
Launched an App – Now What?

Garyth here from DimNiko Agency

Are you thinking of adding an eCommerce App to your brand? 

There’s tons of benefits to having an App where your customers can go and purchase items from your online store. 

Everything from the ease of the customer journey, easily trackable, and in-app push notifications. 

Today we’re going to discuss app development in eCommerce and how to position it to build your customer base.

Read More: This Is What We’ve Learned from Launching a Brand New E-Commerce Brand and Store in Late 2020!

Developing, designing, and testing an app is a long journey, 

Your creative team has been put through the wringer, app updates are happening a lot more often than envisioned, you’re growing but it’s a slow process. 

At this stage many start-up founders and investors come to an impasse: 

Do you continue making things look and feel pretty or do you invest time and resources into building out your app community?

The answer: BOTH.

Developing your app is a journey that never stops. 

There’ll always be room for improvement, always a bug to squash, and the design and testing process itself can take months.

The question is, when do we focus our energy on building out a community that engages with our app?

The answer: RIGHT NOW!

An app is meaningless without an engaged user base, all of your monetization streams mean nothing without users. 

All that hard work, months of development, countless hours of testing is all in vain if you don’t have consumers using your tech.

At Dimniko, we advise our app clients to budget for acquisition early on. 

That way, while you’re grabbing attention, developing interest you’re also building our desire in your community, to ultimately attract ACTION.

An active, engaged user base means you have another platform to promote your eCommerce product and showcase the value of your brand. 

Testing, optimizing and scaling your customer acquisition strategy is fundamental to any business’ success, however, it’s paramount when developing an app!

Focus on adding value to your user base, just never forget that building out that user base, expanding to new territories and captivating market segments will become your primary objective.

If you’ve been building your app and have some customer acquisition tips, we’d love to hear them!

Until then, cheers!


Additional Resources

eCommerce Titans Podcast

eCommerce Titans by Dim Niko is the industry-leading podcast that brings together the cutting edge growth strategy, tips, and approaches of 8-9 figure eCommerce Entrepreneurs, Founders, CMOs and CEOs.

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