
Top 5 Visual Trends We Expect To See In eComm For 2022

There is a widespread opinion that 2022 is going to top up 2021. And we agree with that. Now that we’ve switched to a digital way of living, we aren’t going back for millennia. Ask yourselves; is my eComm brand competitive?

Read More: The Top 3 Trends We Expect to See in eCommerce Marketing Throughout 2021

Better visuals will dominate in 2022. All these TikTok trends and Reels have reinvented the perception of creatives. 

Thus, It’s worth spending more time and investment to create better visuals.

Here are the top 5 visual tactics you can consider using: 

1. Create 360-degree images or videos of your top-selling products.

2. Invest in a visual search tool to allow customers to search for products using images.

3. Repurpose user-generated content on your product pages to boost conversion rate.

4. Use QR tagging to connect and blend offline and online content.

5. Create an interactive 3D visual, often functional with highly configurable products.

You can jump on these trends, and if you need quality help from eComm professionals, shoot us a message.

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eCommerce Titans Podcast

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