If you’re an eCommerce brand, you know the hurdles that come along with it
We’re talking about the pits and falls of Facebook Marketing. Where 1 day your ads are pushing out sales with the cash flow piling up, then the very next day it’s not spending a dime.
There’s still no advertising platform comparable to Facebook. That’s just a fact.
But, as we move into 2022, it’s obvious that eCommerce Brands needs to be diversifying their traffic to help navigate through the roller coaster we all love to hate – Facebook Ads.
We’re talking running ads on a variety of platforms.
Any platform you think your audience could be – or maybe even a small pocket audience – you need to be there.
Because, a matter of fact, if you aren’t, your competition is…
In this on-demand masterclass, our team of expert eCommerce media buyers have put together a series of in-depth training videos for eCommerce brand owners alike to watch and learn from.
Our team covers: Facebook & Instagram Advertising (duh?), Pinterest, TikTok, Google, and Organic Social Media.
Of course there’s more platforms to take advantage of, but these are the ones we utilize most for our brands and want to share how we grow them with you.
What can you expect from this masterclass?
This masterclass isn’t for the light hearted.
If you’re serious about your brand’s growth and want to adventure into new advertising platforms, then sign up below.
What’s the cost? 100% FREE!
This would traditionally be worth upwards of $5,000, but our team convinced leadership to offer it for free – our ultimate goal is to see eCommerce brands flourish.
Oh, and before we forget…. we’re offering a FREE 1-hour strategy session to explore what platforms would be best for your brand.
The strategy call will come after you watch the masterclass of course… because we want you to be well versed on the topic before we talk about your strategy.
What are you waiting for?
Claim your seat below!
A on-demand masterclass, guiding you through how we diversify client's traffic exploring 5 different platforms. Free for you to explore on your own time.
Access to 6 different media buyers' strategies, research and knowledge on each platform.
Have all your 8 figure traffic diversifying questions answered by those who have done it before.
Private 1-hour coaching call to dive deep in your Brand identifying new
opportunities to grow
Ask your questions and get real answers from our team of experts.
Value: $4,995
Enter Your First Name & Valid Email Address Below To Receive Access to DimNiko’s Traffic Diversification Masterclass + a 1-Hour In-Depth Strategy Call.