical news feed ad,

The CTA will say “Send Message”

And will open a Messenger chat when you click on it.

You can even personalise your ad by adding the user’s name,

And you can also set up quick replies with the most frequent questions asked for customers to pick from,

Or buttons to send people to a destination outside the messenger conversation.

Another option would be to connect a bot

So people will receive instant responses based on what they message back.

Are you still wondering why you should try Facebook Messenger ads?

Here are some more advantages:

  1. You can reach people faster than with any other type of ads.

Using a live chat service in some way will help you increase your conversions,

Because responding to a potential client fast will increase your chances of closing a deal.

  1. You can send users personalized messages.

You can only do this for people who have interacted with your ads previously.

You can get direct messages to a user within their Messenger,

So you are not restricted only to the news feed,

Meaning you can reach out to your audience with a more natural personalized message

And this gives you a better shot at landing conversions compared to a regular remarketing ad on their feed.

  1. Your chat will remain in the user’s Messenger inbox.

Either if you use Sponsored messages

Or Click to messenger ads,

Your chats will remain in your user’s inbox

And that is great for retargeting purposes.

  1. They offer the ability to talk with users directly.

Messenger ads give you the possibility to understand your users needs immediately.

And to wrap things up,

Remember that the best practice when it comes to Facebook messenger advertising

Is to start with Click to messenger ads.

And once you have enough users that have engaged with your Page via messages,

You can re-engaged with those users sending a message with Sponsored messages.

The advantage of using a Sponsored message over other types of ads

Is that your audience will receive a notification in their Facebook inbox

And therefore are more likely to engage with the ad compared to other regular ads.

And you, have you already tried Messenger ads? What are you waiting for?

If you are spending over $500 a day and you want to scale your brand

Book a call below:

Until next time 😉