I’m running ads for a big client. We’re spending around 4-6k per day and his average day for the past 90 days was $30k of revenue. Last month they did $1.1MM in sales. And it was the same in April and March. From May 1st 2019 to May 1st 2020 they did 10MM of sales. Some months were below 1MM and some above. They never went under 700k per month.
Pretty epic ha?
Their online conversion store is 5.24% and they’re using Shopify.
Total orders in that period = 200K
Average order value = $50
Country: US
Now, what are they selling I won’t tell you…but what I can tell you is this.
- Their creatives are nothing special.
- Their landing page is nothing special.
- Their apps are nothing special.
- Their funnel is nothing special.
So what is special you will ask?
I would like to say that ‘the one’ who runs ads (Hint: ME)…but you know this is only a fraction of their sales. What is special here is the “branding” and they are the biggest in the US. Everybody knows them and they’re proud to be the best. But what I think is even more important than the branding is the product that soon goes off after some period.
Related Topic: How to Strengthen or Build Your Brand
So you need more of it. And more. And more. Like oil. Or gas. Or meat. Or milk. Etc.
What is the word for it? Perfect expiration product? Yes, if you have a great product that expires in 30 days, then you have an enormous advantage.
Hint: It doesn’t have to be food. I’m also not talking about cheap products that just die after a month here…I’m talking about products that are so good, you want to use them everyday. Then when you use them everyday, they slowly fade into nothing. You can’t eat or drink them because if you could, then probably it wouldn’t last even one day.The taste of them would be too magical to resist.
So if you’re spending over $500 a day and want to scale your brand bring more sales and optimize the brand
Book a call with us below:
We can make things happen.
We have recipes for different scaling strategies. Small and big, branding and white-label ones. What you need is a partner who you can trust and who will grow with you hand in hand.
Have a wonderful day,
Matej – Senior media buyer at DimNiko