Here are 6 quick improvements you can make to your ads in the next 7-10 days that will improve your results. 9 in 10 ad accounts I look at are making these mistakes. And these accounts are spending anywhere from $10K to $150K a month in ad spend. So beginners and even experienced brands have serious room to grow.
1 – Exclusions at your Top of Funnel
I can bet your cold traffic ads are still not targeting purely cold traffic which means your ads are not scalable even though they are profitable. Good chance you are hitting a spend ceiling and cant scale anymore and this is the reason. Make sure to exclude FB & Insta engagers, website visitors and customers from TOF ads
2 – Start using Dynamic Creative
Give your prospects a better user experience with DC and let Facebook choose the best combinations to put in front of your audience not you. We are finding great success scaling accounts past $10K a day ad spend with dynamic creative
Related Post: Are You Really Testing Creatives on Facebook or Is It the Luck of the Draw?
3 Use Broader Audiences
Facebook is smarter than all of us put together so if you have a decently seasoned pixel broaden your campaigns. Stack interests into an ad set, stack lookalikes into an ad set, even run no targeting and let FB optimise. This is allowing us to scale accounts fast and profitably.
4 Have a clear account structure
You need clear TOF campaigns, MOF campaigns, BOF campaigns and retention campaigns (Potentially these depending on your brand). This will stop a lot of the audience overlap and it allows you to show different creatives to different audiences.
5 Make some better TOF creatives
Every account has so much more room to improve TOF creatives. Stalk some of your favorite brands using the ad library and make some better god damn creatives.
Your customers are a goldmine for more profits and user generated content. Incentivize them to film content for you, in exchange for a free product or discounts or giveaways whatever it may be. The more content you get from them the more UGC you can test and the further you can scale
Related Post: Are Your Ads Actually Scalable
I am sure this helped a lot. If you have any questions book a call below and let’s work through this together.
Dan (Head of Partnerships at DimNiko Agency)