If you are struggling to lower your CPA, maybe you are facing the same issue a lady I was talking to last week was dealing with.
She was spending about $10K a month on Facebook but could not scale further without seeing a horrid return in results.
After taking a 5 minute look at her current ads and her ad account I could tell straight away what the problem was.
The product was appealing mostly to a younger target market that were facing a set of specific issues
But the problem was her ads were not aligning with that.
Her ads were targeted towards a totally different audience.
To me it was super obvious but often being inside the Business everyday stops you from seeing things from a different perspective
The target market she should have been tailoring her ads towards is a much larger market and much more emotionally driven audience
So I know once she tweaks her creative strategy she will see an improvement in results and will be able to scale quickly
For you right now, this is what you should do.
Take a look at your ad creatives
Your images, your videos, your ad copy messaging
And ask yourself who is this actually appealing too?
And then ask yourself…
Is that who I want it to appeal to?
Are you actually talking about the real problems your niche is experiencing?
Are you making it incredibly clear that your product is the solution to their problems?
And then really hammering home the benefits of your product?
Plain and simple
If your ads are appealing to the wrong target audience how can you expect your ads to scale profitably?
You cant.
If you want me to have a peek inside your brand
And spot the obvious issues you are making
And help solve them so you too can scale to $5K / $10K or $20K a day in profitable ad spend
Book a call below and let’s work through this together.
Peace Out.
Dan (Head of Partnerships at DimNiko Agency)