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Are You Running Google Shopping Campaigns?

DimNiko | Google Shopping Campaigns?

Heads up fellow Google Advertisers / Media Buyers!

The platform is updating its systems to prepare for the Smart Shopping to Performance Max transition.

Google announced that they will automatically transition existing smart shopping campaigns into Performance Max campaigns in July to September of this year. Standard campaigns will be transitioned automatically in August to September 2022.

Google Ads will be offering a tool for advertisers that wants to transition their current shopping campaigns to Performance Max ahead of the given months.

Read More: Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns – Latest addition to Google Ads

Google is launching a “one-click” self-service tool for advertisers that would like to transition their smart shopping campaigns or standard campaigns ahead of the mentioned months above.

The tool will be available for Smart Shopping campaigns starting in April, with support for standard campaigns starting in June this year.

Based on beta testing, advertisers who upgrade Smart Shopping campaigns to Performance Max see an average increase of 12% in conversion value at the same or better return on ad spend (ROAS), according to Google (results may vary).

Advertisers can use the tool to transition specific shopping campaigns, or all of them at once. Learnings and data from existing campaigns will be used in the new Performance Max campaign.

This is a significant change in how smart Shopping and standard shopping campaigns work. Advertisers that don’t want to transition those campaigns over to Performance Max should begin exploring other options, as these campaign types will be gone by the end of September 2022.

It may take a while to test out your own shopping campaigns that transitioned with the self-service tool once it’s available.

Once existing Smart Shopping and Standard shopping campaigns are transitioned to Performance Max, advertisers can no longer be able to create new shopping campaigns that we are used to. This transition process is scheduled to conclude by the end of September this year.

Google also announced last December 2021 that beginning on 15th of February 2022, all existing and future smart shopping campaigns will use a shared budget type. The change will not have any impact on performance and the campaigns will continue to run like a standard, non-shared campaign budget.

See Google Announcement regarding Shopping Campaigns Transition to Performance Max Campaign here
See Google Announcement regarding Smart Shopping Shared budget here