
Ideal Audience Size for Facebook Ads

When Facebook advertising just appeared, it’s biggest advantage compared to TV ads or newspapers or billboards was very detailed targeting. Facebook gave advertisers the ability to narrow down the targeting and create really segmented audiences. So the ideal audience size for Facebook ads back then was under 100.000 people. This was the sweet spot for achieving your goal – finding the best targeting and getting the best results. But years have passed and Facebook’s algorithm has gotten much smarter. The end of 2019 and the first half of 2020 have shown that Facebook is tending to more automated schemes. 

Since the introduction of CBO the ideal audience size for Facebook ads increased significantly. Today the broader the audience is, the better results you will get. So the best audience size for Facebook ads in 2020 is over 1.000.000 people.

Here are some ideas on how to broaden your audience size:

Increasing the Percentage of the Lookalikes. 

As we just discussed, the best audience size for Facebook ads has significantly increased. So it is also important to increase the percentage of the lookalike audiences we’re using. But let’s start with the minimum size for Facebook custom audience from which we will create a lookalike audience. Facebook custom audience minimum size is 20 people.  But Facebook custom audience minimum size for building a lookalike is 100 people. Though Facebook recommends to have a bigger core audience in order to give more data to the lookalike audience. And instead of creating a 1% or 2% lookalike, it is recommended to create a 10% lookalike in order to give the algorithm more space for optimizing.

Using Expanded interests

Whenever you’re targeting specific interests, don’t forget to mark expand your interests box. This will broaden your audience to the best size for Facebook ads.

Selecting as Many Suggested Audiences as Possible. 

Facebook’s algorithm knows your audience very well, so it suggests you specific interests. The more relevant interests you can find, the bigger your audience will become.

Broadening Demographics

Another easy way to expand your audience is broadening the demographics. The best practice will be targeting all ages and all genders because there are always people from different categories that can be interested in your product and Facebook will find them. So as the ideal audience size for Facebook ads has expanded, the main concept is to give Facebook more data for optimizing.

This will help the algorithm find the best audience for your business and help you scale your business.

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Maryana from DimNiko 🙂

Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

EPOCH Facebook Community

A Facebook community for top-level marketers to discuss and share hyper-advanced online marketing strategies. Network and learn from the best in the industry.

Daily Scale Newsletter

The Daily Scale newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox discussing top insights and strategies our agency uses every single day on our 7 figure DTC brands.