Lately, I’ve been testing Catalog Sale campaigns for both prospecting and retargeting audiences.
70% of the time, they work superbly on retargeting, especially on PV3-30 and ATC+IC7 or 30.
90% of the time, they work if the product is good and you have a lot of variations. Or if your store has hundreds of products relating to the main product your customer just bought. They work even better on retention campaigns.
Read More: Built-In Solutions to Customize Your Catalog Sales Ads
Retention Audiences
For those who don’t know, Retention = Customers who bought from your brand 1, 2, 3, or 4+ times.
You can create one specific campaign and put these 4 audience segments into 4 ad sets. It works like crazy!
Prospecting Audiences
Only 30% of Catalog Sale campaigns I would say will work on cold prospecting audiences.
But as always, it might be a larger % if you test a lot and if you know what you are doing.
For those who don’t know, Prospecting = Audiences that don’t know your product(s).
After testing dozens of accounts with Catalog Sales campaigns, I can easily predict how successful my CS campaigns will be.
The success of these campaigns will reflect many things. But here are a few:
- How many products you have in your store
- How great images/videos you have for your products
- How your products are sorted
- How special and unique are your products
- How good ad copy and/or discounts you have
- and more.
Action Steps
If you have hundreds of products in your store, you need to follow these 3 steps:
STEP 1 – Sort products by category, vibe, or angle, and create several collections on your website with cool names
STEP 2 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create several Product Sets based on your collections
STEP 3 – Go into Commerce Manager in FB and create one Product Sets with all products you have and put filter ‘available’ just to be sure
Then you need to start TESTING.
Retargeting System
First, set up the retargeting campaigns and figure out what ‘product sets’ and formats are working in your store.
You can test the ‘All products’ set on all retargeting segments, and you can test ‘specific collections’ sets based on visitors who browsed specific web pages or collection pages on your website.
Under format, you can test Single Image or Video, Carousel, and a Collection.
In the beginning, put all 3 in each ad set to see which format across all testing will be the winner.
These are very simple basics that will add lots of sales to your cart easily.
Then you have cold traffic or prospecting testing.
Same thing. First test ‘all products’ set and then test all ‘collections sets’ in all 3 formats.
Test first on fairly broad audiences to see what catches attention and brings conversions under your KPI.
After you see what ‘collection’ and ‘format’ outperform others, you can start optimizing campaigns and launch more testing campaigns.
The scaling process here is by launching tons of interests in all kinds of combinations.
Test LLAs and test Interests.
Then after 7-14 days analyze results and go into the optimization process.
Your goal is to have one collection ‘set’ and one ‘format’ that works well on as many campaigns as possible.
For one client I run half of the prospecting campaigns with catalog sales.
Only CAROUSELS because they work like crazy.
When campaigns stop performing, I change the filter in ‘product set’ to get more or fewer products.
Sometimes I also change the collection set with new creatives or add some new products IN.
I see in this account I manage and spend 15k per day, I can push my catalog sales from $300 – $1k easily. Same on retargeting.
They are all less fragile about budgets than regular campaigns with images or videos.
At one point all my cold traffic was based on catalog sales and CPA was ½ cheaper than with regular conversion campaigns.
So I suggest you start finding out how you can add CATALOG SALES campaigns to your account right now.
If you are not using them, you’re leaving lots of advertising $$$ on the table. 🙂