As we all know the key to having a profitable Black Friday weekend is building up valuable audiences in advance!
There are many different ways to do this. We’ve discussed some in previous posts and podcasts, but today, I’m going to talk about another smart approach.
Let’s say we’re selling books. Different genres, different authors, different languages.
Read More: Are You Utilizing the Full Extent of Catalog Display and Retargeting Options Post iOS14?
Buying a book is a very intentional purchase. People are usually looking for a specific title or casually browsing (think wandering around a bookstore) trying to find something to spark their interest. And, of course, they’re great presents to consider for the holidays.
The question is: how to engage with the audience and make them warm for future purchases.
Currently, we’re facing these exact issues with one of our clients.
The strategy we’ve found to work best is this:
We started to create different types of posts that raise questions to spark interest in their audience.
For example: Who’s your favorite author? What’s your favorite genre? How many books have you read this year? What was the last book you’ve read? And so on…
In order to get more engagement on these posts, we added them to a campaign optimized for page post engagement.
The audience is very broad since everybody might be reading books so no specific demographics are needed.
By running this campaign we initiate discussions.
People might be even talking to each other if they find other fans of their favorite author or genre. They might be exchanging titles of their favorite books with each other.
We’re trying to initiate a small book club in our comments.
It’s important to understand that this campaign is not optimized for conversions, so most likely you won’t be getting any purchases. But it’s definitely not a reason to switch it off.
The purpose of this campaign is to build the right audience for retargeting.
These people are definitely interested in books if they’re taking the time to answer the questions. They might not be ready to purchase right now because they don’t need a new book, but they might return to your store when you show them a nice offer.
And you’re going to show them a nice offer on the Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend by retargeting this audience in your Middle of Funnel Campaign – which is based on the Facebook or Instagram engagers.
This audience might also be a very good core audience for building lookalikes. This is even better than targeting specific interests because we know that these people already have books as their interests.
It’s very important to constantly monitor the comments under the posts in order to understand the intentions of the users. Let’s say your question is «How many books have you read this year?» And all the answers are: «None», «Hate books», «Never opened one», «This year was awful enough, books would’ve made it worse» and so on.
Obviously, this is not the perfect audience to retarget, the engagement might be high but these people will never change their mind and won’t purchase a book even if you show them the best sale ever.
In this case, I would recommend deleting this post from the campaign and focusing on those which have more relevant answers.
This tactic might obviously work for absolutely different products. The key is finding the correct questions or topics that can initiate the correct discussions.
In other words good luck in building up your audiences before BFCM and Christmas!
If you’d like to know more about the tactics we’re using in the agency in order to acquire new users.