Messenger Case Study

My unique Facebook Messenger strategy that generated 254 orders and $23,987.64 in ONE DAY.

Hey! Just wanted to say a quick thanks for checking out my site.

So this was by far one of my most epic client wins.

The messenger strategy I’m going to talk about was just one piece of this campaign.

The actual campaign did $76,162 in sales in a single day. Needless to say it made one happy client.

But for now, I’m only going to talk about the messenger piece of the puzzle.

We used a tool called Manychat.

Manychat is a messenger ‘bot’. It lets you automate replies, build a list, create sequences, etc. It’s a lot like email, but cooler.

In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re probably going through my Manychat sequence right now. Pretty cool, hey!

So why messenger? What’s so special about it? Why not just use our email list?

Here’s why:

Every time we send a broadcast to our list, the customer’s phone vibrates in their pocket with a Facebook notification.

And you’re compelled to open every Facebook message you get. It’s a completely different game to email.

No more 10% open rates. No more 2% click through rates. This is the real deal. Here are the stats we’re getting using messenger:

Pretty phenomenal stuff. That’s why they call it the “email killer”.

Will it actually kill email? Probably not. Email has its place, and serves a very different function. But that’s a conversation for another day.

Regardless, with stats like these you would be a fool if you weren’t focusing on building your messenger list.

So back to the campaign…

The client was a fitness apparel company – a ‘fitness lifestyle’ brand that has grown primarily via influencers.

(Influencers are massively undervalued by the way. If you’re selling physical products think about this strategy before they catch on.)

So we already had an established brand and loyal following.

The entire brand was built on Instagram. This was a serious issue for me for a number of reasons:

  1. All the client’s eggs were in one basket – what happens if they (for whatever reason) lose their account?
  2. No direct contact with the customers. They only see what you post. And only when they’re on Insta.
  3. The paid advertising is generally weaker than Facebook.
  4. This was the biggest one: With Facebook’s algorithm change now barely showing business page’s posts, it’s only a matter of time before Instagram follows. That made me scared for the client. If IG’s algorithm kills their reach, then that’s the end of the business.

I knew we had to take them to Facebook, and fast.

So we needed to build an audience. Sure we could do this the normal way – cross promotion, ads, etc.

But I didn’t want to lose money on ads for my client. I wanted to make him a bunch of money in the process. It’s what I do.

So here’s what we did:

Step 1: Create Manychat growth tool link.

This link, when clicked by the customer, opens up a messenger conversation and adds them to our list.

We needed a way to drive traffic to the link, so we decided to run a giveaway.

We gave away a full tracksuit and hoodie combo. To enter, all the customer had to do was click the link. Easy.

Here’s what happens when clicking the link:

That’s got to be the simplest giveaway entry you’ve seen right? People were literally sending us hundreds of messages responding to that after entering, saying how awesome the whole messenger giveaway opt-in was.

Step 2: Traffic and Sign-ups

Next was traffic. We needed to figure out how to get thousands of people on the list. For us it was a no brainer – share it across other social platforms.

What worked extremely well was adding it to the clients Instagram story, and telling people to “swipe up to enter”.

They swiped up. Messenger opened. Done.

It was the sleekest giveaway campaign I’ve ever run, and we were building a badass list in the process.

I know what you’re thinking – “I don’t have 100,000 followers on Instagram to send to the link”.

Run an ad then you goofball. It’s not hard to make giveaways go viral. I’ve gone over this in some of the other articles on my site.

And it definitely works. I’ve built messenger lists with thousands of subscribers with very little adspend, and absolutely no Instagram following. Stop making excuses.

Back to the campaign…

So we were pretty much done, this generated about 6000 opt-ins, and we had now moved a decent chunk of our audience over to Facebook messenger.

Now we can broadcast messages to these people whenever we like, and we know that we’ll get a phenomenal open rate and CTR.

But I wasn’t done. We hadn’t made any money yet – and that’s not my style.

Step 3: Monetize

So I had built a list of people who were definitely interested in the product (they wanted to win it), and were eager to find out whether or not they won.

This meant they were just waiting for that follow up message.

What we did next was genius, and since then, I’ve run this campaign over and over again with many different clients, getting them huge wins.

We announced the winner.


Everyone won.

Wait what?

Yeah… So of course there was a winner of the trackies and hood, but we also hit everyone else on the list with a runner up prize.

It’s important to note, before going on, that the reason why this worked so well was because people felt they had genuinely won a prize – a prize that if they did not claim, was going to waste.

I’m going to show you the message first, then I’ll break it down.

So the goal with the message was to make it as personalised as possible.

As I mentioned, people needed to feel as though they had genuinely won something (despite sending this message to the entire list!).

Firstly, we used the ‘full name’ tag. Looking back on it now, I would have just used their first name so that it seemed less automated, but it did the job.

Then we gave them $15 off orders over $75. Pretty much just a small discount.

However, its important that you specify a dollar amount, and present it as a ‘store credit’, not a discount.

That way the customer feels as though the prize is going to waste if they don’t claim it. Like it’s a genuine, tangible win.

Make them feel special.

This is also the reason why we had the photo of the voucher too.

Note that we told them that the code was unique, again, personalizing the process.

Finally, we added urgency by setting a deadline to claim the code.

Of course, we sent a follow up broadcast just before the deadline to remind the customers.

Step 4: The Results

We got great results. I attribute this to how personalised the message was, and how much it actually resembled a prize, rather than a discount.

Before I go into the immediate results, I want to make this very clear…

The real win here was building a list of over 5000 subscribers. Since then, we’ve used this list to broadcast many different offers, generating a heap more sales than we did with the giveaway.

Building out the marketing asset is where the real value was.

But since you’re all short-sighted and want instant gratification (Think long game guys! This is why my clients win), I’ll go over the results…

On the day the runner up prize was announced, the discount code tracked 254 orders and $23,987 in sales.

Not bad.

Here’s proof:

Guys, if you’re selling physical product, you need to run a campaign like this yesterday!

If you’re selling services, I’ve also written a post about how you can apply this strategy. Feel free to check it out on my site.

Give this a go and let me know how you go.

Can’t wait to hear from you.

Also, if you guys want to have a chat about how we can implement some of these crazy growth hacks in your business, shoot me a Facebook message:

Talk soon.
