
Non-Essential Product Scales to $100k/Day Amidst Virus Crisis – It’s Not Too Late

I know everyone is freaking out about advertising right now. We were too…In fact, we felt the full effect of this 3 weeks ago. To be perfectly transparent, as we’re so very well known to be, our client results were down and we lost a lot of clients. We told everyone not to panic. We tried to explain that it’s cyclical. That everyone was feeling this. That the weak would be washed out which would leave the wise in a very powerful position for growth.

With advertisers dropping out of the market, companies growing fearful, and screen time increasing, CPMs would go drop. Not to mention the boredom skyrocketing conversions. However, they did freak out. But, others listened and weathered the storm. And now we’ve seen the tide turn. Take a look at this one client – who we scaled from $2k/day in spend to almost $20k/day in profitable spend.



Casually a 9X increase in spend while increasing ROAS from 2.65X to 4.19X. Yep, they’ve now turned into an $80,000/day powerhouse brand, and we’re on track to crack 6 figures daily. The best part? They’re not an ‘essential good’. They’re not price gouging face masks, or sanitiser, and posting screenshots about it, like all the gurus out at the moment.

Related Post: From $200K a Month Ad Spend to Zero.. What Happened?

This happened by making one minor tweak…

We worked closely with our clients to reposition their brands from non-essentials, to essentials. You see, while many of the ‘victim’ brand owners are arguing that consumers are losing their jobs, and no longer want to buy their products, we realised something. People are now at home, bored out of their brains, and literally couldn’t spend their money if they tried! People have more time, more disposable income, and are more inclined to buy from you than ever.

So long as the messaging is right. By repositioning the beauty brand above into a boredom buster, we were able to generate a phenomenal result.

And you can do the same. Here’s the thing. At the moment, with many being too afraid to advertise, we have a lot of time on our hands. So next week, our head of partnerships, Dan, and myself, will be doing free consultations with anyone that asks for it. We usually charge $2,000 USD for this, but have opened 5 slots only. The catch? We want to connect with cool business owners – with cool brands. So we won’t be offering these calls to just anyone.

In the call, we’ll be reformulating your messaging and product positioning, turning your brand into an essential that people will be panic buying and hoarding, as it flies of the shelves.

To see if you qualify,

Please complete the form here


First 5 only. Looking forward to it.

Dim Niko

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